The Glasgow shipyard, currently building Type 26 Frigates for the Royal Navy, was targeted by protestors calling for an immediate ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas taking place in Gaza.

I went along to take a look.

I asked one of the protestors about what they were doing and was told:

“Our voices have been drowned out by their indifference. It’s the higher-ups, the ones pulling the strings and lining their pockets, who are fueling the oppression of the Palestinian people. I’m here because action speaks louder than words. We demand accountability. They must know we won’t stand by while injustices are committed in our names. We’re not backing down.”

A BAE Systems spokesperson said:

“We’re horrified by the situation in Israel and Gaza and the devastating impact it’s having on civilians in the region and we hope it can be resolved as soon as possible. We respect everyone’s right to protest peacefully. We operate under the tightest regulation and comply fully with all applicable defence export controls, which are subject to ongoing assessment.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson said:

“We are aware of a number of protesters at BAE in Govan Road, Glasgow. Officers are in attendance.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_793628)
5 months ago

They pick a site that has absolutely nothing to do with the conflict.

Not quite sure what the message from that is?

Jon (@guest_793633)
5 months ago

No publicity is bad publicity. The content of the message is almost irrelevant. All that’s relevant is the number of column inmches. If you can get the words Israel civilians and oppression somewhere in the first paragraph, that’s just icing on the cake.

MattW (@guest_794279)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jon

What’s WRS, please?

WRP is the Galloway vehicle, but I don’t think you mean that.

I’d put a C in somewhere for conspiraloon, as is clear from the quote.

Last edited 5 months ago by MattW
Callum (@guest_793631)
5 months ago

One of these days, a protest group will actually do some quality research before screaming that they demand to be heard and causing issues for people not involved in whatever thing they’re protesting.

I’m reminded of the loons from Just Stop Oil who blocked a tanker lorry hauling vegetable oil…

ABCRodney (@guest_793671)
5 months ago
Reply to  Callum

Mmm yep and the mass walk slow protest that blocked the Cycle Paths.

AlexS (@guest_793709)
5 months ago
Reply to  Callum

I think it is other people that needs to do quality research in how Marxist(now also Islamist) groups operate.

They are following their road book.

Airborne (@guest_793636)
5 months ago

Yawn, bore off you muppets, grow up and do something useful.

Jacko (@guest_793652)
5 months ago

I bet they took hours writing out that statement😀

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_793667)
5 months ago

Yes …. What arming of Israel is actually going on? I thought they were pretty much self-sufficient in arms?

Aaron L
Aaron L (@guest_793834)
5 months ago
Reply to  Mark B

You’d have thought so but they still get a good amount of aid from the US

Andyy (@guest_794762)
5 months ago
Reply to  Mark B

One of the more visible examples of actual UK arms exports to Israel might be F-35. The BAE site at Samlesbury makes fuselage sections for every F-35, but I guess isn’t nearly so convenient for protestors.

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_795160)
5 months ago
Reply to  Andyy

F35? Haven’t they received all the F35s they are going to get?

ABCRodney (@guest_793670)
5 months ago

The sometimes annoying thing about living in a reasonable, civilised society is folks have the right to peaceful protest. And as long as they don’t do anything stupid then that’s fine and it’s something actually worth defending (even if they are eejits, who never did a proper days work in their lives). After all unlike a certain other country being a protester in UK doesn’t result in a sharp increase in the numbers of accidental deaths due to falling off Balcony’s.🥴 However I actually think that there should be one condition, if you are exercising a legitimate right to protest… Read more »

monkey spanker
monkey spanker (@guest_793682)
5 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Protests are ok so long as everyone sticks to the law.
Not sure why they have to block entrances etc. perhaps protests should have to be organised next to the entrance not blocking access.
This will have no effect on the conflict tho. Take the protest to Israel.

AlexS (@guest_793705)
5 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Blocking is not peaceful protesting. It is use of force.

ABCRodney (@guest_793801)
5 months ago
Reply to  AlexS

Don’t be silly, they are all mouth and trousers, I’ve been on the receiving side of Peace / CND / End War protestors “blocking a site”, They turn up in a bunch of mini buses, after everyone is at work and stand proudly in front of the gates for the benefit of the press. Funnily enough they disappear very quickly at shift start / knocking off time / lunch time. It was quite comical to watch and for some reason they didn’t seem to want to engage their fellow “workers” face to face. God help them if they forgot that… Read more »

Armchair Admiral
Armchair Admiral (@guest_793845)
5 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Free tea…asymmetric warfare at its best! AA

BobP (@guest_793674)
5 months ago

Notice they have masks on and hoods. Trying to hide their identity. Police should strip search them for hidden weapons.

monkey spanker
monkey spanker (@guest_793683)
5 months ago
Reply to  BobP

There are rules around strip searching. The police are there and am sure they know what they are doing.

AlexS (@guest_793706)
5 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

Haha. They will probably get lunch to these violent protesters that defend Hamas.

Jack (@guest_793894)
5 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

They are doing FA as usual.

Cj (@guest_793675)
5 months ago

These are the same people if we we’re at war would protest that we’re firing missiles that could hurt someone, bloody idiots.

terence patrick hewett
terence patrick hewett (@guest_793676)
5 months ago

Village idiots too lazy or dimwitted to have a trade or profession: a product of the welfare state, which discourages financial independence and independence of thought.

DMJ (@guest_793860)
5 months ago

Rural folk mostly know better.
These fools are most likely townies from suburbia.

farouk (@guest_793688)
5 months ago

The entire purpose of this and similar protests is to change the way the West (In this case the UK) looks and treats Israel with the aim of isolating Israel politically. Thus ensuring that Israel  will die on the vine  and allowing those who have funded and organised all these protests (Iran, Hamas and Islamists to enforce their will without having to fire a shot by playing “Oh think of the women and children card, whilst no mention is ever made of how many Hamas gunmen have been taken out) This is nothing new and we saw similar acts of Antisemitism… Read more »

Bringer of facts
Bringer of facts (@guest_793753)
5 months ago
Reply to  farouk

That is what I do not understand, refugees flee to the UK because they are being “religiously persecuted” and then they spend most of their time establishing Islamic communities opening Mosques, and, following the very same culture that supposedly oppressed them.

If you look at “Stop the War Coalition” they are affiliated with many Islamist groups in the UK, and they rely on them to swell the numbers at protests.

John Fedup
John Fedup (@guest_793925)
5 months ago

Western immigration policy, a good example of you can’t fix stupid.

ABCRodney (@guest_793803)
5 months ago
Reply to  farouk

I see that in Holland the courts have banned the export of parts for F35 in case trey end up in Israel.

John Fedup
John Fedup (@guest_793926)
5 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Parts that can be alternatively sourced from the US, a judicial punishment on Dutch industry which does SFA for the situation in the ME.

ABCRodney (@guest_794002)
5 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Bloody hell Andy you have actually posted something I 50% agree with.
They are protesters but harmless, gormless and useless. They don’t even have the sense to protest outside U.K. defence companies owned by Israel. Which would at least make some weird of sense.

Trump is however dangerous, politically savvy and completely without any moral ballance.

Don’t know about oxygen but he’s 340$ million lighter.

lonpfrb (@guest_795352)
5 months ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

$364,000,000 in the NYC fraud case disgorgement. Plus 9% interest..
$88,500,000 in the E.Jean Carroll rape and defamation case.

and he hasn’t even started the 91 indictments going to trial.

He belongs in Fulton County Jail where he will be accountable for his actions and not above the law 🇺🇲

Ian M
Ian M (@guest_793691)
5 months ago

Officers are in attendance.”
Yup, thumbs hooked menacingly in his utility belt, exuding authority and control. Probably waiting for George to leave so he could avail himself of the refreshments available on the table to the left of the picture.

Frederick Speight
Frederick Speight (@guest_793693)
5 months ago

More to the point, why are they not in work ?

Expat (@guest_793703)
5 months ago

So did I miss the news, we’ve sold T26 to Isreal?

ABCRodney (@guest_794003)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

No Israel obtains its modern surface and submarines from Germany.

AlexS (@guest_793711)
5 months ago

 protestors calling for an immediate ceasefire

That is not what it says in the photo above.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_793740)
5 months ago

I love it how they all try to cover their faces.
Useful idiots of, I can confidently guess, no benefit to society or their nation.

Bringer of facts
Bringer of facts (@guest_793744)
5 months ago

How about these people protest outside the Iranian embassy “Stop Arming Hamas/Houthis/Hezbollah” Israel did not start this conflict, but they do not want to hear that.

Python15 (@guest_793848)
5 months ago

Beat me to it! 😎

Cj (@guest_793759)
5 months ago

Spot on, it would be interesting to interview some of the protesters specifically the white British one’s with no connection to either Israel or gaza and ask the question why only protest this with so many things going on in the world nowadays?.

AlexS (@guest_793779)
5 months ago
Reply to  Cj

Because for a Marxist, Israel is the icon of Western world , it is the proxy to make any western country unable to defend itself.

Last edited 5 months ago by AlexS
AlexS (@guest_793781)
5 months ago
Reply to  AlexS

The Israel-Palestinian conflict is actually a conflict mostly inside Western civilisation(includes Russia).
Palestinians would not even have existed without Israel. They would have been Jordanians and Egyptians and no one cared.

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_793770)
5 months ago

Oh! You are your facts!

Last edited 5 months ago by Barry Larking
Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_793771)
5 months ago
Reply to  Barry Larking

Oh, you and your facts!

Rob N
Rob N (@guest_793790)
5 months ago

I think masked protests should be banned…. people should be held responsible for their actions. If they are doing something wrong or illegal we should see who they are.

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_793975)
5 months ago
Reply to  Rob N

I find it threatening and clearly has potential to intimidate. Trouble is the Islamists mask up their women so what do you do?

Frank (@guest_793814)
5 months ago

“Stop the rain”…. there, that’s what I would protest for.

Jon (@guest_794506)
5 months ago
Reply to  Frank

Setting yourself up against Gardeners Question Time? The Radio 4 audience will have a series of stiffly worded letters for you, mate!

Jack (@guest_793893)
5 months ago

And the Police just stand there doing sweet FA as usual.

Frank (@guest_793916)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jack

They are way too busy solving 2% of crimes…..

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_793907)
5 months ago

Useful Idiots

Mike (@guest_793918)
5 months ago

Another bunch of misguided idiots who’s only purpose in life is weakening Uk Defence!!!!!!’

Andrew (@guest_794001)
5 months ago

They are a confused little bunch!

Glenn Ridsdale
Glenn Ridsdale (@guest_794134)
5 months ago

What’s needed there is a steamroller.