The panel discuss ongoing events in the African continent (especially terrorism), updates on the Ukraine-Russia war, and the current state of the OSINT Community.

This episode features @DefenceGeek, @Osinttechnical & guest @casusbellintel.

You can listen here.

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George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Meanwhile over at the BBC, their so called well informed security expert Frank Gardiner has knocked out another hello everybody, Dr Nick here article:

    • Just read the article and thought it was well balanced. We could do with more like this on major news sites.

    • If anything the article sways towards including ‘experts’ who believe the tank is here to stay

      • To Rob and SD, yes you are both correct in the article being neutral, but its a rare occurrence for the BBC. As for Gardiner hes a Richard Edward of the highest degree, who didn’t listen to a security brief given to him by the British embassy in Saudi . But the fact still remains the BBC is really negative towards the British and US armed forces, and pro anybody on the otherside of the FEBA

  2. So the other day (05/07/22) Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev stated:
    “”the Russian military operation in Ukraine will continue until Russia achieves its goals of protecting civilians from “genocide,” “denazifying”
    Which has me thinking has the embarrassment Moscow faced inside the Ukraine resulted in Putin continuing with his invasion (and not stopping at his original aims of taking the two Eastern Regions) simply in which to not lose face, this was followed by how Igor Girkin (A Russian army veteran and former Federal Security Service (FSB) officer who played a key role in the annexation of Crimea by Russia and later the war in Donbas as an organizer of Separatists groups in Donetsk stating that:
    “”The intended goals of “denazification” and “de-militarization” will only be possible with the total defeat of the Ukrainian military and the surrender of the Ukrainian government That Russian victory is premised on the capture of “Novorossiya”—a notional territory that encompasses eight Ukrainian oblasts, including the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and much of eastern and southern Ukraine. He also claimed that the capture of “Novorossiya” is the bare minimum and that Russian goals will be realized through the total capture of “Malorossiya,” which is an invocation of the Russian imperial concept for almost all Ukrainian territory.””
    Well I’ll be honest never heard of Novorossiya before, so had a google and here is what I found
    Map taken from the wiki entry on Novorossiya
    So the question i have to ask can Moscow capture the entire area above, or is it (as I suspect) a bridge too far.

      • But theres yet another angle to the entire invasion. The Ukraine contains the second largest reserves of gas in Europe at 1.09 trillion cubic meters. If developed it would be able to supply Europe, could the reason why Moscow wants the east of the Ukraine be down simply to deny Europe that gas making it much more dependent on Russia? Hence the lame excuse of the extreme far right carrying out a so called genocide.

        Hey food for thought:

        • The two big fields on the map in western and eastern Ukraine are shale gas fields so expensive and polluting to tap. The western field deal was abandoned by Chevron back in 2014 due to tax issues whilst Shell did not take the Donbas field forward for obvious reasons. The fields in the Black Sea are conventional gas.

          The projected output when mature of the two shale fields was going to be 10bcm each, in 2021 the EU imported 155bcm from Russia. Ukraine produced 20bcm in 2020. I don’t have projected figures for the Black Sea fields but at these output levels I doubt that gas played any major part in Moscow’s decisions.

      • The red area is more up to date as Novorossiya as it includes the rest of Odessa and Luhansk oblasts.

        My view is that it is the minimum area that Russia will integrate into the Russian Federation. The use of the Rubble and associated banking and social sevices have started to be being rolled out in areas they already control whilst in Mariupol they are constructing blocks of flats with 1000 units planned for completion by the end of October. Much like the Turks in north western Syria.

        Putin has said that he doesn’t expect to finish operations until next year which probably means that they will go all the way to the Polish border.

        • The use of the rubble? FFS at least you got the Russian currency right, fucking rubble and other crap that’s worthless in the real world! So, is it an invasion or a special military operation?

        • You are so full of Putins bullshit! Do you even read or know what your told to spout? All the way to the Polish border? Building 1000s of new flats? Operations? Is that the special military operation you are afraid to confirm?

    • There is nothing in the performance of the Ukrainian military so far that would indicate that the Russians could not capture the entire area that you mention. They could not stop the Russians in Luhansk, areas of which had defences created over the past 7 years. But, given what appears to be their preferred rate of progress, it is likely to take several months since they do not seem to be in any hurry.

      Given the Russians use of artillery, we know logistics will be key and they have three main supply routes back into Russia, one via Crimea, one via Mariupol and one via Izium all with good road and rail links.

        • JIMK wrote:

          Your comment that this comment of mine refers to has now disappeared.

          No it hasn’t (None of my posts on this thread have been deleted) clicking the name in the reply to takes me first to the post above and then from there to this post.

          • OK but I was commenting on your first post that included the very old map of Novorossiya that went with your question as to whether Russia could actually conquer it..

          • Oops wrong again, sigh you get your arse handed to you every single time by Farouk, it’s funny to watch you squirm your excuses out 😂😂😂🇺🇦

      • ”But, given what appears to be their preferred rate of progress, it is likely to take several months since they do not seem to be in any hurry.”

        The mobile crematoriums may be the bottleneck.

      • Does that make you happy, get you excited that an illegal invasion is slowly battering its way through civvies and a country? You still havent the balls to admit your position and stance on the issue. Therefore you are just a yapping lap dog.

    • Until someone stops him, & the PRC for that matter, it will be region by region, country by country at enormous cost in lives, real estate etc. Every week that goes by with Russia allowed to run riot is a disgrace on us.

      • That may well be the case, we just don’t know, but if “us” is us in the UK that is surely a bit harsh. Without the US there is in effect nothing that we, as a top second rate power, can do more than we have already done.

        As the US has clearly stated that they will not act militarily over the border in Ukraine what we are seeing unfold is actions that suit them i.e. weakening Russia now and setting up potential long term guerilla actions.

        Whether that decision was also made as NATO fears that, as things stand at the moment, currently Russian forces are stronger than theirs in NE Europe and don’t want to test that theory, would be an interesting discussion.

        • Your Russian mates certainly are not stronger than the West in NE Europe. NATO can and will move and mobilise, modern, effective and capable kit, while your rapist squad just bluff and bluster. Do the west want a third world war, no, of course not, and thats what Putin is gambling on, peoples fear. Russia is a busted flush, full of second rate people and kit. And, as we ar etlaking baout yor clander model Putin, any condemnation of his illegale invasion of Ukraine today?

          • Excuse the gibberish, I was trying to make it into a sentence in Russian that you may undertsand, but I missed out the terms “rape, loot, rob and torture”. So I will do my remaining replies in English.

          • If that is the case how do you explain Russia’s continuing progress west against what was probably the best trained and well equipped army in Europe?

          • Mmmmmm that’s not what you said on a number of occasions about 4 months ago when you were slagging down the Ukrainians and saying the Russians would most likely knock the “conscripts and volunteers army” out just by missiles, or then it was “over on a couple of days”? You change your tune to suit the mood music you are told to sing! You are so sad and full of Nazi propaganda. As for your question, (do notice I answer yours, you never answer mine), any army pounding away in an un subtle, skill and tactics free way, bombing it’s way forward regardless of civvy, or it’s own cannon fodder losses, will eventually take ground! You can teach a monkey to use a knife and fork eventually my little Nazi troll, it’s nothing to be proud of!

            But as I answered you here’s an easy one back to me, is this, in your opinion, illegal invasion just that, an illegal invasion, or a special military operation? I don’t expect an answer as we all know you aren’t allowed to say, as an answer either way will compromise you! Pathetic!

  3. The US Air Force Foreign Comparative Testing Program is sponsoring Reaction Engines latest round of tests at their recently upgraded high temperature test site in Colorado to increase the heat energy airflow in its pre-cooler tech threefold. The emphasis of the testing is on upgrading existing jet engines. Reaction Engines believe it will allow any off the shelf fighter jet engine to be upgraded to operate at Mach 4+ speeds.

    US Air Force partners with Reaction Engines on ‘high-Mach’ engine testing | News | Flight Global


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