A British Army Reserve base in Cambuslang, Glasgow, will be handed over to European Union peacekeepers.

It is understood that the European peacekeeping force, based in Cambuslang in Glasgow, will assist the Scottish Government with Brexit-related issues.

Scotland and the European Union signed the agreement earlier today in order to “enhance cooperation and strengthen collective response in peace operations and crisis management”.

The ‘Framework Agreement Between Scotland and the European Union for the Provision of Mutual Support in the context of their respective missions and operations in the field’ was signed by the EU Under-Secretary for Operational Support, Reid Karefullei.

“The Agreement will facilitate operational alignment and enhance complementarity between EU and Scottish Government field missions in the areas of logistics, medical, and security support. In particular, it will enable expanding cooperation in operational support services by building mutual understanding of our respective procedures and structures for the planning and execution of logistics support in missions and operations in the field.”

The Army Reserve Centre in Cambuslang is currently home to 154 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps, which is an Army Reserve Regiment that provides transport support to the British Army. They are the only logistical regiment in Scotland and have a number of squadrons across the country’s central belt.

Congratulations, and thank you for reading the whole article; this is just an April Fools Day joke. The article above is not true, and if anyone is sharing it after April 1st, please remind them of that fact.

The purpose of this article, aside from our usual April Fool’s Day joke, is to make the point that reading beyond the headline should be the norm every day, not just on the 1st of April. There’s a large volume of misinformation online. Make sure you don’t add to it by sharing articles without reading them. Finally, be careful of the person sharing this article after the 1st of April as they very clearly don’t read what they share.

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lordtemplar (@guest_807269)
3 months ago

thx for the scoop Avril

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_807275)
3 months ago

Foreign Legion? 😯

Jacko (@guest_807278)
3 months ago

Scandalous 😂

extremereading (@guest_807302)
3 months ago

A pity it is just a legpull

Might have added a bit of colour

Drew murrY
Drew murrY (@guest_807305)
3 months ago

If they were based in cambuslang must be a battalion of rangers

Colin (@guest_807401)
3 months ago

😂 I was getting all excited there, thinking the Scottish government were being ballsy and taking the bull by the horns. Good joke 👍

Che (@guest_807435)
3 months ago

This better be 1st of April nonsense but it could be Yousef nothing would surprise me with him.

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_807843)
3 months ago
Reply to  Che

Yousef wouldn’t invite the EU in. Hamas maybe instead?

Che (@guest_807858)
3 months ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

Hamas 100%

Pleiades (@guest_808217)
3 months ago
Reply to  Che

That’d be better than genocidal Zionists that’s for sure; of course the English prefer the latter, as you share a delight in civilian destruction: It’s just in your nature 😆