A number of countries have shown interest in the V-22 Osprey, including the UK, France, Italy and Spain according to the manufacturers.

The V-22 Osprey is a multi-mission, tiltrotor aircraft with both a vertical takeoff and landing and short takeoff and landing capability, designed to combine the functionality of a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft.

John R. Parker, Senior Manager, Tiltrotor Global Sales & Marketing at Boeing said:

“In the case of the UK and France, the interest is coming from the Navy.”

The V-22 first flew in 1989 and began flight testing and design alterations; the complexity and difficulties of being the first tiltrotor intended for military service in the world led to many years of development.

The United States Marine Corps began crew training for the Osprey in 2000, and fielded it in 2007; it replaced their CH-46 Sea Knights. The US Air Force fielded their version of the tiltrotor in 2009.

Since entering service with the US Marine Corps and Air Force, the Osprey has been deployed in transportation and medevac operations over Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Kuwait. Israel has also decided to purchase six of the aircraft.

This type of story isn’t new, last decade an independent British/US study jointly assessed the potential for the V-22 to meet current and future UK vertical airlift requirements.

The requirements for this study were based on the Royal Navy’s ‘Future Amphibious Support Helicopter’ programme, this was filled by the Merlin helicopter.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Rob Simmonds
9 years ago


Jamie Bowes
9 years ago

Barry Ward, would you like to fly this? I know we have talked about it a few times.

Barry Ward
9 years ago
Reply to  Jamie Bowes

In a heartbeat! A few laps over town. Ardaghowen to Mullagh in about 3 minutes

Jamie Bowes
9 years ago
Reply to  Jamie Bowes

Also plenty of room for the kids and shopping.

Jason Rushton
9 years ago

Looks good, so long as we have U.K. RR engines in 😉

jon livesey
jon livesey
9 years ago
Reply to  Jason Rushton

Joke? The V-22 has two Rolls-Royce AE 1107C.

The Other Chris
The Other Chris
9 years ago
Reply to  jon livesey

Rolls-Royce owned. It’s a derivative of an Allison family core manufactured in Indianapolis.

Paul Linfield
9 years ago

I guess that might be why it’s been aboard HMS Ocean for some time now.

Elliot Jones
9 years ago
Reply to  Paul Linfield

Thats what i said when i read the story about joint trials aboard Ocean…..why do trials unless we are assessing them for operational suitability for our own use…..great kit but expensive….but i think they would prove value for money for the UK aboard QE&POW

Hoffmeister Bear
9 years ago
Reply to  Paul Linfield

Well, we do trials to make sure we can land USMC V-22s on our ships. It’s useful information but doesn’t mean we’re test-driving them. We’ve had Merlins on US carriers, it doesn’t mean USN is buying Merlin.

Paul Linfield
9 years ago
Reply to  Paul Linfield

True. But the thing has been stuck on the O for quite some time now. Seems rather more than just a few test landings and take offs.

7 years ago
Reply to  Paul Linfield

It’s no guarantee of uptake though. Look at the long and at one point fully funded trials of ScanEagle as just one example where the trial ended with no purchase or in that case even no obvious follow-on so far.

Hugh Mitchell
9 years ago

Would be an ideal aircraft for COD and possibly AEW onboard QE class Carriers – very expensive aircraft, but if the price could come down a tad……….

David Anthony Simpson
9 years ago
Reply to  Hugh Mitchell

A tad?

Hugh Mitchell
Hugh Mitchell
8 years ago

OK, a large tad…….

Jason Surrage
9 years ago

Good idea.

Michael Karl Dawes
9 years ago

They would add a huge benefit to our new carriers. US marines were looking to upgrade it to do air to air refuelling , which would go a long way to fend of the criticisms from those who decry the ‘limited’ range of the Lightening II.

David Anthony Simpson
9 years ago

Criticisms are one thing. .. facts quite another

Heat Negria
9 years ago

uk only instrested on vtol aircraft

Thomas Byrne
9 years ago
Reply to  Heat Negria

Our carriers are fitted out for those type of aircraft.

Edd Beadling
9 years ago

Natalie Elkins

Dave B Philips
Dave B Philips
9 years ago

These aircraft would increase the capabilities of our marines no end…

9 years ago

Would be a fantastic addition to the RN/FAA operating off QE/PoW for all the reasons given above. Money as always is the issue, I would hate to see future F35B orders slowed or reduced as a consequence of procuring the V-22. Although much maligned the range of the F35B is actually greater than the Super Hornet, whilst the use of the ramp on QE/PoW will extend range and payload. Along with SVRL it would be interesting to know what the range of the F35B in RN service would be. The introduction of 25 Merlin HC4s together with RAF Chinooks will… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The main bonus for us is that it extends the capability of AEW. The Merlin cannot operate with much of a meaningful contribution as it cannot stray that far from the ship. However a v22 could cruise much higher and faster making it less vulnerable to attack and the ability to move and provide cover for far away ships. e.g RFAs stood off the main battle group. It also allows the delivery of things such as mail from much further away than a helicopter can manage. For example if you were trekking down to the Falklands you could send a… Read more »

Ian Petrie
9 years ago

I think this was inevitable, it’s a hell of an aircraft and would increase range of operations considerably!

Thomas Mccafferty
9 years ago

Good idea for the royal marines and navy .. pity it wasnt for SAR duties !

Adam Hicken
9 years ago

I didn’t think it was suitable for SAR because of the downwash?

Thomas Mccafferty
9 years ago

why has the usaf use it as CSAR ..

Thomas Byrne
9 years ago


Lewis Gaylard
9 years ago

Isn’t this old news?

Charlie Ward
9 years ago

Josh Lamb

Chris Harding
9 years ago

while a venerable workhorse, the Chinook is coming to the end of its service life. the V-22 is probably the most Ideal replacement. while it cannot carry as many men as a Chinook the V-22 is faster, can carry more externally and has a better operational range. general logistics, regular troop deployment and parachute operations can all be conducted by Ospreys making it a sound choice for the British Army

If memory serves British army units used V-22s to ferry troops during a major anti insurgency operation in kandahar province

Dave B Philips
Dave B Philips
9 years ago
Reply to  Chris Harding

Its my understanding that the Chinook is going to be in service well into the 2040’s. Unless im mistaken or they would reduce numbers of chinooks which might be a logical step.

David Anthony Simpson
9 years ago
Reply to  Chris Harding

The Chinook is not by any means at or near the end of its life. Where did you get that idea from?

Graeme Robertson
9 years ago

A good tanker for aircraft carriers

David Anthony Simpson
9 years ago

Why and at what cost?

7 years ago

Not sure what the cost is. But the USMC already tested and approved a tanker conversion kit.
The reason would be the F-35B STOVL variant guzzles a tremendous amount of fuel. As do the Harriers which the MC plans to continue operating from it’s assault ships.

Alan Radisic
9 years ago

Bout time

9 years ago

Could these be operated STOL from the QE class? and what is the penalty when used as VTOL?

7 years ago
Reply to  david

None VTOL is standard takeoff.

David Anthony Simpson
9 years ago

Time to keep a rational head

Michael Hynes
Michael Hynes
9 years ago

Lots of potential as a force multiplier for the new carriers, but very expensive. It’ll be interesting to see what kind of roll on roll off capabilities the USMC develop for it in the near future. Could become extremely versatile.

Frankie Hayward
9 years ago

James Punt

James Punt
9 years ago

Thst awesome we should get them

9 years ago

It seems unlikely.

If they were close to making a decision to buy, they would have announced in the SDSR as it would be a nice PR spin for increasing capabilities.

I am sure that the UK armed forces are interested in many pieces of equipment and discussing them, but that doesn’t relate to them being actually purchased.

David Anthony Simpson
9 years ago

The UK has shown an interest in V22 for over 20 years. There are no specific plans to purchase it as yet. .. so settle down everyone.

Mark Llewellyn
9 years ago

Would be a great addition to the QE carriers air group, marines would love them!

David Flandry
David Flandry
9 years ago

Four or five of these would provide better COD than helicopters. What would be cost of 12, 4 for COD, and 8 for AWACS?

9 years ago

I think considering they have already paid the money for the helicopter version for AWACS, we won’t be buying an other option anytime soon.

9 years ago

I had initially heard that this aircraft could not be used, as it would ‘cook’ the flight deck. Clearly the HMS Ocean coped ok…..

Marius A
Marius A
9 years ago

Just seen one flying today along Dover harbour!

9 years ago

It’s been validated as SAR, just a bit windy that’s all

8 years ago

Just saw one fly over Trowbridge, looks impressive.

8 years ago

Spotted two flying low in Wiltshire today

martin rushton
martin rushton
8 years ago

Just saw one of these fly over my house about ten minutes ago. Grasnere lake district

Alan Hunns
Alan Hunns
8 years ago

2 Ospreys flying some kind of holding pattern over North London this morning – probably to do with the Obama visit. Flying V low, underneath the traffic lining up for Heathrow.

Oscar Zulu
Oscar Zulu
8 years ago

The Royal Australian Navy has been cross-decking USMC aircraft, including the V22, at RIMPAC 2016 on the Canberra Class LHDs. Agree that the V22 has potential for both AWACs and COD especially if the ADF ever decided to put the ski jumps on the Canberras to good use with an F35B acquisition. However they would also be useful in their primary role for long range infil/exfil of ground troops especially for SOCOMD Commandos and SAS. Compared to the ADFs current CH47F and MRH90 they have twice the range, fly more than 100 knots faster and 5,000 feet higher.What’s not to… Read more »

Don Lavery
8 years ago

Did the SAS not borrow Ospreys for inserting troops into London in the event of a terrorist attack?.

7 years ago

Well if the Mod does decide to acquire V-22 it had best order within the next say 3-5 years. After that it would likely not be able to take advantage of a full rate production line at which point it’s already giant cost would skyrocket. The whole V-22 program wound up costing far more than intended when the U.S. Army backed out of it. Then it pretty much had to be paid for out of the Marine and Navy budget for development cause the Air Force order was tiny by comparison (50 units). So instead of the 1200 units envisioned… Read more »

7 years ago

They are still crashing on average every six months (not every crash reported in news or leading to hull loss), with just over 200 in service since 2007 that’s a 1% annual accident rate, about 100 times greater than a Chinook.

Lars Cocklehurst
Lars Cocklehurst
7 years ago

Good bit of kit which increases capability whats not to like if the price is right. We should be upping capability wherever we can as there is still a feeling we have built the hulls but cheapskating on kit be it numbers and capability.

Mike Day
Mike Day
7 years ago

I think it would make a worthwhile edition to the UK carrier force. Osprey could be adapted to Carrier Onboard Delivery (COD) and organic Air-to-Air refuelling. The latter is critical as it would allow CAP greater on station times acting as a force multiplier.
Further, it Osprey could act as plane SAR whilst providing a viable combat SAR option for F-35 strike missions.

Of course, if you have Osprey in the Orbat for these roles, you may as well go the whole hog and replace Merlin Mk4 in the Commando role.

John Clark
John Clark
7 years ago

The V22 would be a huge shot in the arm regarding capability, a real force multiplier, if it was primarily used for AAR and COD use.

It would also be fine asset for AEW, but Crowsnest is already well underway, so best we leave that one alone I guess.

Ken Bowker
Ken Bowker
4 years ago

We should have bought the Fairey Rotodyne 60 years ago …