With the recent news that Rosyth will build a warship for Ukraine, the total number of warships being built in Scottish shipyards between 2015 to 2035 now stands at 24.

In addition to the now built 5 Offshore Patrol Vessels, there are plans for 8 Type 26 Frigates, 5 Type 31 Frigates, 5 Type 32 Frigates and 1 Ukrainian warship to be built in Scotland.

This article is a fact checking article, if you believe we’ve made an error you can submit a correction in line with our correction policy.

Click the below table to enlarge it.

A Ukrainian warship?

Ukraine previously signed a memorandum with the UK to secure £1.25 billion in funding to build new military vessels for the Ukrainian Navy, the first ship will be constructed in the UK and the remaining 7 vessels will be built in Ukraine.

Scottish shipyard to build warship for Ukraine

Type 32?

The new Type 32 Frigate will be built in addition to the Type 26 and Type 31 Frigates in the hopes of bringing the escort fleet up to 24 vessels from its current 19.

The Defence Secretary previously confirmed that Rosyth will be building more vessels than previously planned, with the Type 32 Frigate going into built at the yard after the Type 31 Frigate build finishes.

Ben Wallace, the Defence Secretary, recently stated that Rosyth would be building Tytpe 32 Frigates in addition to Type 31 Frigates.

“We are committed to building the Type 26 in the United Kingdom; it is under construction on the Clyde. In Rosyth, work is ongoing to build the facility needed to build the Type 31s and the subsequent Type 32s. He also knows that I recently recategorised the future Fleet Solid Support ship as a warship. I intend to make sure that, if not entirely, there is a considerable degree of UK build in that process, subject to tender. I have to be cautious about the contract, because the competition is to begin soon—very soon.”

According to the recently released ‘Defence Command Paper’, the Type 32 frigates will be designed to protect territorial waters, to provide persistent presence overseas and to support Littoral Response Groups.

The first mention of a new Type 32 frigate came in the Prime Minister’s 19 November statement. He said: “We are going to develop the next generation of warships, including multi-role research vessels and Type 32 frigates.”

The Defence Command Paper, titled ‘Defence in a Competitive Age’, describes the planned programme:

“Type 32 frigates, designed to protect territorial waters, provide persistent presence overseas and support our Littoral Response Groups.”

You can read more by clicking below.

Type 32 Frigates to be built in Rosyth

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Dern (@guest_585225)
2 years ago

It’s almost like someone was trolling UKDJ on some other platform….

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_585235)
2 years ago
Reply to  Dern

You mean the SNP’s stating there are no warships in Scotland / there are no warships being built in Scotland.

I was trying to figure out how

8 x T26
5 x T31
5 x T32?
1 x Ukranian

added up to 24 units – then I noticed the total was backdated to 2015 include

2 x QEC
5 x B2 Rivers?

But then that makes 26 by my maths or have I missed something?

Or have the QEC’s not be counted for some reason?

Unlike the number of new ferries that Nicola has ordered?

Dern (@guest_585305)
2 years ago

B2 Rivers only. The backdate is too when the order for 13 City class was altered to 8 and 5 Inspirations and 5 Rivers.


David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585249)
2 years ago

Has anyone else read about Macron and Modi talking subs for the Indian Navy ? I would love to be the head Indian negotiator. I have a feeling they’ll squeeze the French till the pips squeak !

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_585265)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

French defence exports don’t usually end up cheap: by the final account.

Delivery prices for QEC (explicable) and T31 fixed price have got a lot of ears and noses twitching.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585272)
2 years ago

SSN’s for India. After the last week if there was ever a time to get cheap kit from France it’s now.

Lusty (@guest_585277)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

I’d love to see how the French react if they chat and sign on the dotted line.. only for the Indians to buy British. I think the French would simply explode.

Yeah, I know – it’s more complex than that. But I couldn’t resist!

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585281)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lusty

Oh sir that would be a moment to savour. A Steak n Chips supper followed by a very nice single malt and cigar ! Oh we can dream.

Mac (@guest_585423)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lusty

The Indians will only ever buy British if their is absolutely no alternative..The political class there still have massive chips on their shoulders about colonial times. Its why the French have done so well selling stuff to them, It’s a good way to stick two fingers up at London.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585429)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Yeah but on the plus they’d get French SSN’s. lol

Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne (@guest_585435)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

We have a lot of Indian diaspora in the UK and my engineering interactions with the Indian’s have always been on very good terms. I wouldn’t say they have an Imperial hang over. There is a lot of Indian’s I have met that greatly miss the efficiency of colonial administration compared to their own governments. Indeed most of the current Indian infrastructure, schools, Universities etc are originally designed by Victorian engineers and they have stood the test of time.

Mac (@guest_585437)
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Thorne

Well, I was very specific when I said the political class in India…

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_585462)
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Thorne

I have quite a few Indians who work for me. On the whole great guys. The whole reason they are in the UK is to get away from the inefficiency and corruption back home. They are universally dismissive of Indian politics and wish we could export some of ours to them! You have got to bear in mind all the chat around various people buying up the rump of British Steel when it went Indian. From a commercial perspective it never made any sense. From a nationalistic perspective it made total sense. If that makes sense…..one leading Indian businessman crowed… Read more »

Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne (@guest_585471)
2 years ago

Yes I would agree that Indian politics is a bit parochial, corrupt, inefficient and bound by perceived slights of the past. They just don’tseem to realise yet if they got rid of the endemic corruption they would be one of the top superpowers in the world. Indeed they were when we led them.

Lusty (@guest_585457)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

*insert ‘it was a joke’ penguin*

Tommo (@guest_585465)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

They put their colonial chip in reverse when they purchased the Hermes , MOD police and Devon constabulary recovered so many stolen bikes that had disappeared from Plymouth dockyard and surrounding areas

Drew (@guest_585618)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

You are right on that unless it’s cure no one else has!!

Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne (@guest_585438)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

I think the Indian’s will work increasing with AUSUK. I suspect that the Indians will want more capable kit from the US, UK and Australia. France may have bribed their way to the Rafale contract (the bribery scandal is just going through the French courts at the moment):


Watch this space…this may give the Indian’s the chance to ditch the Rafale and then perhaps Eurofighter can swoop in again 🙂

julian1 (@guest_585466)
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Thorne

why would they ditch it having bought it and brought it into service? I know its only a small number but its hardly a disaster

Grant (@guest_585443)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Dont the Indians already have nuclear submarines (a couple of Akula class and a SSBN in build?)

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585498)
2 years ago
Reply to  Grant

That’s a strange one. They’ve got leases on a Charlie and an Akula with another Akula on order as another lease plus an SSBN. If anyone could explain why leased and not bought I’d be grateful. As to French well 2 reasons French SSN’s are no match for UK/US Boats but I’d guess they’d be superior to Russian SSN’s. Second and most important with Macron’s ego squashed I think they could use that to get a good deal on them but we’ll see.

Grant (@guest_585557)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Interesting indeed…. i guess it would be far easier for the Indians to operate new nuclear submarines. I’m guessing we wouldnt be allowed to sell them our tech.

What makes our ubs better then the french ones? I notice they dont appear to have the anechoic tiles…

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585562)
2 years ago
Reply to  Grant

Why are UK/US SSN’s better ? If I knew and said I might get a visit from Special Branch. Thankfully all I have to go on is what I pick up for example Aus Def Sec when asked why UK or US SSN’s and not French said ‘They’re not superior’ Add in what I read on many diff sites. For USN I’d recommend USNI. It’s not what your looking for and there are guys on here who could give you more but bad guys monitor this site too and there are things that need to be secret.

Grant (@guest_585572)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Yes of course eyes everywhere. Anyway its good to know were still good at the stuff which really counts.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585576)
2 years ago
Reply to  Grant

The best news you can find is that our friends are very impressed with the Astutes and our enemies are very worried !

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585577)
2 years ago
Reply to  Grant

Ah used an emoji in my comment so gone for adjudication. The more you learn about the Astute class vs it’s competition the happier you’ll find yourself.

Spyinthesky (@guest_585611)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Indeed as it’s most prominent compliment came from an unnamed US exchange officer during exercises with the. Virginia class one has to believe as a specialist hunter killer certainly they have no peer.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585621)
2 years ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Yep and reading between the lines and sometimes not even that it’s clear the Russians are not happy bunnies when it comes to the Astutes. It I’ll be interesting to learn more about how the Chinese are finding them or not ! and the 23’s.

Tams (@guest_586015)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Naval Group are apparently going to ‘seek compensation’, which I assume means outside of their contract.

Lol. So not only did they ultimately fail to con/rip-off the Aussies, but they apparently didn’t negotiate good enough cancellation penalties in the contract. And then on top of that in their head’s ranty newspaper piece has admitted they hadn’t even begun ‘basic design’.

Meanwhile our shipyards have a very healthy order book.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_586150)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tams

Yep and when you think back to not so long ago the French,Italians and even Spanish seemed to be wiping the floor with us on warship exports. Maybe a National shipbuilding strategy is what we’ve been missing all along.

Tommo (@guest_585254)
2 years ago

Just like 2915, Inderef when BAE went north of the border it looks and sounds like we’re gearing up for Inderef 2

Lusty (@guest_585259)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

They’re still running Inderefs in 2915? What are you, David Tennant in a police box? 😂

Lusty (@guest_585274)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lusty

You’re good mate, just having a bit of a jest. Always respect your postings. 👍

Tommo (@guest_585282)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lusty

It’s not as if I’ll track down your IP address those days are long gone and anyway I’d need a starlit too get out of my Mums Basement every line in jest Lusty

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585273)
2 years ago

No you couldn’t be more wrong Nichola has pinky sworn that the RN will be entirely equipped from Scots yards. Are you seriously calling that a fib ?

Tommo (@guest_585300)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

So does she mean Subs as well better tell Barrow that they are now surplus to requirement as Nuclear hating Nicola will be in charge or is that a big fat porkies though the first ship down the slipway will be her presidential yacht/pedalo

Tommo (@guest_585317)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

What happens too RN personnel when it comes to Colours what flag and ensign ?

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585343)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

Flags are racist didn’t you get the memo ?

Tommo (@guest_585350)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Sorry must of been kneeling at the time when that memo came out Dave

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_585360)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

Ok this time but next time you’ll have to do the course again.

Tommo (@guest_585363)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Lord I think I’ve got arthritis trying get up from taking the knee again at least I’ll bei able too sit down for the course Dave

Tommo (@guest_585276)
2 years ago

Pedalos for fast attack and for boarding
parties Claymores and dirks

David Barry
David Barry (@guest_585285)
2 years ago

So T32 has been ordered?

We were having 12 T45
We were having 13 T26

How have things turned out?

Rather than being a mouth piece for the Cons who are remowned at being cons, could we stick with the facts?

David Barry
David Barry (@guest_585323)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Barry

You don’t like the QECs then 🙂

Sean (@guest_585345)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Barry

Given Labour cancelled the four CV01’s they were the least they could do to make amends. The Invincible class that later followed CV01s cancellation only got approved because of the RN’s sneaky reclassification of them as not being carriers – they were originally designed as escort helicopter carriers for the CV01s.

But remember the QEC weren’t ordered for the RN, Blair meant them for an EU-led carrier group with other nations making-up escort numbers.

David Barry
David Barry (@guest_585370)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Earth calling Tommo… some economic reality would be nice.

And as to Blair building QEC with allied nations in support, how would you describe events today?

Sean (@guest_585397)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Barry

Well you’re probably not remembering Blair’s mad-cap enthusiasm for the EU; remember he wanted us to ditch the £ for the € too?
The RN was concerned about escort numbers for the carriers but he wanted EU nations to provide them. Remember the EU Constitution, aka The Lisbon Treaty introduced a defence clause that effectively gives EU members the equivalent of NATO Article 5 – one of the reasons the neutral Irish pushed against it originally.

Tommo (@guest_585371)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

And the 6 type 82s that were their Air defence Bristol D23 the only one of the Class bloody good ship did 4 yrs on her

Sean (@guest_585395)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

Yup, they were the air defence for the CV01, which is why LABOUR cancelled them too.

Tommo (@guest_585444)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Yes, unfortunately they didn’t fit into the great socialist utopia envisage by Wilson the 82s looked to threatening although the mk 10 mortar meant couldn’t have a Helo , plus the fact Britain was Bankrupt, broke cap in hand country at the time

Frank62 (@guest_585413)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

Tyoe 81s Tommo. I fear the T31s are the equivellent T42s for the T26 we should’ve had. But just better equipping the T31s would do a lot.

Tommo (@guest_585367)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Barry

Nearly choked on my cocoa , Sean after reading that post for a moment you had me hook,line and sinker luckerly I share an allotment with comrade Corbyn 😀

Sean (@guest_585394)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

If so maybe you can let us know if he’s confided with you over cocoa as to whether he’s vaccinated or if he really is a big a fruitcake as his big brother 🤷‍♂️

Tommo (@guest_585449)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Couldn’t get a word in Corby was in a meeting with his Veg their on his level

Sean (@guest_585451)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

Ah, full Shadow Cabinet meeting then 🤷‍♂️

Expat (@guest_585426)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Barry

What about the extra rivers very expensive and prettymuch whole sale support for BAes Scottish yards? And as the article states the Ukraine vessel which was secured with Government backing.

Tommo (@guest_585450)
2 years ago
Reply to  Expat

Would the Ukraine be able too pay for a River class ? I don’t envisage the EU helping with the cost as they don’t want to upset Russia ,and their Gas supply Politics ion the Continent glad we’re no longer entwined in those

expat (@guest_585490)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

Just adding to your facts which seemed to be missing a few builds 🙂

Tommo (@guest_585502)
2 years ago
Reply to  expat

I thought the Ukraine only had 1 Rc on orderr Expat

Tommo (@guest_585510)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

No maths required for 1 River I think it was Supportive Bloke who was talling up the builds underway in the land of Irn brew I just mentioned Ukrainians purchase of the 1 River class, Expat

Sean (@guest_585452)
2 years ago
Reply to  Expat

It’s called a loan.

Reaper (@guest_585286)
2 years ago


Dern (@guest_585307)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

OPV’s are Warships.

Reaper (@guest_585336)
2 years ago
Reply to  Dern

They are not Warships.

Sean (@guest_585347)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Panto season has come early! 😏

Tommo (@guest_585372)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Put a GPMG on a pedalo does that count as a Warship O yes it Does O no it Doesn’t

Sean (@guest_585396)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

I’d love to know what park lake has 2000 ton pedalos 🤔

Tommo (@guest_585454)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

That’s what Sturgeon, has down for the Clyde’s slipways for a Euro Fleet Carbon Neutral Gretta’s on board for it

Expat (@guest_585568)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

Don’t joke just read an article on the RN green future.

Reaper (@guest_585508)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

oh yes it doesn’t,,,.

Tommo (@guest_585512)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Whatch it She’s behind you !!!!!!

Frank62 (@guest_585414)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Oh no it hasn’t!

Cripes (@guest_585368)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

They are classed as ‘Minor Warships’, not warships, basically lower spec vessels with armament limited to a deck gun and possibly a helo. Ditto the Hunts and Sandowns and also the Echo survey ships, all are defined as Minor Warships.

Spyinthesky (@guest_585615)
2 years ago
Reply to  Cripes

Right so a small fish and chips isn’t fish and chips at all, clear as Shrimp Chowder.

Dern (@guest_585406)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Actually they are, and come under the international rules for warships when it comes to powers (such as immunity from boarding and inspection) and tendering processes.
YOU might think they don’t meet your rigorous Warship standards, but in international law they very much are.

Frank62 (@guest_585416)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Agreed. Auxiliary patrol vessels. Easily taken down by most threats. USN has better armed coast guard ships.

Spyinthesky (@guest_585616)
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank62

US coast guard vessels do an awful lot of what would be deemed naval duties even serving abroad and indeed recently shadowed Chinese naval warships off of Alaska. They are pretty serious ships which is why a version was originally proposed for the Frigate competition.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_585331)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Wondering if that description means the type 32 will be lightly armed , no Anti ship missiles, no sonar ?

Reaper (@guest_585337)
2 years ago

Type 32? Who the hell knows… we barely know about the type 31 at this stage.

Tommo (@guest_585517)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Their either be Gray or Tartan who knows reaper

Gunbuster (@guest_585415)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

If it has HMS at the beginning and it floats… Its a Warship.
Radio Calls to other vessels or land stations even from a P200 start with something like “MV suchandsuch this is Warship xxxx, Warship xxxx” (xxxx being the vessels name)

Tommo (@guest_585455)
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunbuster

You never saw HMS Speedy then
the hydroolane boat warship it never left the basin Portsmouth the yanks loaned it to us when they stopped laughing

Gunbuster (@guest_585482)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

Bit before my time… I joined in 81 at Fisgard

Tommo (@guest_585486)
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunbuster

Blimey ,I remember the Latin Motto in the Gym changing rms roughly translated “Don’t Let the BxxxxxxxDs grind you down” I take it you’re an ex tiff gunvuster

Dern (@guest_585553)
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunbuster

Warship is a status, not a “minimum equipment fit.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Dern
Tommo (@guest_585566)
2 years ago
Reply to  Dern

And we class them as “SHE” its Tradition

expat (@guest_585493)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Some would say role fit. Guess the alternative is we build more destroyers and use them to chase down drug smugglers, pirates and deliver aid. If we had I’m sure same bunch moaning why we have £1b assets doing lesser roles, what a waste etc. Perhaps we shouldn’t have built OPV’s at all and then not provide any assets to do the more mundane roles. Lastly the reason they are not better armed is BAe overcharged for them, they are the most expensive OPVs in the world.

Dern (@guest_585554)
2 years ago
Reply to  expat

And we’d have fewer Destroyers available because You can’t build as many destroyers as OPV’s for the same price tag You can’t keep a destroyer or frigate at sea for as many days a year as an OPV It costs more to keep a Destroyer at sea than an OPV. You need a lot more people, and a lot more specialist roles that require intensive training to keep a Destroyer at sea. So in practice if the OPV’s hadn’t been built and we’d gotten (at a push) 1 destroyer for the money, the availability of high end units would actually… Read more »

Expat (@guest_585561)
2 years ago
Reply to  Dern

Yeah but there are features that could have been added like a hanger that’s selective on whether you use it and therefore has negligible running costs. And let’s be honest although the OPV is a warship being able to embark wildcat would have given them more punch should their role need it. Still think the negotiation with BAe went along the lines of well you have to pay to keep the yards open and this is all we’re willing to build. BAe had the upper hand in the negotiations as any delay in signing the b2 contract would have seen… Read more »

Dern (@guest_585578)
2 years ago
Reply to  Expat

Well, the B2’s are basically Amazonas class designs lifted and re-used, so integrating a hangar (and we have no idea how hard that would have been) would have represented additional costs and delays, when the B2’s where needed now, and the B1’s they where replacing didn’t even have a Helo deck, so there was already an uplift (and yes the B2’s where meant to be replacing B1’s not additional to them). I don’t think BAe was unwilling to build, building more, at profit and increasing the experience of it’s workforce (and possibly size of the workforce) would have been something… Read more »

Reaper (@guest_585287)
2 years ago

Even if Scotland goes independent what makes you think BAE and Babcock will up sticks and move, especially after all the investment in Scotland. I think the threat is just that a threat.

barry white
barry white (@guest_585290)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

I would have thought that would be in the contract

Sean (@guest_585301)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Because the MoD require the ships to be built in the U.K.

I can see incomplete hulls being towed out of Scottish yards to yards in England for completion were independence to happen. If you don’t think it can, the MoD did the reverse in 2006 having the hull of HMS Lyme Bay towed from the Tyne to Scotland for completion.

Even if the requirement is not in the existing contracts, the MoD can cite force majeure for the change.

Andrew (@guest_585324)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Because that’s what BAe said would happen prior to the last referendum!

Reaper (@guest_585334)
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Ok, but talks cheap,

Laurence Harvey
Laurence Harvey (@guest_585303)
2 years ago

When the Jaguar was being sold to potential buyers the French insisted on demonstrating the Mirage F1. Of course they knew the contract details of the Jaguar Price, offsets, funding and would undercut BAC. French trickery also raised its head in the Anglo French helicopter deal. The UK bought the Puma and the Gazelle and the French Navy and the Army were to buy the Lynx. As it turns out only the French Navy bought a small number of Lynx’s and the French Army cancelled there order for Kynx.

Last edited 2 years ago by Laurence Harvey
Frank62 (@guest_585417)
2 years ago

France has some gall, going ballistic over the Aussis cancelling their sub deal after all the tricks & let-downs it’s done itself on allies over recent years.

Sean (@guest_585420)
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank62

It’s hokey-cokey policy with NATO springs to mind 🤔

Tommo (@guest_585489)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

NATO ,didn’t have trouble like this when France sat on the sidelines during the cold War why don’t they just work on being 2nd in command of the Future EU defence force, and leave NATO too dedicated Members

Tommo (@guest_585521)
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank62

France is now having a real toys out the Pram Fit by trying their Luck with the EU future trade deal with Australia

Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne (@guest_585439)
2 years ago

How about the French bribery scandal for the Rafale contract that is currently going through the French courts. Maybe we should raise the issue of compensation for the Eurofighter consortium? The bribery scandal has not ended yet and has only got started:


Simon (@guest_585678)
2 years ago

They also developed a direct competitor to the Naval Lynx with the Dauphin.

Andrew (@guest_585428)
2 years ago

Is there anywhere we can find a list of what is being built at other ship yards around the UK? Seems the vast majority of navy ships go to Scotland.

expat (@guest_585495)
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Not easily.

Barrow is for subs obviously.
Cammell Liard is doing some refits and T45 upgrades I believe.
CL also built the polar research ship.
H & W may get the FSS but that could end up in Rosyth.
Devenport is dismantling decommissioned subs, not a small piece of work with around 20 of them at £100m a pop and often overlooked.
The new flag ship (love it or hate it) will probably be built outside Scotland imo.
Most notably Scotland is not even placing vessel orders at their own yard. 🙂

Lusty (@guest_585499)
2 years ago
Reply to  expat

A minor additional note is that the Marine Specialised Technology Group (MST) is building the two new ships for the Gibraltar Squadron, supported by Norco. MST has also been awarded the contract to build 18 new vessels for the MOD Police and they’ve also supplied the MOD with new workboats as well as HMS Magpie.

(I wouldn’t describe their facilities as a traditional ‘yard’, but MST has done well to secure repeat orders.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Lusty
Reaper (@guest_585515)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lusty

I don’t like the look of HMS Magpie, i hope the p2000s aren’t replaced with similar boats. We need some mean looking mothers,

Lusty (@guest_585625)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

I’m not to worried about her personally (I think she looks okay), but I must admit that I like the look of Cutlass.

Lusty (@guest_586534)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lusty

Correction to myself: Magpie was provided by Safehaven Marine/Atlas Elektronik UK, with the latter providing the workboats, training boats and survey boats as well as the passenger transfer craft for POW.

Tommo (@guest_585505)
2 years ago
Reply to  expat

Birkenhead, remedial work on T45 engines

Reaper (@guest_585514)
2 years ago
Reply to  expat

£100m to scrap a Nuclear submarine?
No wonder the Russians sometimes just sink their old subs reactor intact lol…and we used to just dump barrels of Nuclear waste in to the ocean and English Channel too tight?.

Expat (@guest_585563)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Does Russia intentionally sink them:)

magenta (@guest_585644)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper
Steve (@guest_585496)
2 years ago

A bit click bait news, “to build” and then talk about 2015, you can’t build vessels already built. It also includes the t32 which are not even out of the design phase, let alone confirmation that they will go ahead and money put down and yards choosen. Removing these and your down to 14. Still a decent number but more accurate.

Dern (@guest_585580)
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve
Tommo (@guest_585599)
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

So long as they have Mine Laying capabilities expat

Reaper (@guest_585507)
2 years ago

It’ll be cool to compare The British Built (glued) one to the Ukrainian built version.

Tommo (@guest_585531)
2 years ago
Reply to  Reaper

Reaper ,are these new,River Ckas,of a laminated construct as,you stated Glued in your Last post ?

Lusty (@guest_585573)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

I have a feeling Reaper might be referring to the ‘glue’ incident that took place on HMS Forth.

Tommo (@guest_585597)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lusty

Thanks Lusty thought, Reapers comment Harked back too Hunts or an S.I B ibvestigation

Trevor (@guest_586106)
2 years ago

40 plus sailor’s left in Gram as carrier leaves early ??

Steven Alfred Rake
Steven Alfred Rake (@guest_586386)
2 years ago

It seem to me that the government are using the ship building programme for the RN as a carrot to keep the Scots happy in the union instead of diversifying our ship building around the country, at the moment we have our subs built in the NW of England and our surface ships built in Scotland. What about our other grate ship building areas of the UK like the NE and Belfast not to mention the smaller yards on the South coast all of whom could do with the investment from the government in the form building ships for the… Read more »