RFA Tidesurge named in South Korea

The third of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary’s new Tide class tankers, RFA Tidesurge, has been formally named.

WATCH: Sea Ceptor air defence missile in successful first firing

Defence Minister Harriett Baldwin announced today that the first firings of the new Sea Ceptor air defence missile have been successfully conducted.

BMT introduces VENARI-85 a new MCM concept design

BMT has launched VENARI-85, a new mine countermeasure (MCM) concept design capable of clearing mines over a greater area and with less risk to the crew.

HMS Ocean may be renamed NAe Minas Gerais as interest from Brazil deepens

The purchase of HMS Ocean by the Brazilian Navy still has a few hurdles to overcome but they've already picked out a name.

The Type 23 ‘Duke class’ Frigate: A Guide

The Type 23 programme originally arose in the late 1970’s, at the height of the Cold War.

HMS Argyll to join exercises with Japanese fleet

Theresa May is sending a Royal Navy warship to take part in military exercises with Japan next year.

Red Alert! Enterprise crew conduct weapons training with Croatian vessels

HMS Enterprise, a NATO group flagship, has been conducting training with the Croatian Navy.

HMS Ocean deploys as NATO group flagship

HMS Ocean has deployed to fill the role of flagship for NATO's Standing Maritime Group 2.

What kind of firepower will the Type 26 ‘City class’ Frigate have?

The Type 26 'City class' Frigate will be a powerful and flexible frigate with a wide array of cutting edge sensors and weapons, but what will those weapons be?

New Offshore Patrol Vessel HMS Forth sails from Glasgow on sea trials

HMS Forth, the first of five new Offshore Patrol Vessels being built on the Clyde, has departed Glasgow on sea trials today.



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