Luftwaffe over Yorkshire again

A German Air Force squadron operating out of RAF Leeming is using the Joint Warrior exercise to test its Tornado pilots.

Coalition aircraft smash Islamic State convoy

It has been reported that coalition aircraft have destroyed an Islamic State convoy in Iraq.

Commando Helicopter Force receive first new Merlin

The first next generation Merlin helicopter, termed 'interim Merlin Mk3', has been delivered to 846 Naval Air Squadron.

RAF pilots haven’t been ordered to shoot down Russian jets

Several news sources have reported that RAF Tornados bombing Islamic State have been cleared to fire on Russian jets, this is not the case.

RAF personnel killed in Afghanistan helicopter crash

Two RAF personnel have been killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

Protector drone to be Reaper derivative

The MoD have now confirmed that Protector will be a derivative of the MQ-9 Reaper.

Polish F-16 Strikes Drone

A Polish F-16 has collided with a civilian drone, underlining concerns many aviators have with the growing popularity of the unlicensed and uncontrolled aerial...

US Marine Corps land MV-22 on British flagship, HMS Ocean

The US Marine Corps have landed an Osprey on British flagship HMS Ocean as preparation for upcoming exercise Trident Juncture.

Britain expected to begin airstrikes in Syria within weeks

The Government is preparing to hold a parliamentary vote authorising the extension of British strikes into Syria.

British combat drone fleet set to double

The Protector programme will see the UK acquire at least 20 Remotely Piloted Air Systems to replace the Reaper drones currently in service.



Other News

No commitments yet on UK peacekeeping force in Ukraine

As discussions about a potential peacekeeping force in Ukraine continue, the UK government has maintained its position of strong support for Ukraine while refraining from any formal commitment to deploying forces.