Royal Marines sniper and boarding teams from 42 Commando were seen honing their skills aboard destroyer HMS Duncan.

These exercises were part of the destroyer’s preparation for a vital security mission in the Eastern Mediterranean.

42 Commando Royal Marines are one of three elite battalion sized units which make up 3 Commando Brigade. 42 Commando are experts in high threat Maritime Security Operations (MSO), Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIOps), Joint Personnel Recovery (JPR) and Support and Influence Operations (S&I).

42 Commando is a very high readiness commando force capable of delivering special operations with a specific expertise in maritime operations.

HMS Duncan, which deployed at the end of May, has been playing a crucial role in protecting a US Navy task group in the region. After completing intensive training and a short stop in Cyprus, the Portsmouth-based warship linked up with two US Navy task forces.

Commander Dan Lee, the Commanding Officer of HMS Duncan, expressed his pride in his crew’s readiness, stating, “I am proud of what my ship’s company have achieved in such an extremely short period. As a team, they rose to the challenge and with FOST support achieved the extremely high standards required to ensure we are ready for anything asked of us.”

The destroyer provided air defence to the USS Wasp’s Amphibious Ready Group, demonstrating its capabilities during an air defence exercise by fending off attacks from Harrier jets. The training included a variety of drills, from weapons handling to damage control scenarios, ensuring that both ship and crew are fully prepared for any challenges they might face.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Presumably, contingents of RM are also assigned to deployed FFGs and CVs? RFA vessels? Would seem to be a prudent measure in many theaters of operation.

    • Yes, I think so. Four Two was reorganised some years ago for the tasks outlined in the article, leaving Forty and Four Five in the more traditional role.


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