The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has issued a tender notice for comprehensive marine base support services around the territorial waters of Cyprus, with a potential value ranging from £45 million to £48.5 million, inclusive of extension options.

This framework, published on 17 April 2024, outlines a contract duration from May 2024 to May 2026, with possibilities for further extension into 2028.

The services required are pivotal for the support of seagoing and associated military units in the region, including but not limited to, the provision of berthing allocation, pilot services, tug and mooring services, and customs clearance facilitation. Additional responsibilities encompass the secure handling and delivery of cash and other sensitive materials.

An essential part of this tender is the Statement of Requirements, which will be detailed at the Invitation to Tender stage. This will give potential bidders clear guidelines on the scope and specifications of the services needed.

According to the tender notice, the MOD may, at its sole discretion, extend the contract for two additional one-year periods, highlighting the strategic long-term importance of these services. This flexibility ensures that the MOD can maintain operational readiness and support in the dynamic maritime environment of Cyprus.

Potential bidders are advised that while the MOD has set out the expectations and scope of this tender, there is no guarantee of a contract being awarded. The notice emphasizes that no compensation will be offered if the tender or resulting contract is withdrawn for any reason, urging bidders to participate with a clear understanding of these terms.

This tender is part of the MOD’s ongoing efforts to enhance its operational capabilities overseas, especially in strategically important locations like Cyprus.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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John (@guest_811923)
3 months ago

Are any Scottish ferries being considered? Asking for a friend.

Matt (@guest_811959)
3 months ago

Which marine base? Limassol or the small harbour in Akrotiri?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_811970)
3 months ago
Reply to  Matt

I assume Cape Gata at the eastern end of Akrotiri station.

Challenger (@guest_811978)
3 months ago

What do the maritime facilities consist of? Not a lot I’ve always assumed given RN/RFA vessels always berth elsewhere.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_811983)
3 months ago
Reply to  Challenger

Agree. All I’m aware of is a small jetty, just by going on GE. I think the RCLs used to tie up there and assume the SBA marine police also use it.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_811984)
3 months ago

Just had another look at Akrotiri Mole ( Cape Gata ) out of interest.
Very small harbour, the stone jetty, handful of buildings, couple of ramps.
Various RIBS and small boats present.
It has hardly changed from historical imagery from the early 2000s.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_812460)
3 months ago
Reply to  Matt

Do we have a marine base at Limassol? We have army personnel at Dhekelia.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_812999)
2 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Not aware of one there.

David gibson
David gibson (@guest_811989)
3 months ago

Wonder if Hartland and Wolfe interested as are rebuilding the harbour facilities in the Falklands. have the experience.

Jon (@guest_812048)
3 months ago
Reply to  David gibson

Extending the harbour facilities seems like a great idea. On the principle that it never rains when you bring a brolly, extensive expenditure in Cyprus will usher in a period of peace in the eastern Med and the Middle East, its likelihood of sucess at least on a par with every other Middle East peace initiative.

RB (@guest_812017)
3 months ago

Interesting – that is quite a lot of money – over £10M a year. I need to read the RFT to find out what they are spending it on given that the RN’s Cyprus squadron has long gone. I’ve passed though Cyprus a few times and all I can remember is a single Royal Logistic Corps landing craft operating from the small mole in the Akrotiri SBA as a ferry to/from anchored warships.

Simon m
Simon m (@guest_812024)
3 months ago

I wonder if it includes the ability to reload VLS?

Cognitio68 (@guest_812449)
3 months ago

There were some plans to extend the AKI port as part of the Brexit contingency planning. The idea was to build a peer which could accommodate a RORO and also berth a Type 45. Sounded like a good idea then and still seems like a good idea. It would improve the speed and ability to transport heavy equipment out to Cyprus for exercises or for forward deployment. It could also be used on an adhoc basis for VLS reloads of RN ships. It’s one of those things which have an initial small cost to establish and then you benefit from… Read more »

Jason (@guest_819454)
2 months ago

The UK MOD run facility at Limassol port will benefit.