Ismail Haniyeh, generally regarded as the leader of Hamas, has been killed in an Israeli strike in Iran’s capital of Tehran. He had left his relatively safe haven in Qatar to attend the inauguration of Masoud Pezeshkian as Iran’s ninth president on July 30. 

We know little of exactly how he was eliminated by Israel. If it was by an airstrike, as most seem to believe, then it speaks volumes of the paucity or feebleness of Iranian air defences. If it was by Israeli agents inside Iran, as has occurred before, then it was even more daring. We’ll find out in due course.

We all knew that they would get to him eventually and now he has gone. The same fate awaits Hamas’ other leaders, most notably Yahya Sinwar, who is most likely skulking somewhere in the tunnels underneath the Gaza Strip. His time will come, too, as it will for all of them. They are dead men walking.

This article is the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the UK Defence Journal. If you would like to submit your own article on this topic or any other, please see our submission guidelines

The IDF also probably killed a senior Lebanese Hezbollah commander in southern Beirut on July 30. Its Air Force targeted Fuad Shukr in response to a Hezbollah rocket attack that killed 12 Israeli children in the Israel-controlled Golan Heights on July 27. The IDF claims that the strike killed Shukr, while Lebanese sources have denied this so far, saying he survived the strike.

Hezbollah has not commented so far, but Shukr was a senior military advisor to Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah and equivalent to “Hezbollah‘s chief of staff“, according to Israeli media. His probable elimination is another coup for Netanyahu’s government.

Further escalation in Lebanon is dependent on Hezbollah’s response. Hezbollah officials said on July 29 that they did not want an all-out war, suggesting that they would carefully calculate its response to avoid further exacerbation of the situation.

Where do these two deadly strikes leave us as far as conflict in the Middle East is concerned? The trite answer is that it brings us ever closer to an all-out war between Israel and its many enemies, but it’s not quite that simple.

Iran will not want to enter direct conventional conflict with Israel because it knows that the USA stands behind their avowed enemy. It will also be aware that America is at least partly responsible for the restraint shown by Israel after previous attacks, most notably the large-scale drone, cruise missile, and ballistic missile offensive of 13 April. The Israeli response was measured and modest.

So, it will probably respond via its proxies. Hezbollah is the most powerful of these but also does not want another war in southern Lebanon, so its actions will most likely be limited to avoid this. Hamas is severely degraded and, whilst still dangerous, a shadow of its former self. And the Houthis are a relatively minor irritation.

The USA, for its part, has enough on its plate at the moment and will not relish the prospect of a war with Iran and, accordingly, seek to stay out of it. America will, however, remain supportive of Israel both overtly and behind the scenes, as it has done for decades.

What Keir Starmer and the Labour Party in the UK will do is more difficult to gauge. The party has recent historical leanings towards Britain’s Muslim community, from whom it draws considerable electoral support. On the other hand, the UK is the USA’s staunchest ally, and it is unlikely to contradict Washington.

The British government’s stance, therefore, is likely to be one of a combination of spluttering outrage and clutching of pearls plus renewed calls to stop all arms sales to Israel. But the truth is that Britain imports many more armaments from Israel than we export to them, so it would be a classic case of cutting off your nose to spite your face if Israel reciprocated with its own arms ban.

In summary, there is no doubt that recent events have brought a general regional war closer, but we are not yet at the tipping point. The coming days and weeks will decide that.

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Stuart Crawford was a regular officer in the Royal Tank Regiment for twenty years, retiring in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 1999. Crawford attended both the British and US staff colleges and undertook a Defence Fellowship at Glasgow University. He now works as a political, defence and security consultant and is a regular commentator on military and defence topics in print, broadcast and online media.
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Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840367)
1 month ago

As usual, the awkward contradictions of a Labour government.
As for “historical leanings” well, it’s being played out as we speak this last month, with our soldier stabbed, riots, police beaten up, and the two tier responses to all from both the police and the Home Secretary.
Banning defence sales to Israel would be imbecilic, but nothing would surprise me given what lurks within and behind the Labour party.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_840457)
1 month ago

Enough pandering to this hostile community, we cannot afford to let sectarianism take a grip.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840477)
1 month ago

It already has, look at the harassment of MPs pre election, and the tip toeing around the issue by the police, HMG and media to not inflame their Muslim or ethnic vote. It is this seeming double standards that is causing this resentment, never mind the uncontrolled mass immigration behind it, in which a number do not integrate, which the silent majority have to put up with, whether people agree with it or not. Farage has been warning of it for years but, like so many millions of us, is just sneered at by the establishment, and their mouthpieces in… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840483)
1 month ago

And, in addendum, Starmer has just gone and done exactly what I’m saying in his news conference, highlighting the criminal thugs yet ignoring the wider issues that are causing this in the first place.
So when Palestinian protesters march next time and call for “Jihad” we will see a Police response ?

Ron (@guest_840531)
1 month ago

Hi DM, ever thought of going into politics. Well said!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840540)
1 month ago
Reply to  Ron

No, mate.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840566)
1 month ago

I’m good for plenty of things, thank you.
And I’m not rising to the bait you’re throwing out.
I note over the years you rarely talk about defence, but come on with insults such as this.
Do carry on.

klonkie (@guest_840569)
1 month ago

On fire today DM! Good on you for calling out the hypocrisy and the lack of action from the authorities to curtail left wing hate speech .

Blessed (@guest_840718)
1 month ago
Reply to  Ron

I second that

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_841160)
1 month ago

Well said 👍 🇬🇧 ? Oops am I allowed to put the union Jack 🤔

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_841213)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andrew D

Careful,don’t want to be “far right” like me and millions of others according to Starmer and the left.

Jon (@guest_841281)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andrew D

Do they have a flag icon that’s upside down for when we are in distress?

Jacko (@guest_840520)
1 month ago

Really well put mate👍this govt has the potential to be the shortest biggest majority in history! They forget they had a very small percentage vote for them at their peril.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840525)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jacko

Cannot see how. They have 5 years to continue their agenda.
Some of Starmers speech reminded me of 1984. If that’s applied fairly, it might be ok stopping thugs.
But not all thugs are white.
If there was a GE next month millions more would be voting these people out after their performance over the first 4 weeks of their governance.

Jacko (@guest_840526)
1 month ago

Sorry mate that was my point obviously not well made😀
they forget a lot of their seats have not got a large majority!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840562)
1 month ago

Errr, no, actually. I was too busy feeding my mum’s foxes in the back garden, whose home I’ve taken on to keep her cat safe in its home.
The rioters were wrong, already said in my post.
White trash? Racist much yourself?

pete (@guest_840523)
1 month ago

There is very little trust in UK politicians since Blair , party may change but the agenda remains the same .

Peter S
Peter S (@guest_840533)
1 month ago

For once I can’t think of anything to add. You’ve said it all.👍

Jacko (@guest_840690)
1 month ago
Reply to  Peter S

I reckon you sum up the state of this country correctly👍 its people like you who cannot stand anyone having an opinion that differs from yours,you then resort to hurling insults and name calling to try to prove your point! Have you noticed nobody on here is actually insulting you for your point of view? Have a good day raging at the world😂

Nevis (@guest_840547)
1 month ago

A few years ago, it was during a football tournament, I took my daughter to school and I had a St George’s cross flag on my car window. My daughter asked me to take it down because she said she would be called a racist. I refused and told her to stop being silly. As we got closer to her school she was getting more and more agitated, asking me to take it down, to the point her eyes were welling up. I still refused. When we pulled up she was shaking, pleading with me to take it down. I… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840567)
1 month ago
Reply to  Nevis

Hello Nevis.
Thank you. Yes, it’s a sad state of affairs. Me just speaking my mind here has one on my case already, a “pleiades”
Throwing insults.
I’m sorry for his childlike behaviour. Probably well part his bedtime.

Nevis (@guest_840694)
1 month ago

That (Pleiades) whatever that is, isn’t worth your head space. Take the advice of Norman Stanley Fletcher. “Don’t let the b******* grind you down”.
Enjoy your day👍😃

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_841166)
1 month ago
Reply to  Nevis

Good Lord ,sorry for your daughters experience mate .Good post .

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840559)
1 month ago


klonkie (@guest_840571)
1 month ago

Great piece Mate, articulate and well conveyed.👏

Enoch (@guest_840572)
1 month ago

Children stabbed in Southport, a soldier stabbed in kent, police attacked in Manchester & riots in Leeds. Just 2 weeks of diversity and enrichment.
Pieiades – I hope you get the help you need

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_840685)
1 month ago

Yep fair play Daniele, spot on 👍.

Mark..F (@guest_841064)
1 month ago

Good rant👊
Im concidering a move to the Outer Hebrides lol

HMG is loosing the plot…or are they creating it ? Thing is there are more of us than them, and if it kicks of full force’ we dont give a dam attitude’ a civil war may happen, perish the thought, ‘ but maybe the 1% do want it,they can make more money from there pestilence through media and rebuilding !

We are certainly headed towards world change as new reasons for war raise there ugly heads ‘ Hell is empty,the Devils are amoungst us’

George (@guest_840490)
1 month ago

Where have you been hiding BoF, it’s already here. Ignoring sectarianism and the changing demographic is how it became so bad! Calling concerned citizens racists because we object to rape gangs, for example. Look at the results of the last elections, votes cast for pro-palestine candidates, Galloway Labour opened the floodgates to those people and they now reap the unintended reward. We all do! Fact check if you wish just be careful of wiki political bias. (Trump did not stumble on stage, he was shot.) The next election if there is one, will be worse than NI during the… Read more »

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_840727)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

You mean sectarianism now starting to show itself, we can thank the white woke progressives for that, they have emboldened this behavior, while dumbing down or condemning any objections to the subverting of our social values

George (@guest_840462)
1 month ago

Very well said. The labour party and it’s minions are currently the biggest threat to our national security. It’s not only the good old marxist sympathisers we need to lock up. Now they are infiltrated with islamists too.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840478)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

I’m afraid I have indulged in a bit of a rant with a follow up post to that, George.
This whole issue I feel extremely strongly about and it upsets me what is happening in this country, and wider Europe.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_840577)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

I’m glad I touched a nerve with you….just you commenting with this vile racist rudeness proves it.
Don’t let that chip grow any bigger, your shoulder will sag.

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_840702)
1 month ago

What else would you expect from a pig but a grunt.

pete (@guest_840974)
1 month ago

When Blair took us to war on a tissue of lies it seems a bit daft withholding arms from a country that was attacked by a real enemy.

Mark..F (@guest_841063)
1 month ago

A bold move by the Labour Party, but ! Tread lightly, dont burn all our bridges i say, once the UK start digging a hole for themselfs regards Israel it could get messy, losing face with the US could cost the UK bigtime in the future ” no point bolting the gate once the horse has gone !” We all need allies when it hits the fan😉

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841247)
1 month ago

anybody else fed up of the BBC anti semetic stance on the middle east. I’ve complained about it to me head of the organisation and I have demanded a complete review of the organisation I will not have the BBC news on in my house.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_841251)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Plenty mate. I’m similar in so far as, while I’ve no issue with their M East coverage, my issue is with their own coverage of UK affairs.
But that goes back many years.
They have their own bias, own propaganda and their own agenda. Bleeding obvious to anyone who cares about the subjects I covered further up thread.

klonkie (@guest_841674)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Morning Andy. be grateful you don’t live here in NZ . The National news coverage is a bias disgrace.

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_840383)
1 month ago

There’s a question now, will Hamas ever consider releasing the remaining 100+ Israeli hostages and even the (30+?) bodies of those deceased. Whoever is behind this assassination may have written their slim chances off. Not good action or timing i think. And it’s pressure back on Israel to be on the alert for reprisals and even Netanyahu might be targeted. Even more so now i don’t think the Hamas that’s left are just going to lay down their arms and leave Gaza.

James (@guest_840408)
1 month ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Its all political, the genocidal idiot Yahu needs a war to stay in power, second the war is over hes out or preferably targeted as its about the best he deserves for murdering so many civilians. Hes strung out the campaign in Palestine to the point is nothing left to destroy and needs a new front, what better way to get Hezbollah to start it than what hes done.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_840461)
1 month ago
Reply to  James

If he had gone down the “path of peace” and had done nothing in response to the 7th of October attacks it would have made no difference to peace in the region .

Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, the Houthis, and many other factions in the region are hell-bent on the total annihilation of Israel there is no peace to be made.

It’s not about land or occupation, it’s about religious supremacy, and neither side will back down.

James (@guest_840688)
1 month ago

If he had gone down the path of peace I agree the issues would not go away as they never will. However how many innocent civilians would currently still be alive? How many more surviving innocent people would still have a home that no longer do?

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_840730)
1 month ago
Reply to  James

Blame Hamas, they start a conflict and then conveniently hide among civilians, they use each civilian death as useful propaganda, it’s exactly how they planned it.

If Israel was adverse to collateral damage then Hamas and Hezbollah could attack with impunity.

What would you do if you were the Israeli government?

James (@guest_840777)
1 month ago

I certainly wouldnt be flattening cities with impunity and murdering everyone in sight, its genuinely disgusting whats going on and the west are just letting it happen. Yes Isreal got attacked in a bad way, lets ignore all of the warning signs and that they actually did virtually nothing on the day to react to prevent the hostages being taken. However for the handful of Israeli’s which died on the day which is sad they have murdered multiple times the amount of people in return. How is that justifiable? Im not saying the action didnt deserve a response but it… Read more »

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_840821)
1 month ago
Reply to  James

“murdering everyone in sight” This is not what is happening and you know it. I don’t believe Israel wants to systematically destroy all the Gazans (Genocide) and if they wanted to they could have easily done that by now. As I said in a previous post, It is a deliberate tactic of Hamas to hide in civilian areas, so when Israel finds a Hamas target and attacks, civilian casualties are almost inevitable, which is terrible, but if Hamas was left alone they would attack again and again. So Israel is damned if it attacks and damned if it does not.… Read more »

James (@guest_840958)
1 month ago

And you assume the Jewish state wants to exist in peace with its surrounding Islam population? I would say killing roughly 40,000 civilians this year is a pretty decent claim to Genocide, clearly some international bodies are thinking along the same lines as they are happy to be pushing for the leader of Israel to have an international arrest warrant out for him. Again im not disagreeing Israel has a right to defend itself however it has gone way too far. As soon as this is over do you honestly thing Hamas wont attack Israel again? Its inevitable its going… Read more »

Jon (@guest_841284)
1 month ago
Reply to  James

Why are you fixated on the Israel conflict and not the war next door in Syria which has garnered 850,000 dead and over 12 million displaced? Is it because the Iranian-backed Palestinian fighters want to keep that one going, so it needs to be kept quiet?

By the way the 40,000 dead figures isn’t for civilian deaths, because Hamas don’t distinguish combatants from non-combatants, not even in their stats.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_841797)
1 month ago
Reply to  James

Yes, I believe Israel wants Peace, if Hamas had not attacked, then all of the civilians would be alive as there would have been no reason for military action.

Unlike Hamas and Hezbollah, they are not fanatics, and given a choice of having to deal with a democratic country or Islamic jurisprudence I would favour Israel every time.

Last edited 1 month ago by Bringer of Facts
pete (@guest_841575)
1 month ago
Reply to  James

Blair and Bush led the way with their illegal war, this allowed anyone to justify wars on flimsy made up evidence. Small amount of Nazis in Ukraine, unhappy ethnic Russians who should have been allowed to vote on their future. Also corrupt exploitation of resources by Biden’s son etc.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_841800)
1 month ago
Reply to  pete

Blame Bush and Blair for Ukraine ? …. that is nonsense.

Also in case you have not noticed the conflict over Israel’s existence has been ongoing for 76 years.

George (@guest_840491)
1 month ago
Reply to  James


klonkie (@guest_840574)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

can you expand on your view George? I’d like to understand your perspective.

James (@guest_840689)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

That’s how Netanyahu views innocent people in Palestine, I totally agree with you.

George (@guest_840907)
1 month ago
Reply to  James

There is no such place as palestine. Since Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip there are certainly no “innocent people” squatting there. Just terrorists and their enablers. The few squatters who wanted to benefit from Israeli society were forced to flee when Hamas seized control. Either that or they hung their tortured corpses from lampposts with signs around necks as examples. (Pictures published by Aljazeera – who else?)

James (@guest_840954)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

No such place? Funny as the residents have passports which are recognised by other states.

You appear to have an extremely biased view on the state.

George (@guest_841005)
1 month ago
Reply to  James

When was it founded and by whom?
Name it’s capital and any historical rulers. The name refers to a vague geographical region. Part of the Levant.

The so-called Pale-stinians are Hashemites their Kingdom is Jordan as per mandate. When they joined forces with five arab armies to extinguish the fledgling state of modern Israel, by yet another genocide. They lost and forfeited any legitimate claim to the land. There are no runners up prizes in the age old act of war. Winner takes all.

George (@guest_840497)
1 month ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

The difference between Israel since 1948 and Great Britain today, is the following. Almost every Jewish Israeli serves in the IDF. Along with Jewish volunteers from many other countries. After their service they become reservists expecting to be called up when needed. They are the heart and soul of that country. Their national pride and fighting spirit is second to none! Those hostages have already been lost in the eyes of the Israeli people. As a result every Hamas terrorist and Iranian proxy, has a death sentence hanging over him/her that will never be lifted. Today, tomorrow or in ten… Read more »

Simon (@guest_840610)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

Are not nearly 26% of Israeli citizens example from military service?

George (@guest_840917)
1 month ago
Reply to  Simon

Something like that but many of them still volunteer. Either way, having 74% of the population with military training and mindset. Is something GB has not enjoyed since WWII.
Do you know about the SAR-EL programme. You should research it. If my health was better, I’d be there now. FYI I’m not Israeli, Jewish or even religious. But I do support Israel’s fellow parliamentary democracy with universal suffrage. Besides, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

George (@guest_840919)
1 month ago
Reply to  Simon

Did you mean exempt?

simon alex
simon alex (@guest_840681)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

The Orthodox Jews have got away with not doing army service. They are the ones settling on disputed territory. They were also ‘bibi’s voter base.

George (@guest_840934)
1 month ago
Reply to  simon alex

Many still volunteer for the IDF and/or SAR-EL. So it is not that simple my friend. I’ve been lucky enough to have contact with several Israelis over the years. Mostly through academic channels but none of them were truly orthodox. All of them served with the IDF and the first hand information they shared was priceless. Their Espirt De Corps for example is second to none and it is very strong throughout the entire Israeli population. Others I know with even more experience of Israeli report the same phenomenon. I also know people who have worked as aid workers in… Read more »

simon alex
simon alex (@guest_840686)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

George , Israel is a religious state facing real threat at times.luckily uk is not a religious state though we do have our moments from some in our community. I can admire the Israeli determination to survive too, but their Gaza response was disproportionate and total own goal. Where was the intelligence and army response before and during the hamas attack? Also agree most of pro Gaza conversation here is pointless misguided virtue signalling.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_840827)
1 month ago
Reply to  simon alex

Given the changing demographic here, and the lack of will to stand up for Western values, it is entirely possible that the UK will revert to being a religious state … just not Christianity.

George (@guest_840948)
1 month ago

it certainly looks bleak but things can change very quickly. We British have made bucking trends, something of a speciality. Ignore the poor sheeple and start your preparations my friend.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841567)
1 month ago

we removed Saddam for less than those .ad Mullas have done maybe the West should be looking forward a possible repeat of the time the west removed Hussein.

George (@guest_840946)
1 month ago
Reply to  simon alex

I agree with your premiss regarding Israel. Are you aware that atheism is far more common among the highly educated Israeli citizens than you would expect from a so called “religious state.” Including all of my Israeli acquaintances I’ve mentioned in other comments. But all are staunch patriots. Their very existance as a country depends on it. However, I must disagree with your assessment regarding the IDF response. My opinion is the very opposite. Too little too late sums it up nicely. Quite feeble when one considers the joint US/UK response to 9/11. Destroying two countries. Netanyahu has been lenient… Read more »

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_840452)
1 month ago

Iran playing the innocent victim again and swearing “Revenge”. Well No this is a justified revenge for Iran’s continual meddling in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza all of which has just one aim, the destruction of Israel.

George (@guest_840498)
1 month ago

Very well said. I salute you Sir.

klonkie (@guest_840564)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

Pleiades, your commentary is both inflammatory and ill informed. Understand you may well have alternate political perspective. Feel free to express your views in a polite and constructible argument, but show some mutual respect.

Thank you in advance.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_840734)
1 month ago
Reply to  klonkie

Ignore this poster they are full-on trolling.

pete (@guest_840524)
1 month ago

Iran’s morality police beat women to death for not covering their head , must scare them that their guests are not safe , if they start a war their cities will resemble Gaza.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841564)
1 month ago
Reply to  pete

a truly neanderthal nation, run by despots and the mentally deranged. we got rid of Saddam for less than those mad mullas have done the west must put the writing on the wallfor this bed of true evil.

pete (@guest_840979)
1 month ago

Looks bad that Iran can’t keep their guests safe !

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841560)
1 month ago

more sanctions paralleling the ones in north Korea and Russia WOULD HURT IRAN. they’ve got away with their manifesto of hate and the direct proven links from hamas to boko haram. blockade them put embargoes in their grading abilities identify the sources of the weapon production and when the chance comes, and it will LL, LEVEL THEM.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841562)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

the factories, the regime, but not the innocents

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_840501)
1 month ago

I don’t think this changes anything. Iran have good reasons for avoiding an all out conflict and those reasons haven’t shifted. Will Iran directly defend it’s proxies. I doubt it they wouldn’t be proxies then would they.

simon alex
simon alex (@guest_840521)
1 month ago

Israel killing the Iran / Hamas leadership good, the rest of it has been appalling.

Knight7572 (@guest_840703)
1 month ago

Yeah social media has only made society worse, we were better off before Social media came about

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841558)
1 month ago
Reply to  Knight7572

and dial up can lump mobile 📲 phones in with it I hate em! give me a dial and the old phone boxes anyday.

Last edited 1 month ago by Andy reeves
Frank62 (@guest_840834)
1 month ago

Iran is a major intestigator here, but Israel’s current extreme government caring little about collateral casualties nor being proportional is response. But neither are the Palestinian factions running Hezbollah & Hamas. A major ME war could be a very convenient distraction for Russia & China for their own nefarious agendas. Even without outside powers stirring up conflict there’ll be regular clashes until both sides genuinely sek peace & reasonable settlement. Israel only needs to lose once & she’ll either be exterminated or live in the middle of a nuclear wasteland having nuked her neighbours. Maybe not a simple response now… Read more »

George (@guest_840994)
1 month ago

Where did the comments from Pleiades go?
All speech must be protected, even the most controversial and insulting.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_841128)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

It was racist crap directed at me.
I didn’t flag it myself, as I wanted it left there for a time so people could see:
A. The abuse I was being subjected to for daring to have an opinion.
B. So the world could see what an nasty, utter vile imbecile that poster is, not only celebrating the thought of Israel’s genocide but also the eradication of western culture in my country.
Ultimately, I was pleased someone else reported it and I hope the vile individuals gone.

Jonathan (@guest_841162)
1 month ago

I missed that one what did the nasty little person say.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_841174)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Blimey, where to start. I don’t recall all of it. “White trash” “White scum” “Tonguing Farage’s arse” “Right wing trash in chief” ( me ) “99% won’t miss Israel eradicated.” Uk populance are all going to be replaced, and “there’s nothing we can do about it” ( By Muslims as part of the mass immigration I’m so concerned about ) and it’ll be a glorious future ( with us all dead ) Never read such sheer, utter spite here. Telling someone to F off is tame by comparison, this was real racist stuff. The poster thought me racist ( as… Read more »

Jonathan (@guest_841193)
1 month ago

Nasty, very nasty, there is freedom of speech and views and then there’s pure hate speech.

George (@guest_841272)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Even the hate should be left for all to see. It’s unpopular speech that needs the most protection. The best disinfectant is the harsh sunlight of public opinion. However, sometimes when the speaker of hate is questioned, they actually do have an argument worthy of consideration. The best example I can think of is Tommy Robinson, or whatever his real name is. They tried hard to shut him up when he said white girls were being targeted by rape gangs. We now know he was telling the truth. Things being far worse than even he knew. I think Pleiades is… Read more »

Jonathan (@guest_841300)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

When someone talks about wanting a people to be destroyed and the eradication of steps beyond unpopular and into something else…I’m all up for leaving uncomfortable speech for debate and discussion….but not hate speech..( and I don’t consider..” I think there are to many immigrants as hate speech” just a point of view) once someone says “a people should be eradicated/die” they loss the right anything other than a prison cell and their views should be removed from the debate….I don’t wish to have any discussion with an extremist who’s willing to see people eradicated…when views of that type… Read more »

George (@guest_841319)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonathan

I hear you Jonathon. But remember, one mans blood thirsty killer is another mans decorated hero. Terrorists are someone else’s freedom fighter etc etc. I’m still in favour of zero censorship for hate speech. Especially in this age of traceable comments and cyber security services. I you follow me.

Jon (@guest_841689)
1 month ago
Reply to  George

Perhaps this is why we shouldn’t allow politicians to steal the English language. Terrorism used to mean something very specific: the targetted use of fear. Attacks are made not to strike at the target directly but to induce fear in larger numbers of people. The target of the attacks on the twin towers was the whole US population. All could say: that could have been me, that could have been my family.

One person’s terrorist wasn’t just another person’s freedom fighter. These days the government define it to mean whomever the Home Secretary sticks on a list.

George (@guest_841728)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jon

Good points well made, especially regarding politicians twisting definitions. More than half of them currently in the H of C have problems defining something really simple such as “woman.” Adult human female seems to be beyond their intelligence quotient. Little wonder they struggle with more difficult concepts such as terrorist and “right wing thug.”

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_841363)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Exactly. EVIL.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841540)
1 month ago

a despicable insulting fool hiding behind a anonymous keyboard somewhere. there’s no place In society for bigots like th. but in here, I think there’s a couple of posters on here that appear simply to be here to wind people up.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_841547)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Hi Andy.
I suspect the poster has used another ID here before, based on the wording and the hysterical manner of delivery. That individual also vanished.

George (@guest_841277)
1 month ago

I’m with you on this one “Daniele.” But still think his comments should be available for comments/replies. I for one want to know more about the threats we face from those people.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841808)
1 month ago

j hope you told him to FUCK OFF.🤬

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841809)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Forza da ielle!😁

Jonathan (@guest_841161)
1 month ago

My personal view is that one of the things Israel does right is the direct attacks on leaders.Personally I would always prefer to see those who direct and cause violence suffer the consequences over the faceless masses who always end up suffering due to the the corruption and evil of old powerful men. As for being on the edge…I would say it’s been on the edge since Hamas made the attacks on Israel…after all that was the point. make the most horrible attack possible, rape women, kill children and abduct families to enrage the nation and bring the IDF down… Read more »

simon alex
simon alex (@guest_841184)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Hamas took financial bets on the markets anticipating Isreal response. It was a shame Israel had weak leadership, a supposed strong man, with a Hamas attack on his watch. USA said don’t make the same mistakes we did. Entebbe raid was smart and brave all things this was not.

Jonathan (@guest_841197)
1 month ago
Reply to  simon alex

Unfortunately the present leadership did fall into what the extremists want…a far more targeted approach would have probably seen better results…

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841570)
1 month ago
Reply to  simon alex

I’m for deployment of our CSG in the region, plus the french to show Iran that the U.S is not the only military they should be concerned about.

George (@guest_841729)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Can we actually deploy a CSG and properly protect it, while supporting our commitments elsewhere. I wish we still had full control of the old RAF Masirah airbase. It would certainly be very useful when we have to deal properly with Iran and it’s numerous proxy terror groups. Offering access to Israeli F35s too.

Zac (@guest_841239)
1 month ago

Killing the enemy brings peace. Israel needs to obliterate Hamas from existence.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841245)
1 month ago

let’s face it if Israel is ever at peace they’ll complain that they’ve nothing to fight a out

simon alex
simon alex (@guest_841359)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Chosen people for a reason

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841543)
1 month ago
Reply to  simon alex

m not into religion, but comparing the world of today to the distant past is pointless.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841568)
1 month ago
Reply to  simon alex

what reason?

simon alex
simon alex (@guest_841806)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Disclaimer I am not a historian but the Jewish history is one of fighting it out against the odds. Your comment is spot on. Being Jewish I suspect is not worn lightly whether believing or agnostic Jew it is the past and present. Obviously Israel accepts citizenship on the sole basis of religion, quite rare. I’m sure a rabbi would agree that that god is always testing them and it ain’t easy being a Jew.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_841807)
1 month ago
Reply to  simon alex

thanks for the clarification.