Standing NATO Maritime Group One vessels have visited Amsterdam during their exercise and training programme in the North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea.

SNMG1 is one of NATO’s two deployable frigate forces. SNMG1 is at all times ready to perform tasks ranging from exercises to operational missions.

In order to have this range of capability, SNGM1 consists of warships like the Spanish ESPS ALVARO DE BAZAN, a high-end multipurpose frigate optimised for anti-air warfare and the Danish HDMS NIELS JUEL a very modern air defence frigate. The two additional ships currently in SNMG1 are the Turkish TCG GEDIZ a thoroughly modernised G-class frigate and the agile and modern FGS ERFURT, a German corvette.

Søren Thinggaard Larsen is a Commodore from the Royal Danish Navy and the Commander of SNMG1. He says:

“SNMG1 continually trains internally in order to maintain a high readiness, so we have done that ever since we started out in Bergen in January. We also utilize all opportunities to participate in exercises and train with other navies in the areas where we are operating.

We are currently conducting a diverse exercise and training program, which provides ample opportunity to train with both allied and partner nations in the whole spectrum of warfares at the highest level of complexity.”

SNMG1 patrols in both the North Atlantic and the Baltic and the . Commodore Larsen says he is looking forward to visiting Amsterdam where the crews and his staff will have a few days to relax a little when not preparing for the next tasks and exercises.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Andy G
Andy G
6 years ago

We should have a standing NATO carrier battle group.

6 years ago

Royal Navy sadly missing from SNMG1…..