The UK will donate artillery guns, ammunition rounds, and nearly 100 precision Brimstone missiles to Ukraine as part of a new military aid package.

In his first international visit as Defence Secretary, John Healey has announced a significant boost in the UK’s military support for Ukraine.

During a meeting in Odesa with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Defence Minister Rustem Umerov, Healey pledged a new package of aid including more artillery guns, a quarter of a million ammunition rounds, and nearly 100 precision Brimstone missiles.

Defence Secretary John Healey said:

“There may have been a change in government, but the UK is united for Ukraine. As the new Defence Secretary, I will ensure that we reinvigorate Britain’s support by stepping up supplies of vital military aid. Our commitment to stand with the Ukrainian people is absolute, as is our resolve to confront Russian aggression and pursue Putin for his war crimes.

This government is steadfast in our commitment to continue supplying military assistance and will stand shoulder to shoulder with our Ukrainian friends for as long as it takes.”

This latest commitment will also fast-track previously promised military support, ensuring it reaches Ukraine within the next 100 days.

The newly pledged support package includes:

  • 250,000 rounds of 50 calibre ammunition
  • 90 anti-armour Brimstone missiles
  • 50 small military boats for river and coastal operations
  • 40 de-mining vehicles
  • 10 AS-90 artillery guns
  • 61 bulldozers to aid in building defensive positions
  • Support for existing AS-90s, including 32 new barrels and critical spares for 60,000 additional 155mm rounds

The Defence Secretary has also directed officials to ensure the rapid delivery of the aid package announced in April, which includes 400 vehicles, 1,600 strike and air defence missiles, and four million rounds of ammunition. This package is part of the UK’s ongoing military support, which has totaled over £7.6 billion since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of the Defence Staff, said:

“The recent milestone of 500,000 Russians killed or wounded is a reminder of how badly this war has gone for Russia. Over the past year, with British help, Ukraine has driven the Russian fleet from Crimea and reopened the Black Sea for exports. The battle on land is much tougher, but Ukraine’s future as a sovereign nation is not in doubt.

A free and democratic Ukraine, full of promise and hope, stands in jarring contrast to Russia’s trajectory of contraction and decline, and an increasingly authoritarian future under Putin. By continuing to support Ukraine, and by helping to ensure Russia loses, Britain and Europe will be stronger and safer over the long term.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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eclipse (@guest_832988)
2 months ago

More artillery? At the dire expense of the RA.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_832993)
2 months ago
Reply to  eclipse

The AS90 has pretty much gone. Saw a tweet weeks ago showing one of 1 RHAs Troops firing “the last training shoot” in the UK. Another capability holiday, due to the inability of the 97-2010 government to upgrade them or get on and design replacements, then the post 2010 governments to get on and replace ageing equipment as there are too many pies being held aloft as the equipment all needs replacing at once, rather than incrementally. CVRT, CH2, Warrior, 432, AS90, and on and on. UKR gives a good chance to get rid of them, UKR needs them a… Read more »

Jon (@guest_832999)
2 months ago

I thought we got some interim artillery in the Archers. Hasn’t that arrived?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_833002)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jon

Yes. Dont know if the whole regiment is up to speed though. And it only 14, so not fully equipped.
Whatever, when there is 1 below sized regiment of 155mm left in your army, down from 6 Regiments in 1998, questions need answering as who presided over this.
The answer is a whole gallery of brass, and politicians, all happily non accountable.

Spyinthesky (@guest_833014)
2 months ago

Yes disarm and not look a threat and your potential enemies will not feel threatened and peace prevails. And to think there are people or should I say useful idiots like Corbyn and Farage who preach such nonsense despite us having got close to a National Guard in reality. And in that lays the problem, the unification of hard right and far left in national objectives be it nativity or disguised motivations.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_833021)
2 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Well, as I said a while ago I’m not in complete agreement with you, re Farage, on this particular subject. But that’s just my take, having chatted to him and formed my own 1st hand view. And that’s been done to death on the other Reform articles, so I’m leaving it there as we’ll never agree on that one! The disarming of the West, the UK most of all, is the fault of all parties, all of them have contributed. And still waiting for the new government to commit and grow the forces. Speak softly, and carry a big stick.… Read more »

DaveyB (@guest_833051)
2 months ago

The RA have received 14 Archers that were part of Sweden’s reserves. They will be getting an additional 10 new build Archers, to bring the total to 24. Not sure on the delivery time line for the additional Archers.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_833055)
2 months ago
Reply to  DaveyB

I’d not read officially of the additional 10 being confirmed, interesting.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_833088)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jon

14 Archers have replaced at least 32 AS-90s.

Jacko (@guest_833001)
2 months ago

1 RHA still have AS90 in Estonia I believe,they are with the BG there for 9 months I read but of course can’t find the link now🙄
was this labour or a parting gift from the cons?seems a tad quick for the new lot!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_833015)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jacko

Yes, they have some as the forward enhanced BG.
19 RA in the UK have the Archers I thibk.
There used to be a rule of 5, with our brigades, and their CS CSS units, to ensure continuous deployment.
How do you Roule such a meagre force.

Spyinthesky (@guest_833011)
2 months ago

Yeah not looking good. The only bright spot in this mess is by supplying this stuff to Ukraine buys us time as even if money is provide it’s going to take years to make a real impact even with present ongoing projects like Boxer and Ajax or even T-26 and naval missile upgrades. Every year bought for the Poles and hopefully German re armament is probably as or more vital than our own (at least in terms of mass) equipment. That front line needs to hold or there will be nuclear threats to back up any more Russian aggression and… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_833019)
2 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Afternoon Spy.
Agreed. This buys time, to keep the orcs busy, the guns are needed there.
I fear for UKR though as we seem to be giving them enough to survive, but not progress.
I’m not in favour of them joining NATO as things stand, nor of the West getting involved beyond what we are doing.
But equip them as much as we can, but NOT from OUR defence budget!! This aid must surely be from the overseas aid budget.

Patrick (@guest_832992)
2 months ago

The newly promised defence review better come with the blank cheques to replace all this kit.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_833003)
2 months ago
Reply to  Patrick

Money has long been allocated to mobile fires. D RA confirmed that half a decade ago.
Final numbers are awaited.
On boats, I think MoD have quite a few.

Sam (@guest_833119)
2 months ago

See how long it takes for the RH155s to come online.

Michael Hannah
Michael Hannah (@guest_833004)
2 months ago

It is good they made it a priority to reassure the Ukraine that the change of government did not mean change of policy.
However they cupboard must be getting awfully bare with no subsequent order for replacements.

JohnB (@guest_833046)
2 months ago

I want to know when we can start handing over Sky Sabre to Ukraine.
Nearly 30 months into this war surely production of the systems would have been ramped up sufficiently now?

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_833085)
2 months ago
Reply to  JohnB

Are you joking? That is the army’s newest equipment and I believe is only held in quite small numbers.

JohnB (@guest_833138)
2 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Well yes, but my point is the UK has had plenty of time and the money to place the orders with MBDA, Saab and Rafael to increase production of them, allowing us to supply at least one system to Ukraine. Who need it rather more than we do.

JohnB (@guest_833139)
2 months ago
Reply to  JohnB

Thinking about it, it might be Rafael which is nixing this.

Lesson to learn, don’t buy Israeli.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_834071)
2 months ago
Reply to  JohnB

Fair point. UKR need AD more than we do, but we also need to rebuild our hollowed out army very quickly too.

Shane Townshend
Shane Townshend (@guest_833210)
2 months ago

7.6 billion pounds. Not being funny but the amount of debt this country’s in wouldn’t that money been better spent on the NHS or new schools
We send to much money overseas like the 35million every year to Argentina and they hate our guts still

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_834559)
2 months ago

That above “shopping list” is pretty substantial! Well done 🇬🇧 and strength to 🇺🇦.