A battery of the Romanian Air Force’s 74th PATRIOT Regiment conducted a deployment exercise on March 13, 2024, proving its operational capability and resilience and underscoring readiness to engage potential airborne threats, say NATO.

The 1st Battalion of the PATRIOT Regiment executed the deployment of a Patriot battery as a part of their continuing training and exercises programme. Following the alert for the battery’s combat team, the unit conducted a 200-kilometre deployment road move.

Simultaneously, all of the regiment’s fire units executed moves into different deployed sites, showcasing their skills to establish operational readiness in a well-coordinated and synchronised manner.

“This deployment not only underscores the unit’s readiness and adaptability, but also represents the culmination of an extensive training process, marking one of the final objectives in their training stages,” said Captain Traian Brehui, deputy commander of the 1st battalion.

“Our mission entails the defence of a specific objective or force, requiring us to arrive at a designated time, following a specific route, armed with a prescribed striking power – this is what we successful performed in today’s exercise.”

You can read more on this from NATO here.

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Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_807108)
3 months ago

Would the UK ever consider adopting the Patriot system alongside the CAMM/CAMM-ER or even the Aster SAMP/T for its GBAD?

Daniel (@guest_807117)
3 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

You would think SAMP/T would be the logical option, but it seems like GBAD is just not something the MoD thinks it can afford given the slow drip of sky sabre / CAMM orders.

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_807139)
3 months ago
Reply to  Daniel

Fresh air won’t stop stuff flying over the proverbial fence. Look at all the damage done in Ukraine. The poor buggers need all the GBAD their can get their hands on. I think most countries on the continent and in Scandinavia have some level of GBAD and the UK thinks its not necessary or has no sense of urgency even in these times? I wonder if CAMM/Sky Sabre had been a bit further along in its use maybe more countries would have taken it up by now? The Patriot is selling like hotcakes so why no Meteor/equivalent GBAD? The mobile… Read more »

Daniel (@guest_807150)
3 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Oh absolutely, I agree the UK should be more than capable of fielding a respectable GBAD force, including something with at least some ABM capability like SAMP/T or Patriot. Personally I think SAMP/T is the way, obviously for RN commonality but also just to support industrial capacity for systems other than Patriot which itself already has a long order book. The ground based ASRAAM was impressively innovative but I have always been surprised by the fact that CAMM still hasn’t shown up in Ukraine. I am not sure if this is a production capacity issue? As for exports, CAMM –… Read more »

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_807153)
3 months ago
Reply to  Daniel

Yes, I forgot about those last two systems. I’d like to see CAMM with an Iron Dome type launcher too, which I think holds 15 interceptors and is transportable. There’s a lot that can be worked with. I think down here in Aus they’re adopting NASAM and I’m not sure of anything for a higher lever than that.

Jim (@guest_807171)
3 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

CAMM is basically ASRAAM and it is selling very well. It’s selling way more than Patriot.

Netking (@guest_807200)
3 months ago
Reply to  Jim

It’s selling way more than Patriot.”

Why do you make such easily disproval claims? At least 18 countries have purchased the Patriot missile system and as you stated in another post, just a single battery is over a billion dollars.

David (@guest_807241)
3 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Asraam is an IR seeker AAM , Caam is a soft launch SAM with an active seeker and data link. The tech may come from the same lineage and re using components was a driver but ‘ based on” Is not ” basically “

Meirion X
Meirion X (@guest_807183)
3 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

The Meteor is still only equalent to a medium range air defence missile, about at least 120km range. Yes, they have been useful in Ukraine!

Last edited 3 months ago by Meirion X
Patrick C
Patrick C (@guest_807482)
3 months ago
Reply to  Meirion X

seems as though adapting meteor to NASAAMs would be a pretty straightforward deal. it uses various version of AMRAAM (with boosters) and AIM-9s… then again one of the biggest pluses to NASAAMs is there are thousands of older AMRAAMs in stocks to pull from… meteor would be a different story.

David (@guest_807244)
3 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Meteor plus a booster would male a great long range SAM to counter sub 60k feet aircraft, but as an airbrushing missile would be limited to higher altitude interceptions where the ram jet would lack the key ingredient ….air. As an anti awacs or tacair anti denial it would be ideal.
If you look at something like the S.Korean M or K Sam series there isn’t a single interceptor.its a variety of different diameter missiles to cover the threat profile.

David (@guest_807245)
3 months ago
Reply to  David

Air breathing

Jim (@guest_807170)
3 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Theatre level GBAD systems like SAMP/T or Patriot clock in at a billion dollars per battery, neither the Airforce or the army want to part with that kind of money preferring the other branch to pay for it.

That’s why we are the only major military nation with no land based ABM capability or theatre level air defence.

David (@guest_807184)
3 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Camm MR is a Polish UK development that hopefully results in land and sea use. The blurb announced when the collaboration was in the news last year was a longer range version of Camm -ER so out to 100km
More interesting is the polish view that it should be a cheaper alternative to Patriot Pac- 3 MSE interceptor, which would mean some ABM capability.
Aster does not seem to be France and Italys long term option. I think MBDA twister programme will propose a new family of missiles.

Meirion X
Meirion X (@guest_807192)
3 months ago
Reply to  David

“Aster does not seem to be France and Italys long term option.”

SAMP/T is based on the Aster missile, the land version of Sea Viper.

Yes Poland will use CAMM-MR to intercept ruZZian missiles coming from Kaliningrad.
Giving time for the rest of ruZZia arsenal to be destroyed on the ground by aircraft.

Well done Poland, for thinking ahead what ruZZia has in store for Eastern European cities!

Last edited 3 months ago by Meirion X
David (@guest_807218)
3 months ago
Reply to  Meirion X

I know, but as I understand the next Franco Italian system will not utilise Aster albeit it has a long service life left.
The European initiative for ABM and anti hypersonic missile under project Proposed by MBDA as Twister and Aquila which seems to suggest a new common interceptor, and not a further development of Aster, by 2030
Therefore as nice as Saampt for the UK forces would be, it would be buying technology that might be less than cutting edge very quickly.

Meirion X
Meirion X (@guest_807231)
3 months ago
Reply to  David

According to MBDA the proposed TWISTER is an space-based detection and interceptor system to protect from hypersonic threats, and a interceptor called HYDIS, under the PESCO program.
And HYDEF to counter threats from 2035, supported by EDF.

These projects raise a lot of questions of the UK’s position.

Does that mean development of the Aster 30 Block 2 has been cancelled?

Last edited 3 months ago by Meirion X
SailorBoy (@guest_807234)
3 months ago
Reply to  David

Not so sure about ABM for CAMM-MR, it’s not really the idea of the family.
I think from the sounds Poland made when the programme was announced that they want a way of defending the Patriot and the area around it from lower level threats without firing hugely expensive PAC-3s.

David (@guest_807242)
3 months ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

PAC 3 MSE is relatively short range, 35km altitude limits of 40Km..it’s a small bodied missile with hit to kill and an active seeker.
Camm MR could achieve similar to hit ABM on short to medium range. It would require a good radar system
Is all about cost as ukr and Yemen is showing . P3 MSe cost 4.1m dollars each.
With a suitable seeker, Caam MR could provide that lower tier protection at fraction of the cost.

David (@guest_807243)
3 months ago
Reply to  David

That is why Poland is interested. US missiles are very very expensive.

Netking (@guest_807263)
3 months ago
Reply to  David

Please keep in mind that altitude is not the only or even the best metric to determine the performance of a missile for a specific target set. If that was the case the pac-2 would be enough to intercept ballistic missiles. Also note that the new missile that the Poles are proposing is to work alongside the Patriot batteries and not as an alternative. Similar to the the way the Russians use the Pantsir to protect the s300 /400

Frank62 (@guest_807187)
3 months ago

Crushing that we have to be jealous of Roumania having an anti ballistic missile capability while the UK has none land based.
We’re just a short step from becoming a target for Russian missiles. I appreciate the Pope’s sentiments, but we’re less likely to become targets if our enemies see we have credible defences & deterents. Disarming is what HMG has been doing over decades & we’ve ended up with authoratarian bullies feeling free to threaten, bully & invade neiighbours. Time is running out to prepare for, or deter, war.

Meirion X
Meirion X (@guest_807196)
3 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

We need to use ABM to counter their ‘escalate to deescalate strategy’ to force us to surrender, after a few Nuke warning shots!

We got a PM with limited political experience, neithermind life skills!

Last edited 3 months ago by Meirion X
Meirion X
Meirion X (@guest_807203)
3 months ago
Reply to  Frank62
