Despite previous speculation that HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark could be scrapped or mothballed, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed they’ll remain ins ervice.

The information came to light in response to a Written Parliamentary Question.

Julian Lewis Chair, Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament, asked:

“To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, with reference to his oral reply of 19 February 2024 to the Rt hon Member for New Forest East on HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark, Official Report, column 458, whether his assurance that one of those ships will always be being made ready to sail means that neither will be mothballed.”

James Cartlidge,  The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, responded:

“I can confirm that neither HMS ALBION nor HMS BULWARK will be scrapped or mothballed before their planned out of service dates in 2033 and 2034 respectively. As has been the case since 2010, one Landing Platform Dock ship will be held in extended readiness such that she will be capable of being regenerated if we have strategic notice that she will be needed.

As such, HMS ALBION will take HMS BULWARK’s place in extended readiness. While you would not expect me to reveal the fine detail of readiness forecasts for security reasons, I can confirm HMS BULWARK will be regenerated from extended readiness and maintained so that she can be ready to deliver defence outputs if required.”

Lisa West
Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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George Amery
George Amery
1 year ago

Hi folks hope all is well.
Good news, but isn’t this old news now? This was covered a few weeks ago.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  George Amery

It was, and many of us pointed out that.
A. It was speculation that happens every few years.
B.The option had already been reviewed and rescinded.
C. Till the next government have their own SDSR.

1 year ago

I expect C well se a signigicant change in posture and capabilties.

1 year ago
Reply to  Expat

I doubt it, labour has zero policies on anything much less defence. Labours only got one policy now and that’s paying down debt within 5 years.

Defence spending already at NATO minimum so I doubt you see much if anything at the MOD, no bold SDR 98 vision but also no SDSR 2010 cuts program.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jim

True most voters see little difference between Tory and Labour. People will vote Labour for a change in government due to incompetence of the Tories not because Labour offer a vision.

1 year ago
Reply to  George Amery

Old news that they wouldn’t be scrapped. Not old news that Bulwark will be regenerated out of extended readiness, as that should have happened last year, and there has been separate speculation about it.

John Clark
John Clark
1 year ago

It’s irrelevant what the house sitters say, the Tories can only promise nothing will happen before October.

We need a statement from Labour re Albion and Bulwark.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Clark

All you’ll see from Labour and Tories in the run to election is manifesto stuff no detail. We already know what the Tories will do continuation of their last review with a more global outlook beyond NATO. Labour started to set out its stall last year which is Europe focused with Russia pretty much the only acknowlegded threat with a ‘NATO test’ for capabilities/equipment. In terms of details who knows, that’ll be at the first reveiw.

1 year ago
Reply to  Expat

Rachel Reeves has put a total ban in spending any money in anything. Labour made a lot of noise taking the opposite position to the Tories I.e. more focus in Europe less on far east but Labour has no appetite for boat rocking. Nothing of substance will change.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim

I think Labour may u turn its Europe strategy most of that was a strategy win votes using Ukraine as a catalyst, i.e., why are faffing around in the east when Russia is the real threat. That’s before ships had to take massive detours around Africa, raising consumers’ prices here. Of course, that demonstrates that areas beyond North Atlantic, Europe and Nort Sea need consideration. Personally I think someone should have bought John Healey a map or pointed him to google earth, If Russia is the main threat, Russia is vast and has a Pacific coast, the only wat to… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  John Clark

Labour has zero policy on this, not even an opinion.

New build ships especially T31 is about the only thing they are thinking about due to the TUC influence.

1 year ago

We can hope the next government will continue the policy regarding these vessels. Without them the UK is much damaged in both tactical and World image, this is good news.

1 year ago
Reply to  maurice10

I don’t think any government ever had much of a policy on LPD’s, government just sets the budget it’s the MOD that decides what to keep and buy. The navy wants to keep them and they don’t cost much so they will stay.

They’re not a controversial platform like carriers.

1 year ago

Defence outputs……

1 year ago

This means absolutely nothing next week they will probably change their minds, they say they won’t be scrapped or mothballed no mention of not been sold to a foreign navy.

1 year ago

Good news, is there anything in the making to replace them ( both) when the time comes to decommission them?

1 year ago
Reply to  DeeBee

MRSS will replace Albion, Bulwark, Argus and the Bays. In discussion with the Dutch rather than in the making just now.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jon
11 months ago
Reply to  Jon

Be interesting to see the design they come up with. Argus is 28,000 tons. UK and Dutch LPDs are 20,000 tons, the LSDs 16000 and the Holland OPV is less than 4000 tons.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  DeeBee

MRSS mate. Multi role support ships. 6 hoped for, to replace the LPDs, Argus, and the 3 Bays. Which means we pray for 4!

1 year ago

HI DM. I think your prediction on 4 vessels is likely, particularly under an incoming Labour government. That being said, I believe Labour are not polling that well. I’m sure you’d have a better read on the pulse of the nation though.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  klonkie

Evening Chris.
The pulse of the nation is sick to death of the Tories and time for change.
The worry is what that change will mean!

11 months ago
Reply to  klonkie

Is there a pulse?

1 year ago
Reply to  DeeBee

Ok thanks guys, just had a quick gander about them on the Navy Lookout site, nice looking ships, let’s hope we get all 6🤞🤞

1 year ago

We need to start building those now then, with ships taking ten years to build.

11 months ago

To be honest, if Cartlidge told me the sky was blue, I’d go outside and check for myself. He’s my local MP, and what a conniving **&^% *** **&^%$ *&^ he is!

Anyhow… I wouldn’t trust that bloke with a weather report. Does anyone know where Albion and Bulwark are right now?

Shouldn’t one of them have been involved in the NATO gig that HMS POW is overwatching?

11 months ago

Newsflash… Tories are not denying that they might consider flogging off HMS POW… and chuck in an Albion Class to ‘sweeten’ the deal.

Peter S
Peter S
11 months ago
Reply to  Tom

Not a chance. Even if F35 numbers don’t increase much, recent events show we need 2 hulls to make( reasonably) sure one is always available. Who is going to buy one at@£3.5 b? Australia, who don’t have F35B, have just published their 20 year naval plan, Japan has its own mini carriers and Italy has Trieste and Cavour. The Albions are due out of service by 2033 so it is far more likely their capability will be gapped before MRSS in whatever form is ready. Getting rid of something already paid for is very different from wanting to cancel it… Read more »