The Royal Air Force will be on high alert from now until the 25th December in order to track an unregistered cargo flight from the Arctic region.

The aircraft is understood to have behavioural intelligence-gathering capabilities of the type that is able to sort British citizens into a ‘list’, determining their behaviour over the last year.

The move has been prompted by an incident around a year ago in which Typhoon aircraft escorted a Lapland registered aircraft over the UK’s major cities early on the morning of the 25th, the pilot of the craft was said to be under the influence of alcohol and very “festive”, this is especially dangerous due to the sheer volume of cargo the aircraft was carrying.

Ministry of Defence spokesman C. Cringle had this to say:

“Interception is part of what the QRA force do. We have to identify and confirm who or what is flying through our airspace or approaching our airspace and since the craft appears at the same time each year, we have a fairly good idea who will be flying but we don’t take any chances.”

This is expected to happen again towards the end of next month on the 24th through to the 25th.

The Ministry of Defence previously used satellites with infrared sensors to track the aircraft last time this happened, it is understood that the heat from an animals red nose was clearly visible and it was at this point RAF aircraft began escorting the jet over every British city, town and village.

More on this as it develops, we expect more updates on the 25h of December.

Everyone could use a bit of festive cheer, we hope this article has given you some of that.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Haha. I’m looking at the title thinking how far is the artic. How many refuelling would it take to get typhoon there and back. Maybe stop in Iceland or northern Norway. The p-8 should be good to patrol.
    Open it up and i knew as soon as it said from now until the 25th December that it’s Santa.
    Hope they put an asraam up his ***** lol

  2. I think the EU is demanding extra border checks. That is why this is a month early, to get the paperwork done in time.

  3. Nicely done, it nearly made me check if it was April 1st until I stopped myself 😊

    (Of course, when I read only the headline before clicking through, I thought the Russian were up to their antics again)

  4. Every year this intruder seems to come from the north and yet nothing seems to be done apart from an escort. This invasion has got to stop! Who knows what their real intentions are, we need strongly secured borders and airspace. I thought this country was world leading in ASW (Anti Santa Warfare)?

  5. Morning George from the Colony of Natal. It doesn’t seem like a year since the last incursion by the portly man in Red!😉

  6. “The Ministry of Defence previously used satellites with infrared sensors to track the aircraft last time this happened … at this point RAF aircraft began escorting the jet”

    Bollocks, clearly an example of stealth cuts, why are we not taking this clear and present Arctic threat seriously, why back in 82, rhubarb rhubarb…

  7. Heavily ladden cargo aircraft appearing in the Arctic with a festive pilot at the cockpit, and appearing during Christmas period every year? I say this is Santa Flight bringing in Xmas gifts. Hurray!!

  8. I don’t what use the RAF could be here, allow me to explain, as a child I used to buy the comic ‘2000AD’ there was a story line called invasion where the Uk had been invaded (and occupied) by the Volgans (looked a lot like the Russians) A one man resistance movement led by a truck driver called Bill Savage organised for the Royal family to be flown out of the country by the latest iteration of Concorde , when the Russians Volgans spotted the aircraft they sent their own fighter aircraft up into the air and because the Concorde was using Hydrogen engines, the missiles the Volgans used backtracked and shot down the aircraft they had been launched from. Trying to hunt down Santa would result in the same….I’ll get me coat

  9. I hear that the North Pole has shut down all its toy factories and now subcontracts to China for worldwide toy supplies. ELF services are supporting the mental health of the now redundant toy factory workers and the impact on the north poles population. Santa was quoted to say “ it’s was felt that the most important thing was to get best value for the North Pole tax payers”. When asked for a quote Blitzen was hear to say “ shame all the tax payers ended up redundant And needing ELF services” another unnamed internal source close to Santa was heard to say “I did not get a red nose to deliver van loads of plastic shit. Misses Santa is now considering her position and my stand against Santa in future elections on a “ Developing local industry, using sustainable toy production methods”.

  10. Quite right, keep an eye on that guy……!!
    As the yanks say ” in God we trust..all others we watch”. Even sqn ldr Claws..,

  11. This might not be as much of a joke or play on words as you think as my uncles have both been deployed somewhere in Antarctica/Arctic with several other family friends (in the RAF ) also and not expected home until at least the 29th Dec. We don’t know anything only it is classified.

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