Workers will refuse overtime work in the ongoing dispute over pay and conditions.

GMB union has today announced that members at Rolls Royce’s submarine programme in Derby have backed an escalation in the ongoing industrial action facing the company.

Workers will now engage in an overtime ban, meaning company managers will not be able to call on staff to fulfil already groaning order books outside of contracted hours.

An overtime ban will come into place from Friday 31 May for one month.

Mick Coppin, GMB Organiser, said:

“Rolls Royce is a British institution as well as being a hugely profitable company. Sadly Rolls Royce bosses have refused to do what’s right by the high skilled and dedicated workforce that do so much for Rolls Royce.

All whilst the UK should be promoting it’s manufacturing capabilities across the globe. An overtime ban will have a huge impact on company orders at a time when order books are groaning. It’s time to end this and get back around the table with an offer that respects the vital contribution these workers make.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_826202)
3 months ago

Great. What perfect, but I’m sure accidental (?), timing. 😏

Roy (@guest_826209)
3 months ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

RR almost went bust during COVID. Only last year did things start to pick up again. So much so, that they started to repay the £5bn+ debt they accumulated. They still have around £3bn debt, so how does that make them hugely profitable. Perhaps when the debt is cleared the Union can say that..

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_827895)
3 months ago
Reply to  Roy

Projected? ABC gave me a good reply. Have a read.

ABCRodney (@guest_826293)
3 months ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

Oh please don’t be silly, and see Reds under the beds or conspiracy theories, the GMB Engineers at RR Submarines are all very highly vetted, most are shareholders and it’s incredibly rare they ever do this sort of thing. Bottom line is they are annoyed, but being polite about it ! This Pay Dispute has been going on since last year so it is just the way things go. They aren’t going on Strike just not doing any overtime (work to rule). It’s very complicated but it all boils down to effectively having 2 very different Rolls Royce’s here in… Read more »

tomuk (@guest_826302)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

So the huge turbofans on an A350 or 777 aren’t the absolute pinnacle and building them without checks and controls won’t kill lots of folks?
Get over yourself.

MattW (@guest_826307)
3 months ago
Reply to  tomuk

It seems a good case, to me.

Ian (@guest_826336)
3 months ago
Reply to  tomuk

There is a practical difference between mass production of precision-engineered equipment using established procedures, and developing niche systems from scratch where you essentially have to devise the procedures as you go.

ABCRodney (@guest_826535)
3 months ago
Reply to  tomuk

No they aren’t the pinnacle, but they build the finest Aero and Marine engines in the world. The tolerances, precision and QC are extremely high, hence the safety record. But it’s not in the same league as on Raynesway, hence the reason why RR Submarine either picks the best engineers from Aero or recruits and trains internally. I have been involved here in Derby with both and am 3rd generation,2 generations did the transition and I assure you the checks and controls are far higher due to the Risk factors. And they absolutely have to be due to the nature… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by ABCRodney
Jacqueline Paul
Jacqueline Paul (@guest_826312)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Very interesting and informative, could you elaborate please on the 2 different types, I get one builds aircrafts im not quite sure what the other is please ?

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_826315)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Thanks for the explanation., which I would bee “silly” to ignore. One question though, and I am being serious. If the majority of the engineers are shareholders why have they decided to work to rule? It has to affect them surely.

ABCRodney (@guest_826660)
3 months ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

It’s not a silly question at all, and I’ll try and give you a worthy explanation. RR Submarines is a fairly small niche part of RR, it’s not highly profitable and has little effect on the corporate accounts. it’s that and the bulging order books for everything else that drives the share price. So no effect whatsoever due to this very limited action. What would affect that is if this escalates to a full on strike, because RR Submarines is incredibly vital how RR corporate is structured. What usually happens is a big strike affects the share price and it… Read more »

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_826736)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Thank you. I think your posts, particularly the second, is probably the most useful and sensible explanation of a dispute I’ve read. Not only for the current situation but for the insight into RR itself. I wish you well.🙂

ABCRodney (@guest_826787)
3 months ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

M8 I’m retired 3 years now, but I was a shop steward and we would avoid conflict like the plague. We were genuinely proud of what we did and why it was necessary, only thing we asked was a fair reward and a bit of respect.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_826824)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Unlikely as it may seem I was a branch secretary with a sub of NATSOPA back in the seventies. I learnt a lot about my union ,most of which I didn’t like, so maybe it’s coloured my attitude.

ABCRodney (@guest_827008)
3 months ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

I ended up moving from GMB as my job role had progressed over to management ! I actually ended up in prospect which I have to say was less a traditional Trades Union and more a mutual support confederation populated by grown ups !

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_827024)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney


Jon (@guest_826319)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

They hired a CEO who couldn’t get security vetting, or are they just so new it hasn’t come through yet?

Last edited 3 months ago by Jon
ABCRodney (@guest_826538)
3 months ago
Reply to  Jon

Neither he is Turkish, so will never get that clearance ! I should explain that in no way is that a derogative statement because as CEO he doesn’t need to know the nuts and bolts.
As I said he is excellent at what he is doing, and I fully support what he is doing with Corporate RR.
What he does need to know is that the workers in that particular part of the business do have that clearance and it costs more to employ them.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_826342)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Well explained mate.

ABCRodney (@guest_826541)
3 months ago

It’s damned hard sometimes ☹️

Roy (@guest_828048)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

I can’t comment on the engineering side, as I have no knowledge. However, you state RR pays excellent dividends, this is not true. There have been no dividends since before COVID. Maybe they’ll come back next year, who knows. You also say the share price is through the roof. Well for those that held long term shares, they might say after tanking during COVID, they are now starting to see their investments paying off.

Mark (@guest_826219)
3 months ago

Hmm, H&W are having IR issues with GMB members as well over the attempt to move from a 4 day week with overtime for Friday to a 5 day week.

ABCRodney (@guest_826791)
3 months ago
Reply to  Mark

Mmm I was a GMB steward once and I find that ridiculous. It may just explain why H&W went down the pan and the likes of RR and BAe didn’t. I’m not saying it’s perfect, because it isn’t but it’s better than that. IMHO If you really want to see a better system, increase productivity and have better ER. Just legislate that a Standard working week is 40 hours averaged out over a year, with a certain % bonus for working a 2 shift system, another % for a 3 shift system (inc nights), and another for continental 12 hour… Read more »

criss whicker
criss whicker (@guest_826256)
3 months ago

[ already groaning order books ]
surely one should not keep on bidding for or taking orders, when you know that you cannot deliver on time or price agreed.
just saying like..

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_826281)
3 months ago
Reply to  criss whicker

Have you ver run a business? Trust me it’s very dangerous to turn business away, , but this dispute is about the unions wanting to cut hours that they would normally work. That’s where the problem lies.

ABCRodney (@guest_826794)
3 months ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

No it’s not it’s cutting hours they would voluntarily do above their contractual hours for a premium. It’s actually costing them £££’s.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_826820)
3 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

OK . Badly phrased re.the engineers but I do think the taking the business element is relevant in this context.

ABCRodney (@guest_826294)
3 months ago
Reply to  criss whicker

Read my reply above, orders are being fulfilled, will be on time and within budget. As for bidding, there isn’t any bidding for contracts as there is only one single UK supplier, just like the H Bombs you don’t cut corners 🥴

John (@guest_826268)
3 months ago

It’s a good job GMB only accounts for about 5% of the workforce on the submarines site. Other unions have accepted a fair offer along with the rest of the workforce

Dragonwight (@guest_826318)
3 months ago

Unions, same old, same old. Expect more of the same when Labour gets elected.

Sjb1968 (@guest_826362)
3 months ago
Reply to  Dragonwight

You could say the same about British management but given what is left of our manufacturing tends to be high quality and world class, I think the stereotyping needs to be put to one side. They need to get around a table and talk because there is a huge prize not only for RR but the U.K. as a whole. Increasing the numbers of highly trained U.K. engineers and exporting precision equipment is the holy grail to enhancing the GDP per capita of the country. We have for too long allowed politicians to talk only about GDP, which you can… Read more »

Lonpfrb (@guest_826537)
3 months ago
Reply to  Sjb1968

Good point, and geopolitical related too. If the Pandemic showed one thing, it was that sovereign capabilities are required to be a sovereign nation in practice, IMHO. Not pricing for risk has allowed key capabilities to be sent offshore by the follow the cash brigade. A serious mistake, for example, sending manufacturing to CCP. The only vote we have with the CCP dictatorship is not to buy their supposedly cheap products which in reality is an exchange of sovereign capabilities and so a loss of freedom. A very bad bargain and something not priced into the deal at all, which… Read more »

ABCRodney (@guest_826665)
3 months ago
Reply to  Dragonwight

Don’t compare the RR Submarine Engineers here in Derby to same old, same old Union crap. I used to be a member of GMB and industrial action just never happened. It was to use the correct ER term a very good example of the “Unitary” theory of ER. Sit down talk through the problem, and sort it out because it’s in everyone interests to do so. It worked so well that now and then the Union sorted out issues before management knew they could be a problem. What you do not do is offer a % pay rise to highly… Read more »

Gaz (@guest_826333)
3 months ago

Top level managers are making £m’s in bonus’s every year. The people who produce deserve some of that reward as well.

Jabbering (@guest_826663)
3 months ago

No mention that all of the other unions have accepted the very good offer and the GMB have not put the offer to a vote.

Robert Matthews
Robert Matthews (@guest_827036)
3 months ago

Rolls Royce Management need to employ more workers to make up for the lost production caused by GMB union’s ignorance of the company’s financial position. Rolls Royce still has very high debt, doesn’t pay dividends yet and needs to prioritise paying down the debt in the current high interest rate environment. Rolls Royce workers are lucky to have such good jobs. Why are UK unions so Marxist ?