Tuesday, 6 June 1944 – Normandy, France.

Allied forces have launched the largest seaborne invasion in history, marking the beginning of Operation Overlord.

Codenamed Operation Neptune, the Normandy landings commenced in the early hours of Tuesday morning with a coordinated assault involving extensive aerial and naval bombardment, followed by the deployment of airborne troops and amphibious landings along the French coast.

Early Morning Assault

Shortly after midnight, approximately 24,000 American, British, and Canadian airborne troops descended behind enemy lines.

This aerial assault was designed to secure key positions and disrupt German defences ahead of the main landing force. The airborne troops faced fierce resistance but have reportedly secured several strategic points.

Amphibious Landings Begin

At dawn, the amphibious assault began, with Allied forces landing on a 50-mile stretch of the Normandy coast. Divided into five sectors—Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword—the landings were met with intense German fire from fortified positions overlooking the beaches.

Strong winds and currents pushed the landing craft off course, complicating the already perilous operation.

Fierce Resistance at Omaha

The landings at Omaha Beach have proven particularly brutal, with heavy casualties reported. The high cliffs and fortified German positions have made the advance slow and costly.

Despite these challenges, Allied troops continue to press forward, demonstrating extraordinary bravery under relentless enemy fire.

Progress in Other Sectors

In the Gold, Juno, and Sword sectors, Allied forces are engaged in fierce house-to-house combat to clear fortified towns. Specialised tanks, designed to deal with beach obstacles and fortifications, have played a crucial role in disabling key enemy gun emplacements.

Initial Objectives

The primary objectives for the first day included establishing secure beachheads and capturing key towns such as Carentan, Saint-Lô, and Bayeux. However, the Allies have yet to achieve these goals fully.

The link-up of beachheads is progressing slowly, with Juno and Gold being the only sectors connected as of this report. Full consolidation of all beachheads is anticipated in the coming days.

Strategic Importance

We understand that today’s invasion marks a pivotal moment in the Allied campaign to liberate France and Western Europe from Nazi occupation.

The planning for this operation began over a year ago, with extensive deception operations, such as Operation Bodyguard, successfully misleading German forces about the invasion’s timing and location.

A Day of Sacrifice and Valour

As the sun sets on this historic day, the cost of the invasion becomes evident. Allied casualties are estimated to be at least 10,000, with over 4,000 confirmed dead. German casualties range between 4,000 to 9,000.

The courage and sacrifice of these soldiers will be remembered as a turning point in the fight for freedom and the eventual defeat of tyranny in Europe.

Memorial Tribute

This report, written as if by the UK Defence Journal on the day of the landings, serves a dual purpose. First, it captures the immediacy and urgency of the historic events as they unfolded. Second, it stands as a tribute to the valour and sacrifice of the brave soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy. Their actions laid the groundwork for the liberation of France and the eventual victory in Europe.

As we commemorate their heroism, we acknowledge the heavy price paid for freedom. The legacy of D-Day will endure as a testament to the resilience and determination of the Allied forces in the face of overwhelming odds. May we never forget the sacrifices made on this day, and may their courage inspire future generations.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


    • Missed everything as I’m abroad but still remembered the lads, lest we forget and let’s hope future generations have been told bout this at school.

  1. Proud of my Grandads minimal contribution. He was one of the Steel Engineers who built the Mullberry Harbour the ruins of which now sit on Gold Beach.

    • Brilliant innovation to provide decisive Logistical Support, and an amazing legacy to this day.

      Respect for your Grandads contribution. Engineers do important work.

      Sadly I don’t have such specific information about my Grandfather but as an Intelligence Officer I do know that he contributed to Op Bodyguard and Op Overlord, something to do with Arromanches, but I known not.

      Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn,
      At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them..

      • ❤ Well said.
        Yes, apparently he wanted to join the military but he wasn’t allowed to due to his role. He also repaired bombed ships in Pompey and went to other places, airfields and such.
        Like many, wasn’t something he talked about.
        My favourite D Day memory was I think from 1994? When Major Howard went back to “Pegasus Bridge” and was pushed across in his Wheel Chair, surrounded by crowds and other serving paras.
        That was too much for me and I still get emotional now at the thought of that amazing moment.

    • Hi Mate. What a remarkable time to have been alive! Been watching some D Day docos by James Holland lately, Quite liking his work.

      • Morning mate. Not aware of them, will have a look.
        I like studying German military history as well as modern UK Mil, usually Eastern Front, but also Normandy, I’ve always been fascinated at the sheer ineptitude and incompetence of the German High Command in the build up and response to Overlord.
        The performance of the Wermacht and Waffen SS in resisting the invasion was as always outstanding.

        • Oh yes, definitely agree on the German divisions performance., in particular the Caen sector dung Ops Goodwood.

          • Ahhh, I see you know your stuff
            mate. No surprise for an intelligence type.

  2. Allied forces have launched the largest seaborne invasion in history,

    Incorrect, Operation Husky, invasion of Sicily was larger.

    • Op husky landed more troops over a greater frontage, how ever Overlord had more ships,so that makes Overlord the largest👍

      • That is not the most important factor factor to determine largest seaborne invasion.
        Landing more troops with a larger frontage is more relevant to determine the largest.

        The Allied invasion of Sicily was the largest amphibious operation conducted in World War II with over seven assault divisions landing across Italian beaches. The planning and conduct of HUSKY was fraught with indecision, fragmented planning, poor coordination, and a lack of unity of effort. Husky proves to be an interesting case study of the operational level of war and provides several relevant lessons for todays commanders and joint staff officers.

        Plus the airborne forces of UK 1st Airlanding Brigade and 1st Parachute Brigade and 2 Regiments of US 82 Airborne Divsion. But these should not be classified as amphibious.

        Imperial War Museum

        The battle was also a significant operation achievement. The Allies had pulled off the largest amphibious invasion of the Second World War with over 180,000 men, 4,000 aircraft and over 3,000 ships and boats. But important lessons would also have to be learned.”

        • More ships = largest whatever the job the ships are doing,not arguing anything else they were both impressive achievements.

        • My Uncle (8th Army) was a member of the Beachmaster’s party for the British landing. Landed from a submarine (HMS Seraph I think) prior to the main invasion. Reckoned it was the scariest time and he could never spend time on a submarine again. Otherwise never spoke of it.

  3. Both of my Grandfathers were in the Royal Artillery. One was 8th Army, who fought from North Africa to Italy. The other was in India/Burma. Neither knew each other, before my parents got married. Both would only tell snippets of what they went through. Both are no longer with us.

    After having the privilege to serve in our Armed Forces. From a sprog to commissioned, witnessing the horrors in Bosnia, fighting in Iraq and Afghan. I can now fully understand their reticence for relaying the experiences that they went through. But have a better understanding of why one of them was a chain smoker and the other shunned company.

    Back then they didn’t have support we have today, even though it’s predominantly delivered by volunteer services, like Combat Stress. They certainly didn’t get 3 to 5 days in Cypress to decompress, before they got home.

    So now I take the time to shake any veterans hand, but also listen if they want to tell their story. As I know how hard it can be to relate to others.

    To those who took part in the D-Day landings. Cheers guys for giving me the opportunity to serve and allowing my family the ability to choose their direction in life.

    • Good point, there was a lot of Not talking about it.

      My Fathers Father served in the WW1 trenches and had an experience that he simply never talked about. So we never got any direct insights into the sacrifice that went on. He did get a MM but more importantly got home.

      Since he was too old to fight by WW2 he served on the London ARP, which had significant hazards (Blitz) but probably less than front line. Again, he wouldn’t talk about it so we just don’t know.

      I respect all that have served and their right to say as little or as much as they chose. I agree that we owe them our freedom, so will not forget.

  4. RIP to my Great Uncle, Ernie Broome, Stoker 1st class who still lies with his shipmates on HMS Loyalty, which was sunk on 22nd August 1944 by the German U-boat U-480 at position 50°09′N 00°41′W in the English Channel.

  5. I didn’t realise we had to go back to Normandy beaches again today. The French will never learn will they? The Spanish and Italians it seems are just as bad in standing up against Putin’s Fascism as they were back in the 1930’s caving to Franco and Mussolini.
    So here we go again, only this time we are totally unprepared with tiny armed forces.
    Oh wait…

  6. A great tribute yesterday until i started seeing slimy politicians showing their faces. They have absolutely nothing in common with any of the great men of those days.

  7. So Sunak left the D Day events early to get back to the more serious election business!!!
    I’m a life long Tory with occasional support for UKIP, Reform, and Nigel Farage when he’s active.
    But this is the final nail in the coffin for me I’m afraid. I’m disgusted and, actually…..bloody furious!!! Had no idea till J mentioned it here.
    A PM just can not do that! Those vets won’t be alive much longer.
    Saying “on reflection I should not have” is cobblers. If you need to reflect to realise that was wrong you’re not fit for office.
    Sunak talks National Service yet can not last a day in Normandy.
    You’re gone. I pray a Tory knocks on my door…oh God please!!!!

    Furious. 😡

    • The French Government where told a week ago that he would not be attending any events in Normandy due to his election campaigning.

      • Well thats OK then ….an absolutely pathetic pointless own goal that shows the lack of understanding of the poignancy of the occasion and well deserving of the derision it has garnered.
        What about our standing on the world stage – what about the snub (perceived or otherwise) to the Americans from not attending the Omaha beach rememberance.
        I fail to see what positives could possibly have been envisaged from this decision, quite simply an unbelievable mis-judgment from Sunak & his ‘advisors’.

    • I must admit when I saw Cameron sniffing around Biden and Macron I said to the missus where’s Sunak🙄
      TBF I thought Macron impressed at our monument though 👍

  8. Has the whole western world forgotten Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943? Count the numbers; Husky put more troops ashore over the beaches than Overlord did – about 2000 more. Stop perpetuating this myth, stop this lazy journalism and check your history books.

  9. Lit a candle yesterday in the rest room at work to remember the event. Specially my uncle Mickey who saved in a Scottish Regiment before been transferred into the Royal Engineers because of is welding experience for the landings.Been gone some year’s now .such a Gentle man hard to believe what they went through. 🕯

    • RIP Uncle Mickey.

      My Mothers Father started in the Highland Division (infantry) but when they discovered he could speak French was moved to military intelligence, badged Royal Engineer.

      Sadly we never did any welding, but I do see the value of his Languages, German and Russian by WW2, learnt in Vienna, Austria, between the wars. He ended WW2 on Churchill’s war staff, so Languages were and are useful.

      • Cheers mate 🍺 and full respect to your mother’s father seems like he had an very interesting war .Hope Churchill give him a well earned smoke Cigar

  10. God bless every one of them. Both those that are still with us and those who can no longer tell us their stories. It was good to see all the veterans the other day wearing their well deserved Legion d’honneur.

    The first verse of ‘Coming home’ by ‘The soldiers’ seems so appropriate:
    Every soldier who gave their life lives forever.
    Every soldier who fought the fight echoes in our minds.
    All the wounded and the brave,
    the ones god couldn’t save,
    we salute your courage!


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