Type 45 Destroyer HMS Dragon deploys for the Gulf

HMS Dragon is scheduled to work alongside coalition and regional partners throughout her time away, say the Royal Navy.

What is Shipborne Rolling Vertical Landing?

The Shipborne Rolling Vertical Landing (SRVL) is a British endeavour—a capability at least a decade in the making—that will allow pilots to return to ship with more stores on the aircraft after a mission.

ITF team nears testing with HMS Queen Elizabeth

The F-35 Patuxent River Integrated Test Force (ITF) is nearing a milestone as they prepare to embark two F-35Bs on board aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

WATCH: 40 Commando training on HMS Albion

Charlie Company, 40 Commando conducted CQB (Close Quarter Battle) training in the well dock of HMS Albion in the Far East recently.

HMS Prince of Wales receives first sea-going Captain

Commodore Stephen Moorhouse has taken over command of the UK’s second new aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales.

American assault ship USS Essex with embarked F-35B jets conducts operational deployment

The US 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit and the Essex Amphibious Ready Group is the first continental US Navy and US Marine Corps force to deploy with the F-35B.

A story about the crew of HMS Queen Elizabeth in Florida you probably didn’t...

While the papers were busy being surprised about sailors having a bit too much to drink, other stories showing the crew of HMS Queen Elizabeth for who they really are, came to light.

NATO mine counter measures exercise ‘Dynamic Move’ kicks off

The second part of NATO mine countermeasures leadership exercise Dynamic Move 18 has started in Italy.

Astute boats 4-7 now more than £800m over budget

The Ministry of Defence has revealed that boats 4-7 of the Astute Class submarine are now £838 million over budget. The news came in their annual Finance and Economics Bulletin. 

NATO ships postpone exercise to monitor Russian activity in Mediterranean Sea

Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) continues to monitor 'substantial' Russian naval activity in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and will revise the schedule for exercises, say the alliance.



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