The UK and Republic of Ireland have recently engaged in high-level discussions on military cooperation, as confirmed in a parliamentary written response by Defence Minister Luke Pollard to Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell.

Rosindell had asked the Ministry of Defence what recent discussions had taken place with Irish counterparts regarding military cooperation on the island of Ireland. In response, Pollard stated:

“The Secretary of State for Defence wrote to the new Tánaiste following his appointment in January 2025, congratulating him on his appointment, and the Chief of Defence Staff visited Ireland on 12 and 13 February, where he met the Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces and Secretary General of the Department of Defence.”

While specific details of the discussions were not disclosed, the meetings indicate an ongoing dialogue between the UK and Ireland on security and defence matters. Historically, cooperation between the two nations has focused on peacekeeping operations, maritime security, and cross-border security issues, though Ireland’s long-standing policy of military neutrality shapes the scope of its engagement with foreign defence forces.

The announcement comes amid broader discussions within Ireland about its defence capabilities, with recent government reviews exploring areas such as cybersecurity, maritime surveillance, and infrastructure resilience.

Ireland moves to block court on secret UK ‘air defence’ deal

While the UK and Ireland do not have a formal defence alliance, continued discussions between defence leaders underscore the importance of regional security cooperation, particularly in areas such as joint training, intelligence-sharing, and crisis response coordination.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. As a neutral country Ireland is entirely responsible for its own security. For any background info or example of what might be necessary, see Switzerland.

    • Yes and no, Ireland has a different approach to neutrality to Switzerland. Ireland is militarily neutral, not politically neutral. For any background info, see the Irish Government website on their position on neutrality.

      • Ireland’s neutrality is whatever the government of the day feels like they can live with/need, it’s never been a concrete position and there’s a reason why it’s never been formally laid out.

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    • Switzerland like Sweden before was an armed neutral, this is a moral position, the Republic of Ireland is free loading tax haven that claims neutrality so it doesn’t have to pay any money. This would not be so bad if it didn’t also blame its neighbour for all the problems in the world and it’s own country while also expecting its evil next door neighbour to provide all of its security for free.

      This is a neutral country of such moral repute that its elected president blamed Ukraine equally for starting the war and has called on them to surrender.

      I’m not sure why people get so upset with the Americans who atleast did send billion to Ukraine and weapons while letting the Irish off the hook.

      I can’t only hope the Donald smashes the with the tariffs they so readily deserve.

    • One reason I’d love to see an EU military is because they’d just turn to Ireland and go “Yeah pay up, we’re all funding the join Armed Forces.”

      • Defence like Foreign Policy are areas that no member state is willing to give up control to anyone else, so even in these times an “EU military” isn’t going to be some sort of unified entity. Not too mention the current Treaties, or current events.

        • Oh do bore off, Europe is slowly, but surely moving towards a United Military.

          Sorry you Irish lot will be dragged into civlisation again after finding yourselves unable to do anything but blow up women and children.

        • NATO is a unified entity. And NATO can exist without USA as a member. So why cannot the EU replicate something similar? A treaty is a treaty among independent sovereign nations. And in Ireland’s case they completely lack the capacity to defend its seas and airspace.

  2. I’m impressed George manages a second article in a row on Ireland completely ignoring any of the current news about defence in Ireland. That’s fairly impressive, or deliberate.

    • You mean about the investment of €600-800 Million in purchasing up to 300 armored vehicles from the French, combat helo procurement, primary radar, additional air lift C295 ,mid lift utilty Helos and an capital investment of €400 million Euro annually for the next 5 years beyond the defence budget?

      • That’s old news, Harris came out yesterday backing moving to LoA3 post 2028, has ordered costings to be drawn up and backed procurement of a squadron of fighters to be based in Shannon, and the Navy to be brought up to 12 ships with full capabilities, along with the expansion of the Army.

        Now of course, there’s always a question of politicians being politicians, but this wasn’t an off the cuff moment, there’s been plenty of press articles on it, suggesting a planned position.

        Just thought that might be more interesting than a relatively common engagement like this article talks about.

        • I missed that but good to know.

          Trump has changed the dynamic of the world order now. He has picked a fight with Canada ( $1 Trillion in annual trade a year). If that is not a warning sign to the world then I don’t know what is.

          Irish military neutrality is a paper shield at best.

        • What does ships with full capabilities mean for Ireland? Should the UK be ready with an offer of subsidized River-based corvettes or even Type 31s?

          • That’s the largest unknown, while we are seeing hardware vendors coming out for both the AC and Army, or at least open secrets about them, so far radio silence on the Naval side. The LoA3 labelled the option as “Tier 3 OPVs with full capabilities”, but that from some comments I’ve heard is kind of like the “full deck cruisers”.

            The only hint is that we are observers on the PESCO EPC, so it might be a wait to see what that firms up as.

          • Rumours around the harbour is that the MRV has been reroled as a MultiRole Frigate based on the A140 to be built in Poland. Who knows if that’s how things play out.

      • Don’t know if you saw it but the Times in an article on Harris looking at deciding to speed up procurement its listing four potential suppliers for the radar sets, one Swedish, one French and two US companies, and 3 sets, two for the West coast and one for a midlands position.

  3. Given the timing of the meeting of the two Chief’s of Staff, it might have been to discuss finalising the transfer of the Giraffe radar systems to Ukraine, it was right after the last Ukrainian support meeting.

  4. Hopefully the negotiations revolve around how much Ireland will pay us for any assistance we give. If they can’t be bothered to pay for their own defence then they need to pay the UK.

    • There were no negotiations. What gave you that idea? There would have been a normal(ish for Anglo Irish relations) chat between new government figures, and a discussion between the Chiefs of Staff, as I said given the timing and subsequent announcement it might have been in relation to the Giraffe 4 systems we are giving to Ukraine.

      As for the rest, like I said, interesting that George picked this story for his Irish story and not others, some perhaps slightly more important…

  5. Just for context to illustrate what Mark is saying , yesterday the deputy prime minister (tanaiste) Simon Harris called for a big increase in defence spending, including the purchase of up to 15 fighter jets that would be based at Shannon airport, with initially at least, civilian private contractors to look after maintenance of the aircraft. Also mentioned was an increase in ‘fully equipped ‘ naval vessels.

    The usual suspects will shriek in indignation about hospitals, homeless, housing etc, but there is an acceptance politically that the world has changed.

  6. Ireland can be neutral but they are unable police / monitor their own airspace or waters. Allows Putin to play about.

  7. An update from the Irish Examiner, it was a discussion on information sharing and cooperation in regards to Russian ships and the undersea cables.

  8. Good Morning Mark. I hope you are well. 15 Typhoons would be nice, particularly for commonality with the RAF, but more likely to be F16s? Meanwhile back here in Durban, our local Irish Pub Waxy O’connors had the Tricolour hanging from the pole by the lanyard in a puddle on their flat roof!! I expressed my indignation(in the interests of good North?South relations) and they have just hoisted a brand new Green White and Orange properly secured. I am also negotiating a third pole for the Union Jack :):)

    • So far so good, Geoff, Typhoons are a hell of a lot of airplane for such a role, not just in capabilities but also in costs, no way you get them for what is so far doing the press rounds. F16’s would have been in the running you’d imagine just on a cost/capability level, after the last week of US events, not sure now. Also we tend not to buy outside of European suppliers.

      But really to soon to tell anything for sure. Hope Durban is nice.

      • It’s long been the go to example, between purchase and operational costs, and Sweden could do the training, but I wonder with the current US Admin would it’s lincenced US engine be an issue? Either in the US trying to block sales (if the F16 was in the competition) or cause issues with the support packages?

  9. Good luck to Ireland moving forward with its defence.Hopefully they will be better at procurement process than UK MOD.The fighter buy probably Gripen or Rafale?And lots of choice and value with DAMEN or NAVAL GROUP for an OPV/Corvette option.Assuming also they would need to beef up MCM around the coastline also.

    • Given how limited the procurement knowledge in the DOD is… I can bet we will be worse, short of just G2G everything and assume someone else has figured out the needed requirements/capabilities.

  10. Ireland is finally waking up to USA/UK/EU demands that it takes some responsibility for its own defence, and a dramatic increase in defence spending from 0.24% of GDP to 1% suddenly seems certain. In just the last few days it has been announced that the Irish Naval Service will more than double in size to 2000 personnel and 12 operational ships, with establishing ASW and defence of critical undersea infrastructure capabilities a top priority. Also the government is getting quotes for a squadron of at least 8 and preferably 12-14 modern fighter jets at an estimated procurement cost of Euro 80-100 million each, and 20-25 year total lifetime cost of Euro 2.5 billion. At that low price point, for new build the F-16 Block 70/72 would have been the obvious solution until a few weeks ago, but if a European solution is now favoured it will surely have to be the Gripen E/F, or alternatively maybe refurbished and updated Typhoon’s or Rafale’s. Perhaps the UK could sell on a dozen Tranche 2 Typhoon’s to Ireland and put the money towards buying a similar number of Tranche 4+ aircraft? Ireland is also rushing to implement it’s new primary air surveillance radar system as soon as possible (2028) at a cost of Euro 300 million. Finally, legislation is being rushed through the Dáil (Irish Parliament) to allow Irish soldiers to be sent to Ukraine, and the Defence Forces have apparently been given a “blank cheque” to start preparing an initial deployment of a small force of Rangers (special forces), but potentially a full Infantry Battalion. The later is a big ask as whilst the Irish Defence Forces nominally have seven battalions, all are badly undermanned and also inadequately equipped for anything more than “to aid the civil power/aid to the civil authority” and low-level UN peacekeeping ops. A common sense solution is for the a “war fighting” Irish battalion to be trained and re-equipped in-line with British Army infantry regiments, and then form part of any UK/Irish Brigade or Division sent to Ukraine, but politics and history will probably prevent that – even at this “watershed moment”.

    • Yeah that’s pretty much all wrong.
      Harris said he backs speeding up to LoA3, as fast as possible which is what the government has committed to in its program, but it’s still likely a 2030s period with as yet no money where his mouth is nor is it 80-100 million per aircraft, that’s the intended/suggested total for each year, ie similar to the Czech or Hungary
      Lease agreement, but that’s only from a paper study the DOD has, nothing firmed up yet, and still post 2028 at best (I’d say 2030s but I might be pessimistic), particularly as sourcing planes and people will be an issue.

      The naval area hasn’t even been touched yet, can’t see any combat vessels before the EPC is in production and the P50s are due for replacement.

      There’s no “rush to implement” the radar, this year is the year it goes out for tender, that was sign posted since 2022/23 and is intended for ioc in 2028 (spoiler doubtful it will make that). Even when/if LoA3 is achieved it’s nothing like 1%, well at that stage who knows what the global economy will be.

      None of what you have written about regarding the politics is right, like at all. The maximum number without Daíl approval will be lifted to 50 and the legal status for deployments is to be cleared up, but that is mainly geared towards either evacuations, or close protection for embassy’s or VIPs as there have been issues of the DOD screwing around over legal issues there for years and pissing off everyone.
      The changing of the Triple Lock started under the last government, but the Government has already ruled out forces for a “deterrent” role or “peace enforcement”, and is currently talking about at most an observer type mission if asked, not a combat one. And no a combined force is not going to happen, political parties tend to like to avoid committing political suicide. Besides which the straws in the wind say the French are ahead for the new Army equipment.

      • Ireland is moving much faster though in all of these areas. Cutting the years to LO3 in the next 4-5 years was a surprise to me.

        Leasing program for Gripens is the way to go in my opinion.

        The world order has changed given Trump’s treatment of Ukraine, NATO, and Canada and Mexico with crippling tariffs( biggest US trading partners).


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