Conservative MP Julian Lewis raised a question to the Ministry of Defence regarding Russia’s use of gas in Ukraine and whether the UK plans to supply respirators to Ukrainian forces.

In response, Luke Pollard, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, confirmed that the UK remains vigilant in assessing the evolving threat posed by Russian chemical warfare in Ukraine.

Pollard stated: “The Ministry of Defence continues to assess and monitor the evolving threat picture in Ukraine, including Russian use of chemicals as a method of warfare. The UK has been at the forefront of international support and assistance to the armed forces of Ukraine and has provided respirators and decontamination kits, as well as other protective measures to enhance Ukraine’s protective capabilities against chemical weapons.”

He further reaffirmed the UK’s commitment to Ukraine, stating: “Our commitment to Ukraine is unwavering, we continue to work closely with our international partners to coordinate counter-CBRN support and assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.”

The UK continues to play a significant role in providing equipment to help Ukraine defend itself against chemical and biological threats.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_853167)
16 hours ago

A total mystery why this was not supplied ages ago.

It really isn’t beyond the whit of man to manufacture this stuff in bulk and ship it to them. So much easier than a missile.

And this stops the Ukrainians being gassed out of their trench protection so that Mad Vlad’s rabble can kill them even with their low skill levels.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_853192)
14 hours ago

if Putin’s scum did use gas I think it would provoke a serious rest from the west. I’m surprised at the Ukrainians refusal to use terrorism inside the russian capital an attack on the underground world provoke an internal backlash against the Putin regime. given the atrocities carried out by Russian forces in the Ukraine it would be accepted by many as a legitimate response.

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_853207)
12 hours ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Ukraine will I’m sure focus on removing Russian forces from Ukraine. If a civil war breaks out in Russia – it should only involve Russians.

Ian Skinner
Ian Skinner (@guest_853327)
47 seconds ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

From what I have read, the gas is non-lethal, more like tear gas: If the Russians do use poison gas then that must provoke a reaction from the West.

phil (@guest_853228)
10 hours ago

More kit we wont replace for years putting our own people at risk!