Scottish politician continues to foster outrage over ships that can’t be built on the Clyde, not being built on the Clyde
Despite multiple corrections, explanations and pointers, some politicians in Scotland are astonishingly stoking outrage over ships that the Clyde can't build, not being built by the Clyde.
The Government must stop twisting the numbers – it’s time to properly fund the British Armed Forces
Through almost four hundred years of service, the British Armed Services have proven their outstanding merit time and time again. Whether intervening against genocide in the Balkans, breaking the seemingly invincible powers of Napoleon or Hitler, or defending British sovereignty in the Falklands.
Will the Alliance discover navies again?
Russia is challenging NATO at sea as well as ashore. The rather muted response of the Alliance focuses on more information and new command structures to provide a competitive edge. These measures alone will not be a sufficient deterrent.
Is there a case to be made for smaller carriers?
For the last year newspapers, magazines and websites – including this one - have been filled with impressive photographs of the Royal Navy's two new carriers - HMS Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales – commonly referred to as the Queen Elizabeth Class.
How does HMS Queen Elizabeth compare to the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov?
The Russian carrier is designed to lead a flotilla of vessels or operate solo while keeping enemy fleet at bay using its anti-ship missiles and using its aircraft to deter enemy aircraft.
The ARA San Juan and Britain’s presence in the South Atlantic
The unfortunate disappearance of the Argentine submarine displayed a rare co-operation between Britain and Argentina. The episode witnessed the two countries overcoming their differences and working together for the first time in years.
In defence of soft-kill defences – Why the days of big guns are gone
When talking about warships, the image that comes to most people minds are the battleships of the past with their huge 12 inch guns but today there's far more to it.
Britain’s New Pacific Presence
Last week, the UK announced it was establishing diplomatic representation in nine countries: Lesotho, Swaziland, the Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu. From an Oceanian perspective, this might be a game changer.
Suitability of British Defence Policy in the 21st Century
In this article we explore the suitability of Defence Policy in the 21st Century by considering its design, application and relevance in the modern era.
Scottish First Minister claims support ship work not going to the Clyde is ‘betrayal’, despite vessels not being physically able to fit
The First Minister of Scotland has inexplicably stated that the international tendering for auxiliary vessel contracts is a betrayal for the Clyde, despite the yards having no interest in them, having never been promised them and the fact the vessels couldn't physically fit on the slipway.