The United Kingdom has committed to identifying, exposing, and countering Russian efforts to acquire military equipment from North Korea, according to a statement by UK Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Barbara Woodward, at the UN Security Council meeting on North Korea.

Ambassador Woodward highlighted that since 2006, the Security Council has adopted nine resolutions condemning North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile activities.

These resolutions, unanimously adopted, also imposed sanctions prohibiting the transfer of arms and related materials between North Korea and any UN member state.

“Russia has violated these resolutions repeatedly. There is now a continuous flow of cargo between Russia and the DPRK. This includes munitions and ballistic missiles, as reported by UN experts in April and our briefer today,” stated Ambassador Woodward.

She further noted that North Korea is also procuring refined petroleum from Russia, likely exceeding the UNSCR-mandated cap. “Russia does not even attempt to hide its behaviour. Russia brazenly vetoed the renewal of the 1718 Panel of Experts, and during President Putin’s visit to Pyongyang this month, Kim Jong-Un praised the active cooperation between the two countries, including in military affairs,” she said.

Ambassador Woodward warned that in exchange for weapons and Russia’s protection in the Council, North Korea is seeking trade and military assistance, further circumventing UN sanctions and increasing regional security risks. “These violations have serious consequences for millions of people worldwide,” she stated.

Highlighting the impact, she added, “North Korean missiles are being used in the destruction of Kharkiv, bringing misery, injury, and death to Ukrainian civilians. Ammunition is helping Russia prolong its war, which continues to exact a heavy toll on women and children.”

Ambassador Woodward criticised Russia’s actions for damaging the non-proliferation regime and making the world a more dangerous place. She emphasized that the UK will work with all willing countries to counter these violations and protect the global non-proliferation regime. “It is an abuse of this organisation and its principles that Russia so openly and deliberately violates the UN sanctions regime, on top of its flagrant breach of the UN Charter in Ukraine,” she asserted.

She concluded by urging all members of the Council to call out Russia’s actions clearly and commit to working together to protect the UN, the non-proliferation system, and global peace and security. “All of us who believe in this Council must call Russia out clearly and must commit to working together to protect the UN, the non-proliferation system, and global peace and security,” she said.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Jacko (@guest_830583)
2 months ago

While Russia sits on the security council the UN is as much use as a chocolate teapot!

Brian (@guest_830942)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jacko

What is a democracy? Democracy is where the majority rules. Let’s take the UN which has about 140 countries I have seen every country agree on a resolution than america walk in and veto it. Now 1 country out 140 is about a half of 1 percent can come in and say no and the resolution is useless. As long as america, China, Russia and whoever else got veto power this is not a democracy but a fake institution and a waste of tax payers money. No country should have more power over any other countries. All countries should have… Read more »

dc647a (@guest_830585)
2 months ago

In other words nothing will happen because Russia will just veto any action against its self.. the UN has about much clout as a toothless dog… All show no bite

Thomas (@guest_830915)
2 months ago
Reply to  dc647a

Not much happened when the U.K. killed thousands in Iraq for nothing either eh ?

Mulinda (@guest_831011)
2 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

It is ironic how some countries can impose sanctions on one country and at the same time ask that country to help them to enforce sanctions on another country

Jonno (@guest_832300)
2 months ago
Reply to  Thomas

Why say that it was half finished business after as usual the USA left Gulf War One, prematurely although there was a valid UN resolution authorising that.
Russia is a whole very much more serious case without a shred of justification except Imperialism.
Russia should be suspended from the security council.

Val (@guest_830589)
2 months ago


Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_830597)
2 months ago

Another organisation that could be wrapped up.

Jonathan (@guest_830648)
2 months ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

In reality the security council was a way to keep the strategic nuclear powers around the table and not triggering MAD…it’s why the ticket to the top table has been for a long time strategic weapons.

Lee John fursman
Lee John fursman (@guest_830685)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Trigger MAD it is f… Ing mad and so is having the turks in nato when they are obviously on the other side… Well to stop north Korea and Putin we could send a strong message by telling them how many ships we could send….. Not.

Pete (@guest_832011)
2 months ago

Turks aren’t on the other side..they are just independent of big brother party line… bit like the French but Muslim

Lee John fursman
Lee John fursman (@guest_832028)
2 months ago
Reply to  Pete

Just won’t answer…

Pete (@guest_832176)
2 months ago


Marked (@guest_830609)
2 months ago

So what are we going to do exactly other than send a strongly worded letter?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_830617)
2 months ago
Reply to  Marked

It is just typical HMG grandstanding.
Even if there was actual action taken what would we do when Vladivostok and N Korea are pretty much next door to each other, with 2 River OPV.
The trade might even move via China.

Tommo (@guest_830819)
2 months ago

And I wonder ,how many Russian troops get killed using NK munitions and weapons ?

Cyril (@guest_830861)
2 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

Don’t mind them, They are using UN as they want. Like in Libya

Brian (@guest_830944)
2 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

I wonder how many people gets killed worldwide using American weapons

Tommo (@guest_837620)
1 month ago
Reply to  Brian

But you expect the Muntions you friend gives you too kill your enemy not your own troops when you go to use them since this last post a few artillery pieces have exploded with NK muntions

Dario (@guest_830828)
2 months ago
Reply to  Marked

In french language F. All!

Boab (@guest_830611)
2 months ago

Such a comical set of statements. Russia and North Korea have the biggest sanction packages the world has ever seen and they are surviving and in some cases doing better (Russia) and all the while costs are rising in the west. And many countries dumping the dollar in trade deals. And the west ammo and equipment stocks get vastly depleted while trying to prop up a failing Ukraine. Yeah I bet Russia and North Korea are crapping themselves over these statements hahaha

simon alexander
simon alexander (@guest_830613)
2 months ago

seize russian assets in uk and the west

Frank62 (@guest_830635)
2 months ago

Hasn’t that already happened? UKR funded a loan using the interest from seized Russian funds.

simon alex
simon alex (@guest_830675)
2 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

Assets been frozen not seized. Would focus Russian elites minds. Uk stumbling maybe over legal process.

Jonathan (@guest_830647)
2 months ago

UK to counter Russia being supplied with weapons by North Korea, by buying MBT and self propelled artillery from South Korea.

Airborne (@guest_830657)
2 months ago

Oh dear, such an obvious troll post that it could almost be a piss take! Alas we live in a crazy world, you live in a Vladivostok cellar!

Pleiades (@guest_830683)
2 months ago

Well, you live in Ruzzia, so yeah you are crazy 🤣

Lee John fursman
Lee John fursman (@guest_830687)
2 months ago

Go and get……

Jonathan (@guest_830692)
2 months ago

Gosh…look really bad political warfare..F- try harder.

Darwesh (@guest_830701)
2 months ago

It is time that veto powers should be abolished and UN would operate more democraticy.

OldSchool (@guest_830717)
2 months ago

Presumably you failed clown school? And are now trying your bad jokes on us…..

Arnold (@guest_830729)
2 months ago

Most people here in the West don’t reason at all so they won’t understand that the West, mainly the US, is the best guy in this Ukraine conflict. Brainwashed people will come attacking you the moment you speak the truth! Why? Because they know absolutely nothing about how the conflict stated!

Leslie (@guest_830735)
2 months ago

What all the NATO and UN Countries should have done was gone into Ukraine before Russia did and called Putin out. But Biden is a weak old frat can’t think for him self and wouldn’t commit the US to doing the right thing and all the other countries are not strong enough on their own to take on Russia with out the US.Putin will never get out of Ukraine because the world is afraid he will push the button and blow us all to hell and himself to. Best we can hope for that some one will grow some balls… Read more »

Stephen Clay
Stephen Clay (@guest_830880)
2 months ago
Reply to  Leslie

I could be wrong, but Putin, his generals etc have all amassed money, properties, yachts etc. I don’t think they want to lose all that…they know if they press the button, we do the same.
You can see what happened with covid. The aftermath of even a ‘small scale’ nuclear exchange would be so much worse than anyone can imagine.
Putin is a murdering bastard. Mad, but maybe not ‘OTT’ mad…

Dave (@guest_830922)
2 months ago
Reply to  Leslie

I agree we should have gone into Ukraine.. Put in is grandstanding.. He isn’t as strong as he thinks he is…. I Ask one question….. What would the world be like today if the UK and France hadn’t gone to war with Hitler in 1939.??? And don’t forget The United States weren’t fighting until 41..and in 40 when France fell ..we stood alone and fought for freedom. We should be doing that now before it does turn nuclear.
I think putin is crazy enough to do it.

Lee John fursman
Lee John fursman (@guest_832182)
2 months ago
Reply to  Leslie

In todays world saying balls is damn right sexist don’t you know?? 😅😅

Olaiya Oluwafemi from Nigeria
Olaiya Oluwafemi from Nigeria (@guest_830744)
2 months ago

Leadership is about managing well all stakeholders including allies and non allies in order to achieve common goals like global security and so on. The UK Ambassador to the UN spoke from her own interest and perspective. I would reply her from my own perspective as well. The problem is that the UNSC leadership from the US led UK and France had failed as leaders from managing a party Russia led China. My message to the UK Ambassador is she must by now acknowledged that we are already in irreversible multipolar world (that is the damaged effect caused by failed… Read more »

Ibrahim Muhd
Ibrahim Muhd (@guest_830749)
2 months ago

It’s really a crazy world. US and NATO countries have the weapons but others can’t have! Same US, UK and NATO are supplying weapons with which Zionist Israel is killed thousands of women, children and the old who can sanction them? Hypocrisy at its height. As long as US, NATO and another country has any weapons then every country should have it . THOSE THAT ARE NOT READY TO ACQUIRE SUCH WEAPONS WILL REGRET VERY SOON.

Hafiz (@guest_830750)
2 months ago

These forever sanctions are idiotic force nations to become self reliant, when south Korea started sending aid to Ukraine, this is Russia sending a message back.

Paul (@guest_830762)
2 months ago

Why are we not sinking cargo ships carring sanctioned goods strong words should be followed by strong actions

Martin (@guest_830766)
2 months ago

Just another useless and toothless organisation that’s costing us billions and doing nothing.

Eg siyaga
Eg siyaga (@guest_830802)
2 months ago

What is UN for I have suggested the formation of new UN
United nation of democracy UND
How do you put Russia and Ukraine in the same org and tell em to unite? How Iran and 🇮🇱 can unite?
It is real joke.

Jim (@guest_830803)
2 months ago

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Don’t hear anyone up in arms when we sell weapons to Israel or Saudi Arabia. Double standards are us!

Johnny English
Johnny English (@guest_830826)
2 months ago

The comments on here highlight some misgivings. Russia has the right to trade with whoever it choose. Not one inch to the east nato informed Gorbachov.

Imgaine the scenario. Scotland in the 1970s votes for independence. In two yeaes Scotland becomes communist. A year later its, stated Russian troops are going to based in Scotland along with nuclear capability.
How long before England invades? Would you feel such an invasion justified?

Robert H
Robert H (@guest_830834)
2 months ago

Aren’t We, Hypocrites, along with America, who Colectively, come against Russia, supplying the Ukraine with weapons and sacrifice both Ukrainians and Russian forces by pouring more fuel on the fire

H k Davenport
H k Davenport (@guest_830855)
2 months ago
Reply to  Robert H

There’s an easy solution for the sake of world peace and that is all countries bordering Russia stay neutral always never joining nato and putin backs off if he won’t then we all know his intentions so we have no choice but to force his hand

Rob (@guest_830859)
2 months ago
Reply to  Robert H

If Russia stops fighting and pulls its troops out the war ends, if Ukraine stops fighting then Ukraine and probably father countries will end, becoming part of the Russian Federation ruled by the Kremlin.

Cyril (@guest_830863)
2 months ago
Reply to  Robert H

Thanks a lot, They can’t tell us that truth

Aaron L
Aaron L (@guest_831330)
2 months ago
Reply to  Robert H

It’s a case of f*&# around and find out really. Russia wasn’t forced to invade Ukraine, it chose to start the war and now is seeing the consequences of that.

Realistically, Ukraine was a long way from joining NATO before the war even started due to the issues that they had going on in the east of the country.

Lee John fursman
Lee John fursman (@guest_832183)
2 months ago
Reply to  Robert H

Better off letting Putin take whatever he likes… Right???… Peace in our time stuff.

Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul (@guest_830858)
2 months ago

Meanwhile it’s ok for the UK & US to sell it’s weapons to Isreal to use on innocent Palestinions mainly Woman & Children! The hypocrasy is sickening .

Michael Gregory
Michael Gregory (@guest_830864)
2 months ago
Reply to  George Allison

Use Google to search it up..
Clear UK components being used..

P Bond
P Bond (@guest_830875)
2 months ago
Reply to  George Allison

It must be such a wild propaganda then especially if you as a journalist doesn’t know!!! Everyone must be assuming that the US and the West sell weapons to Israel!

HamishUK (@guest_830882)
2 months ago
Reply to  Aaron Paul

But it’s ok for Palestine to kill innocent civilians…. again families enjoying a day out. The hypocrisy is indeed sickening. Grow up.

Vigezo (@guest_830920)
2 months ago

It is not about UN being toothless, what makew it like that are those double standards you have in the West that are killing UN, staff like Kosovo being a country and South Ossetia or Transinistria not, so that is either of imperialism or fascism.

Robert Sablan
Robert Sablan (@guest_830954)
2 months ago


Curtis C
Curtis C (@guest_830989)
2 months ago

Might as well just say children. Instead of Woman and Children, before the airport runways are blocked next. Instead of the streets.

Igor (@guest_830994)
2 months ago

Will be difficult even in the “exposing” part – they will ship by rail through N.Korea-Russia border. How UK is planning to do all that countering? Russia will not care about UN sanctions, as they are already under sanctions themselves.

Tony (@guest_831052)
2 months ago

I like how the government is spending all this money on defending other countries and yet our own country is going to shit but as always others can get sorted and our own country can go down to the toliet

Freedom (@guest_831097)
2 months ago

Two faced as usual, while the usa and uk and other countries supply weapons to Israel to commit genocide Russia has the right to do what it likes. The UN is a joke it doesnt mean anything, these so called u n icc etc are only designed to control the little countries. Enough is enough a new change is incoming.

Duncan (@guest_831244)
2 months ago

When are the senior officers going to wake up to the fundamental truth of this ongoing conflict.
This is yet again another Anglo Saxon V Anglo Saxon killing war.

So who is holding the coats once more.

rmj (@guest_831285)
2 months ago

Our int community are simply outstanding at this. I’ve no doubt we can expose and track equipment whether we can do anything about it is another matter.