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Zelensky says ‘no’ to Hungary ceasefire proposal

Ukraine’s troops remain frustrated at delays in getting fresh supplies of arms and ammunition, according to reports from the frontline.

UK ‘has to demonstrate’ intent to restore forces to America

Starmer will be aiming to demonstrate the usefulness of the UK in the US-UK alliance.

Reform UK branded ‘dangerous influence’ on British politics

Their political rhetoric on defence and international affairs go far beyond simple errors of judgment or forgivable confusion argues Shane Mason in this submission.

MOD Main Building Booby-Trapped – Labour’s Day One Dilemmas

Labour faces immediate defence dilemmas with a booby-trapped MOD Main Building and financial crises on Day One, argues @RyanBJackson.

Without the USA, would NATO still win?

Yes, a European NATO could likely defeat a Russian attack on day one, but what about day one hundred?

Farage NATO remarks derail Reform surge

Election Bombshell - Farage's controversial comments on Ukraine threaten Reform Party momentum argues Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford.

Israel shifts military focus north

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has signalled that his armed forces will shortly shift focus north to the border with Lebanon.

How the British defeated Napoleon with citrus fruit

Without citrus, the years of blockades of French ports by the Royal Navy would not have been practical.

Farage pushes Russian propaganda with Ukraine comments?

Farage's claims push Russian propaganda, are amateurish and inconsistent with his own principles of national sovereignty.

A vision for Plaid Cymru’s 2024 Defence and Foreign Policy

The goal for a pro-independence party should be a Welsh armed forces and an independent foreign policy as a sovereign state argues @JeremyBrookman2.



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