The OSINT Bunker Podcast, recognised for its insightful discussions on open source intelligence and global political events, recently aired the latest episode titled “Bavovna, Everywhere!” for their fifth season.

The episode took a deep dive into various military and geopolitical subjects, including Ukrainian missile and UAV attacks in Russia, upheavals on the African continent, and speculations about the future of the UK Ministry of Defence and its anticipated Carrier Strike Group deployment.

The panel included @DefenceGeek@geoallison and @OSINTtechnical.

One of the central topics of the episode was the Ukrainian military’s prowess in destroying Russian naval assets, particularly its successes in targeting significant Russian shipyards using foreign-supplied weaponry.

OSTINTTechnical stated, “the Ukrainians destroyed or hit a major Russian shipyard with British or potentially French supplied Storm Shadow cruise missiles. Those are surface assets that the Russians can no longer use.”

Building on this theme, DefenceGeek commented on the astonishing naval achievements of Ukraine – a nation which, at the onset of the war, had a minimal naval presence. He remarked, “Ukraine, which didn’t really have a Navy at the start of the war, has now sunk the cruiser Moskva, the landing ship Minsk, and has even managed potentially to seriously damage the kilo class submarine Rostov on Don. That’s quite an impressive feat for a nation that hasn’t really got a Surface Warfare capability.”

But the statement that resonated the most, given the current geopolitical climate, came from OSTINTTechnical.

Addressing Russia’s strategic interests in Crimea, he observed, “I think it shows how relatively untenable the Russian position in Crimea is. They want a navy base, but the Ukrainians are going to make the base unusable, despite Russian attempts to counter that. We’ll probably continue to see this happening.”

You can listen on most platforms by clicking here.

What is the OSINT Bunker?

The OSINT Bunker is a defence and security-based podcast aimed at expanding people’s knowledge of the geopolitical landscape using open-source intelligence. It fills a niche that most people (most people reading this anyway) have for up-to-date, accurate and balanced information on ongoing conflicts.

What is OSINT? For those who don’t know, OSINT stands for open-source intelligence, which refers to any information gathered from public sources about an organisation, event, individual etc. In practice, that tends to mean information found on the internet, but technically any public information falls into the category of OSINT, whether it’s books or reports in a public library, articles in a newspaper or statements in a press release.

Episodes typically cover the UK and international defence matters.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_753648)
10 months ago

H I Sutton made a YouTube video about the attacks recently. Him and millennium 7* are some of the best content creators. Oh and perun.
The podcast is correct. I was saying this the other day that Russia will never get remotely close to peace in the occupied regions of Ukraine. It will constantly need 500k minimum soldiers and the death rate will be high. It’s a money pit and with sanctions will really affect Russia and Russians lives long term.
Best solution all round is russia withdraws. War ends.

farouk (@guest_753649)
10 months ago

The cost to Moscow this past 2 days in the Crimea alone:

farouk (@guest_753651)
10 months ago
Reply to  farouk

Video of the Minsk post missile strike

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_753659)
10 months ago
Reply to  farouk

Thanks Farouk.
Putin is going to be a tad angry after all that. Someone’s going to be sent to the Gulag or have a novichok tea.
The Ukrainian ability to adapt, improvise and take the fight to the Ruskfascists is impressive.
Both that landing ship, burnt out, will require extensive internal repair and Rostov on Don (pressure hull smashed forward of the fin with likely 2nd damage to torpedo and ammunition handling) means both are virtual total loses. They will require precious manpower, many months/ years and scarce resources to repair. Something Mad Vlad is in short supply of.

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_753662)
10 months ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

The S400 system loss is probably the most important because surely that opens up a gap in Crimeas air defence zone that a nice Scalp, Storm Shadow or Neptune could fly through? Nothing is safe for the Russian fascists in Crimea….or so it seems.

Jim (@guest_753672)
10 months ago
Reply to  farouk

And people say we don’t have an anti ship missile to launch from Typhoon, the Black Sea fleet begs to differ 😀

Imagine fighting in 1982 when the Argentine navy ran back to port, not safe now.

Hard or believe we are replacing storm shadow in 5 years time with something more advanced.

I really think we should keep the Storm Shadow inventory as long as possible and develop a rapid dragon style deployable solution for it.

DaveyB (@guest_753658)
10 months ago
Reply to  farouk

When you consider Russia has lost around 5 of the modernized S300s and possible 3 S400 systems. These systems aren’t cheap, it makes you wonder how and when they can afford to replace them?

DJ (@guest_753872)
10 months ago
Reply to  DaveyB

It also makes you wonder why Turkey had a brain fade & shot itself in the foot over the S400.

Math (@guest_753673)
10 months ago
Reply to  farouk

When UK and France cooperate… Hope to see this kind of cooperation again in the future…

David (@guest_754100)
10 months ago
Reply to  Math

Excellent, the UK needs as.much co-operation both technically and financially with the French and more importantly with the EU, we are Europeans and
collectively NATO could stand alone even if the U S implodes with Trump style politics. Although that one might hope is a distant possibility for the bastion of democracy

Math (@guest_754267)
10 months ago
Reply to  David

I kind of feel the same. UK is a strategic partner for France, it has been so all along since 19th century. I am confident USA will not fall in isolationism. Though, we must be prepared if this happens. Moreover, pressure from Asia will get US attention more and more, whatever we do. US look now at Europe diplomacy as a second rank topic, whoever is the president. Middle east is third. So the need to streghten relationships within Europe is growing at a fast pace. This need is based on security, trade, engineering and diplomacy. We can no longer… Read more »

Defence thoughts
Defence thoughts (@guest_753676)
10 months ago

Mediterranean-type seas are looking increasingly untenable to surface warfare. You might need submersible assets that can be kept in a hidden underwater hangar in future (until cruise-torpedoes make even that untenable).

Mini-subs hunting each other whilst missiles duels are conducted against their bases. Hmmm.

Andrew (@guest_753721)
10 months ago

They said the same in the 1940’s about the Mediterranean, yet the Royal Navy managed at great cost to hang on….

Frank62 (@guest_753678)
10 months ago

Russia & PRC bully & browbeat others into complying with their wishes, but invading neighbours is much worse. They prove repeatedly why neighbours cannot trust them. Russia has been entirely Nazi in their invasion & occupation of Ukraine. They would’ve been far better off courting with kindness rather than simply seeking to eliminate any who oppose them. I fear for what they’re storing up for Russians in Ukraine after Russian forces have been driven out. There’ll be no Russian bases allowed to remain. They’ve proved themselves far too dangerous & untrustworthyt to be tolerated. Putin is actually making the safety… Read more »

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers (@guest_753962)
10 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

Realistically, the Russians will never leave Crimea again, voluntarily or militarily. It’s highly doubtful they will leave Donbas either but never say never. As far as Crimea goes, I genuinely think they will go through every escalation phase to keep it a Russian Oblast now.

Math (@guest_754269)
10 months ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers

It will depend of perception. Is it a usefull land mass. What do they gain keeping it, etc…

Grizzler (@guest_754383)
10 months ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers

I assume you are suggesting the Nuclear Option…. again.

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers (@guest_754453)
10 months ago
Reply to  Grizzler

I don’t recall suggesting that here or before now. The fact is though that one of the nations involved has nuclear weapons, both view the conflict as an existential fight, and neither are in NATO.