Concept imagery shows autonomous, hypersonic Royal Navy strike drones launching from a floating base in the stratosphere.

Is it feasible? Probably not, no but engineers have taken a look at how the Royal Navy could embrace autonomous technology.

Led by a design challenge for young engineers from UK Naval Engineering Science and Technology (UKNEST), the Royal Navy say it will develop a ‘Future Autonomous Fleet programme’ that could shape how it operates over the next 50 years.

The floating drone base station.

“Stemming from the design challenge, the future vision envisages drones based in the stratosphere to be launched at a moment’s notice; uncrewed fast attack crafts housing smaller autonomous boats; aircraft carriers propelled by both sea-based biofuels and wind power; and an underwater flagship at the centre of the fleet.

Other conceptual ideas include the increased use of artificial intelligence to assist with low-level planning and underwater transport units carrying anything from munitions to food.”

A ‘Fast Strike’ drone.

Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral Nick Hine said:

“In a future scenario if we find ourselves unable to compete traditionally in terms of mass, we must think differently if we are to regain operational advantage. The young engineers who worked on this project are thinking radically and with real imagination and reflects how the Royal Navy is thinking too.”

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. My only question is, whether this is realistic or not, why would this be under the control of the RN as opposed to the RAF or maybe even RSF (Royal Space Force 😂)?

  2. With stratosphere winds at 60 to 70 meteres a second they will need to have huge engines and fuel tanks to stay over target!! This will never happen.

    • Have a look at the UK HAV Airlander lighter than air heavy lift concepts with body shape itself generating lift once moving. Not saying that is anywhere near this concept but I can imagine a time when lighter than air models, coupled with solar power once airborne and body shape generating lift and propulsion into a headwind (similar to an albatros in nature) may provide a loitering presence (20 to 30 days at a time?) in places such as mid Atlantic..albeit at more modest altitudes. Intended amphibious capabilities would, in theory, allow for recovery of USV etc. USNavy and Marines are studying HAV.

    • Could be an interesting ride. Interestingly there are concepts of this nature being proposed for a permanent presence on Venus… well around Venus at extremely high levels anyway where apparently many think that the atmosphere might be reasonably un-killer like.

    • Thanks Reaper for putting the Dampener on this bit of Blue Sky thinking International Resues arch enemy The Hood would have found away round that little problem

  3. As I said on FB yesterday this idea was thought of by a certain Glenn A Larson in the 70s . It’s a Cylon basestar. An Ai operated mothership with AI dones (cylon fighters). The destruction of the 13th colony is nigh…So say we all.🤣

  4. Based in the stratosphere, are they building Cloudbase? If so those have to be called Angel Interceptors. This is the voice of the mysterons.


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