The Ministry of Defence recently published its ‘UK Armed Forces Biannual Diversity Statistics’ for October 2023.

Released on December 21, 2023, the report comprehensively covers aspects of gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, and sexual orientation of military personnel.

The report states that female representation in the UK Regular Forces as of October 1, 2023, stands at 11.7%, marking a “0.3 percentage points” increase from the previous year. In the Future Reserves 2020 (FR20), female representation has risen to 15.9%. However, it notes a decrease in female intake over the past year, down to 12.3% from 12.9%.

Highlighting the progress in ethnic diversity, the report reveals that ethnic minorities (excluding white minorities) now make up 10.6% of the UK Regular Forces, an increase from 9.9%. The FR20 has seen a smaller yet positive change, rising to 6.2% from 6.1%. The intake of ethnic minorities into the combined forces has significantly increased to 11.7%, up by “2.8 percentage points” from the previous year.

The MOD reiterates its commitment to “achieving a more diverse workforce,” underlining the importance of reflecting the society the Armed Forces serve. The report acknowledges the initiatives to increase the recruitment of ethnic minorities and women.

The document also reflects on policy changes, particularly the lifting of restrictions on women in ground close combat roles, announced in July 2016. This move, grounded in the principle of “equality of opportunity and maximising talent,” has opened up previously restricted roles to women. Since 2019, “all roles within the Armed Forces have been open to women,” with the sole exception of Gurkhas.

Changes in recruitment criteria, especially for Commonwealth citizens, are also covered. The five-year UK residency requirement, reintroduced in 2013 and then removed in November 2018, signifies efforts to increase Commonwealth recruitment in the Armed Forces.


11.7%Female representation in the UK Regular Forces
as at 1 October 2023
This has increased by 0.3 percentage points compared with 1 October 2022 (11.4%)
15.9%Female representation in the Future Reserves 2020
as at 1 October 2023
This has increased by 0.2 percentage points compared with 1 October 2022 (15.7%)
12.3%Of total intake into the combined UK Regular Forces and the Future Reserves 2020 were female
in the 12 months to 30 September 2023
This has decreased by 0.6 percentage points compared with 30 September 2022 (12.9%)


10.6%Ethnic minorities (excluding white minorities) representation in the UK Regular Forces
as at 1 October 2023
This has increased by 0.7 percentage points compared with 1 October 2022 (9.9%)
6.2%Ethnic minorities (excluding white minorities) representation in the Future Reserves 2020
as at 1 October 2023
This has increased by 0.1 percentage points compared with 1 October 2022 (6.1%)
11.7%Of total intake into the combined UK Regular Forces and the Future Reserves 2020 were ethnic minorities (excluding white minorities)
in the 12 months to 30 September 2023
This has increased by 2.8 percentage points compared with 30 September 2022 (8.9%)

You can read more here.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Jim (@guest_775576)
6 months ago

It amazes me that no one releases stats on how many male nurses or doctors are in the NHS or how many male students are at university.

I’m frankly amazed that even 12% of the armed forces are female. I take my hat off to those women however I know virtually no women who have ever been interested in a career in the armed forces which is also totally fine.

People should be able to do the job they wish assuming they are physically able.

We need two get away from racists and sexist quota’s and tracking numbers.

Mark F
Mark F (@guest_775583)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Jim, Im in total agreement with you, no matter gender,colour,creed or religion all should be treated fairly, if they have what it takes to fill a position and ‘cut the mustard’ so to speak, then why not ! I know a woman started at 18 yrs old, now in her early 40’s who went through the ranks in the Navy, she earned herself a Royal Marines green beret and currently serves as an officer, her last job i know of was teaching Navy,Army and Royal Airforce Self defence (not CQC). She is no mine, but im proud of her, she… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Mark F
Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_775878)
6 months ago
Reply to  Mark F

No ethnicity or shirt lifters please

Jonathan (@guest_775678)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Interestingly the number of male nurses to female nurses is around 11.5% to 88.5%…some European nations tend to see higher numbers..up to about 23%. But you tend to see differences related to specialty and grade. Male nurses make up a higher percentage of the higher grade workforce ( they don’t have the having a baby pause and return to part time), they also tend to congregate into those areas where there is more acuity/trauma ( as well as violence) so you will see a greater percentage in Accident and emergency ( which is sometimes quite frankly like being a cross… Read more »

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_775770)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Having had to take my wife to A&E on Saturday evening a few years ago when she broke her collar bone, I had a small window into the booze fueled insanity that takes place Jonathan, absolutely bloody awful for the staff…. I seem to recall one hospital trialed a A&E triage at the main door with some success, crewed by security and a nurse, they could turn around a good deal of obviously pissed up volatile idiots with nothing seriously wrong with them at the door. Plus, if someone is being overtly aggressive, then they aren’t coming in anyway. Made… Read more »

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_775767)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

“We need two get away from racists and sexist quota’s and tracking numbers.”

Now hang on a minute, isn’t that unconscious bias Jim, I’m feeling triggered now and will have to retreat to my safe place……

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_775777)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

When I started in the army – mid 70s, about 7% of the army were females – WRAC. There were very few trades open to them.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_775876)
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim

On my last ship Antrim, we. Had one black sailor he was six foot seven and not a bunny on the entire ship would fit him, he was also a black belt in karate

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_775889)
6 months ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Andy, a good mate of mine is 6″7 and he has to duck under standard doorways, I can’t imagine how this guy coped on a Frigate!

grizzler (@guest_775606)
6 months ago

I am so proud of our armed forces…now…before this I used to just thnk…meh sod em …

Last edited 6 months ago by grizzler
Coll (@guest_775645)
6 months ago

I’m not surprised when the raf hr activists has a racist policy of denying 191 applicants for being white men. HR is the most scummy of departments.

Last edited 6 months ago by Coll
Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_775880)
6 months ago
Reply to  Coll

There Were😮 no lady WRENS FIT to be stokers none fitted the needed for a hairy backside,,,,,, 😁😁😁

simon alexander
simon alexander (@guest_775649)
6 months ago

its a winner for British Forces to reflect UK demographics

Tim (@guest_775731)
6 months ago

Why , why does it matter after watching that soldier series that showed women in the infantry all I can say is god help us the bloody state of the woman when she finished the speed March coming in secounds before failing (I believe she failed and they just lied) she was in rag order looked like she was going to die coming in seconds before u fail a easy test is embarrassing and has done nothing to make the infantry more lethal all that should matter is how good u are

Simon (@guest_775764)
6 months ago
Reply to  Tim

Good point, but we have seen docs about Ukraine, untrained civilians on the front line from all walks of life. The whole of UK should be encouraged to back our forces.

Airborne (@guest_775773)
6 months ago
Reply to  Tim

Agreed sad to say, she and many others were in shit state! Let’s remember it’s a basic test and only a means to an end, you have to be fit to fight possibly prolonged combat when you get there! Although I am a full supporter of females in every role that is available, it’s all about personal effort and not stats! Watching Forces news a while ago about the tankies in the Baltic’s, female tankie got interviewed, she was on the ball and tanks seem the ideal combat role for many females!

rst 2001
rst 2001 (@guest_775884)
6 months ago
Reply to  Airborne

Yes the all female tank crews of the IDF helped saved the day for Israel during the incursion , and listening to the female idf tank commander she showed great decision making and leadership. I think the uk would benefit from the same , advertising all female tank crews , artilery units . Uk missing a trick on recruit advertisement . Obviously mixed sexes in most of forces occupation . But I reckon females would be much better suited to artilery , tanks , motar support type groups where intellect matters more than being able to run 5 miles in… Read more »

Peter S
Peter S (@guest_775857)
6 months ago
Reply to  Tim

If the policy aims to reflect society as a whole, then over 50% of the armed forces personnel should logically be women. Is that really possible across the whole range of roles? Combat infantry still require physical strength and endurance that most women (and a lot of men) can’t achieve. 120 lbs combat load is all but impossible for someone weighing about the same,
I’m not sure that encouraging women to undertake some of the nastiest and most brutal tasks is a sign of progress.

Jonathan (@guest_775682)
6 months ago

You have to maximise your recruiting from all sources if you are going to full roles and get the best…missing out on well over 60% of the workforce is a hiding to nothing…also women are just better at men in a number of areas….as men have advantages in other areas….so you want everyone.

Tim (@guest_775728)
6 months ago

Because this is what’s important

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_775749)
6 months ago

Ah well, as long as we have the inclusion, diversity and gender statistics we can wait a bit longer for actual equipment.

Kai (@guest_775795)
6 months ago

Oh how wonderful…

Micki (@guest_775822)
6 months ago

And the defence Budget is on the rise? Frigates , tanks, aircraft are on the rise ?.
Ah. Sorry, diversity is the most important for the 2030 agenda, sorry.

Jack (@guest_775841)
6 months ago

Who cares ? Effectiveness is the only thing that matters.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_775873)
6 months ago

Watching the rece documentaries on the last queen etc deployment and Duncan there is too much emphasis on showing ethnicity in the services and to the detriment of the rest of the crew’s

rst 2001
rst 2001 (@guest_775881)
6 months ago

Hurrah diversity is up . A shame total number in the army is down 3000 people in one year !. Outside of low pay which is a huge issue and modernisation of army life structure, as well as the seemingly inept length of time it takes to join the armed forces now , a big issue the recruit campaign to go woke !! Has put 1000s of recruits off . I’m all for diversity , and the IDF has clearly shown that all female tank crews are very effective which can resonate accross various units like artilery etc. But if… Read more »

Bob79 (@guest_775908)
6 months ago
Reply to  rst 2001

What’s the average time now to get from signing up to getting in? Back in the 90s I remember being quite quick. Although I’m sure mine was a bit slower when I put down about my 3 Irish grandparents and all the holidays over there when I was younger…

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_776737)
6 months ago
Reply to  Bob79

I have heard some stories that it can be up to a year.

AlexS (@guest_776280)
6 months ago

So UK Armed Forces announce to the world loudly they are racist.
It is the only answer for those numbers. it is certainly not an organic growth.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_776522)
6 months ago
Reply to  AlexS

I don’t get that comment. Many (but not all) ethnic minority youngsters are put off joining because of firm parental opposition to joining up.

AlexS (@guest_776780)
6 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

My apologies i have read wrongly the text. Ethnic minorities increase 6.2% in one year would only be possible with racist policies. Still some of the numbers imply there are racist policies in place.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_776896)
6 months ago
Reply to  AlexS

Alex, it is very serious to suggest that the MoD might have some racist policies in place. That would be illegal. I served for 34 years to 2009 and saw no racist policies in place. Do you assume that racist policies must be in place because there are too few ethnic minorities in the forces compared to the general population – or because their percentage has gone up? Not sure what your line is. You reference the 6.2% figure. FR20 ethnic count went from 6.1% to 6.2% – that is a 0.1% increase – a very small rise Why single… Read more »

Cripes (@guest_776668)
6 months ago
Reply to  AlexS

The armed forces can only reflect society as it is. Their numerical and moral strength and public support ultimately depend on them doing so. If 10% or whatever proportion of the nation is non-white or worships a different religion, or is non-binary, etc etc, that is the society we have and the services have to cast their net over the whole lot. The only criteria can be are they good enough and fit enough to serve? That applies to females too. Though they need to be fit enough and determined enough to pass Basic, which some of the ladies and… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Cripes
Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_776738)
6 months ago
Reply to  Cripes

I had not spotted that efforts to recruit ethnic minorites had been weak, quite the opposite.

[The RAF famously embarked on a campaign directed by CAS of positive affirmation and shut out a lot of white applicants].

I am sure that one key factor is that of certain parents of families of ethnic minorities being averse to a career in the armed forces for their son/daughter.