BAE Systems has received a contract to produce payload tubes for two of the U.S. Navy’s new Virginia class submarines to support increased firepower on the Block V version of the attack subs.
Under the contract with General Dynamics Electric Boat, a builder of the Virginia class, BAE Systems will deliver two sets, each consisting of four tubes, for the Virginia Payload Modules on the SSN 804 and SSN 805.
The Virginia Payload Module (VPM) extends the length of the Block V submarines over previous versions of the Virginia-class by adding an additional mid-body section to create more payload space for greater firepower. Each large-diameter payload tube can store and launch up to seven Tomahawk cruise missiles. The VPM offers exceptional flexibility as well for the integration of future payload types, such as unmanned systems or next-generation weapons.
“The Virginia Payload Module is critical to the Navy’s undersea presence,” said Joe Senftle, vice president and general manager of Weapon Systems at BAE Systems.
“With the VPM, the Navy is adding significant capability to the Virginia-class by increasing the firepower of these subs and tripling their payload capacity.”
BAE Systems, which is also providing payload tubes for the SSN 803 under a previously awarded VPM contract, has a long history of supporting the Navy’s submarine fleet as the leading provider of propulsors and other submarine systems. The company was selected to provide propulsors, spare hardware, and tailcones for Block IV Virginia-class vessels and stands ready to provide the same support for the Block V subs.
Under this most recent contract, BAE Systems will also develop the processes and tooling necessary for the Block V payload tube production. Work will be performed at the company’s facility in Louisville, Kentucky, with deliveries scheduled to begin in 2020.
Recent US Navy contracts for BAE is good news, long may it continue. Let us hope that current trade issue with the US doesn’t begin to muddy the waters? One line of thinking, if the trade problems escalate how then can the current union with Nato avoid any animosity penetrating that organization?
I felt last year’s Nato summit was the beginning of a difficult period between the US and fellow members. Sniggering and nudging did not go unnoticed by Trump and his officials! Trump is a man who gets what he wants, or if he fails, he’ll make life very messy, that’ is how he functions. Throughout history, we have seen powerful people act in a selfish and acrimonious manner, much to the annoyance of those in the line of fire. Some may call it ‘Irrational Behaviour’ whatever the nomenclature, such a state of affairs can only lead to lasting damage. Someone needs to start spraying oil on the troubled waters.
The issue is that Trump is used to bullying his way in the business world. He is not in the business world as president and he will find that people react very differently. Most leaders are merely humouring him until his term is over and he is quickly voted out and replaced by at least a partially sane individual again.
You do know he will get another term, don’t you? He’s so popular with the working vote that it’s an almost certainty! If so, a lot of nations are going to get burnt whilst they humour him.
The issue there is in America until very recently (the 90s) Americans have had a very transactional (read business view of both politics and diplomacy). Based on both ability to keep your word and loyalty.
This means you promise something you either deliver or you better damn well look like your trying. You promise to crack the whip over NAFTA to your voters you do it. You promise to move a embassy you do it. You say the EU and China are srcewing over the American worker and your going to do something about it. You do something about it preferably something that makes your opposites in Europe look at best apathetic and at worst in direct opposition to the concerns of the everyday American. Examples Theresa May coming across as a lecturing school mistress. Angela Merkel in the role of stereotypical scowling German across a table at the mere thought of American steelworkers having a job in Pittsburgh, Charlotte, or Cleveland. Justin Trudeau once more coming across as freeloading, weak, and dishonest Canadian, be blunt attempts to hide behind a veneer of politeness are underhanded and convey a lack of trustworthiness. The list goes on.
Whatever you do, do not release a photo that shows all the European leaders surrounding and scowling at the President. OUTSTANDING they managed the richest to make the richest country in the world look like an underdog being picked on by foreign bullies. Please have a drink, hold a kitten something that doesn’t make it look like you enjoy killing family pets as in that one particular photograph from Merkel’s office.
16th line down.
You must brush up on your Queens English Elliot.
(Chris H) Elliott – You argue that Americans are all for keeping their word and delivering? So how do you explain your Head of State reneging on the NAFTA Treaty, walking away from the Iran Treaty, imposing illegal Tariffs on imports in contravention of WTO Rules and then fabricating that steel from the UK that goes directly into US military equipment by BAE is a threat to ‘National Security’.
And when your country acts illegally as it tried to do over Bombardier and piss off the leaders of other countries don’t get all precious when they treat your Head of State like the fuckwit he apparently is. Or that we cancel lucrative defence orders.
And guess what Elliott? The steelworkers in the UK have as much right to a job as anyone in the USA and given we do not have a back door subsidy system like the US does (its called ‘Military Contracts’) then I am not sure where you are able to write what you have done.
Elliott countries like Canada, the UK, Germany etc are not the problem, they are not your enemy and they are most certainly NOT in any way a threat to the US’ National Security. its China you ought to be arguing with not us. But of course like all bullies Trump won’t go head to head with them will he? No he abuses and makes arsewipe comments about countries who have been your country’s staunchest and closest allies. Often the UK has been your ONLY ally when you have messed up. He prefers to shake hands with a murderous dictator of some tin pot little nowhere for the photo call and Fox News chatter rather than sit quietly and find a solution with his friends. Well now he has no friends to the North, the South and to the East across the Pond. The USA is heading for the same Protectionist failure it did in the ’20s and ’30s because Trump has only just started …. yes we will suffer as our trade with the USA reduces (because we know how insular you Americans can be) but so will US exports so its a zero sum game Trump is playing. The EU is the USA’s biggest export market and the UK trades a neutral or US Positive export market – Outstanding ….
Still only 6 more years or maybe 2 if the US voter wakes up to his stupidity. Although the Israeli lobby will see him home won’t they?
1. Tariffs fall fully under his remit as head of the Executive branch barring a special legislative action. As the power to raise on trade so long as they do not conflict with existing US law was delegated to the President by Congress. Therefore while against what other countries consider the rules. The Constitution is clear not illegal. The WTO can vent it’s spleen form sun up till sun down. That would not change the fact it is more like getting a gold star versus not getting one in kindergarten as far as the US legal system is concerned.
2. No one has a right to a particular job you have the right to work. Of course UK steelworkers like their American counterparts have the right to lobby for jobs in their cities and canvas for their preferred leadership then hold them to account. They are not however the President of the United States constituency. Therefore not his concern anymore than Toledo and Detroit autoworkers were the concern of Germany but emphatically the charges of their representatives up to and including the President.
3. The European industries are heavily subsidized by both financial and bureaucratic means. First you have the VAT tax versus the Sales tax used in the US. This acts as a backdoor tariff under American law as domestic companies being eligible for rebates on exports while being able to tax imports from foreign business. Leaving countries that use the Sales tax at a disadvantage.
In addition you have this misguided belief that military contracts are subsidies. Even when true the option was fully left open to the UK. Instead it was decided that healthcare for Somalis and a Kenyan spice girls imitation band were sounder investments. That sounds more like a failure of lobbying on the part of the British public than President Donald J. Trump.
4. Our only ally? When we quote “messed up.” I do not recall you in the Jungles of Southeast Asia during Vietnam. The Australians and New Zealand were there. Even while under direct threat of invasion the South Koreans came. I recall during the 80s Britain and Europe constantly undermining the fight against the communistas in another jungle. I recall the European moral hypocrisy and condemnation of Henry Kissinger over his actions to get rid of that piece of communist trash Allende. I recall Thatcher actually believing she had the right to tell Reagan did not have the right to use Military force on Grenada to retrieve Americans and put down a communist revolution. It was not her hemisphere to preach or issue a order about. The list goes on. Ally? Yes. Paragon of unwavering loyalty? No.
4. NAFTA had a clause to trigger negotiations and in the event of no settlement termination. Iran Treaty? In the United States it was not a treaty President Obama couldn’t even get it passed by lying his head off. So he called it a agreement and joined it without a super majority as required of a treaty. The distinction is under US law an agreement can be canceled at will. So when Clinton lost that thing was toast. As Trump and indeed every republican running said they would cancel as it was passed without their support. In this case which promise does a President keep? The one to his voters or the one his predecessor made to a known supporter of terrorism like Iran? Well answering that one isn’t very hard.
5. Finally it’s not called being precious it’s called not being a sucker. Britain gives a state visit to the Chinese dictator while calling the American President a totalitarian with both the London mayor and Labour politicians promising mass protests should he visit. British and European politicians to include Threasa May and Angela Merkel endorsing his opponent whilst calling him everything from Hitler to economically ignorant. Rich coming from public sector leeches while one had actually ran a business. In the case Merkel her party actually donated several million to the Clinton campaign.
6. Your continued belief that 3% of the population voting democratic is lobby that will be the cause of Trump’s re-election both defies logic and mathematics.
(Chris H) Elliott – You really do prove my points every time:
* No country can just place selective tariffs on other countries under WTO Rules. Its either everyone or no one. Now – I do understand that Trump (and the USA when it suits her) ignores the rules based way of doing business whenever it suits them but that does not make it legal let alone right.
* Vietnam was a war that the USA had no right in which to be involved. Of course we all know why – You idiots believed there were Commies under your beds and were all McCarthy believers. idiots more like.
As for the rest of your inward looking manipulations of fact I really can’t be arsed. Suffice to say your ignorance and stupidity about Granada says all we need to know about you and Yank morons like you (thankfully there are still some other decent Americans who know the score). Maggie lectured Reagan because he forgot to inform its Head of State he was going to invade. And guess who that Head of State was? It was Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. And Granada is a member of the British Commonwealth. So a) it WAS our ‘sphere of influence’ and b) just because some Yanks were incarcerated doesn’t require a full blown invasion. I am sure we Brits could have resolved the issues with the people concerned over a G & T ….
The sight of the US 38th Press Corps storming the beaches with cameras, microphones and tripods an hour ahead of the mighty US Marine Corps in neatly pressed gear and makeup was just SO uplifting ….
Or stupidly hilarious…..
1. Petitioned by the government of South Vietnam for intervention. Attacked by the government of North Vietnam at the Gulf of Tonkin. A war to stop the encroachment communism. Which both the US and UK were in a Alliance to stop. Apparently only the United States, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand stood by their word.
2. The United States is not and never has been and never has been and by the Grace of God in the habit of asking Britain for permission. We ended that sycophantic affectation over 230yrs ago. A Castro supported revolution seizes Americans and uses them as human shields. Military force was the only quick, efficient, and reliable option. When dictators think they can seize a country’s citizens to force a policy change. Citizens of all free countries throughout the world are threatened. Therefore a sharp example had to be set.
3. As far as the Queen being Head of State in Grenada? Titular Head of State translation: postage stamp. The Commonwealth also includes Pakistan and India. Tell me how many times have they threatened to Nuke each other? How’s the Commonwealth fostering democracy in Africa? Going well or Coup de’tats R us? With all of this along the fact I once had a teacher from Czechoslovakia my faith in your diplomatic abilities is not exactly 100%. Therefore impossible to trust American lives to those abilities.
4. McCarthy was a decorated veteran and Senator of great vision. Who knew how to put the security of the United States above all else. Truely it is a great shame we do not have his like in this time of Jihadi terrorism and infiltration.
Trouble is Elliot this delivers short term comfort but does not achieve his own long term objectives. The climate question, Israeli embassy, trade wars, whatever, will only come home to roost later on down the line. Increasing the price of steel and aluminium to American industry won’t restart American steel or aluminium smelters but will instead punish other American industries and jobs. The thing to do is to accept the inevitable consequences of globalisation, work with your trading partners and move on to occupy a different place in the world industrial and trading order. Trouble with that is that it requires you to educate and train that half of your population who currently is not fit for valuable work (and for whom steel tariffs will do nothing) and that costs money and is not easy. Much easier to spout on about how dreadful China and the EU are and how they rape poor old US of A. Personally I think that under Trump the USA is no longer a reliable partner or ally and that is a very worrying thought. Putin and Xi are laughing and I do think he’ll get voted in for a second term.
Elliot really does live in his own bubble rewriting history as he goes along. Granada is not in our Hemisphere, so not our business and yet apparently Vietnam or indeed the Middle East is in the US hemisphere. We know Americans have little understanding of Geography but that truly is beyond fantasy. And as the Vietnam war has been brought up one thing I am exceptionally proud of is not taking part in the pointless long running military defeat that that achieved nothing other than costing lives on a commercial scale for no reason and generating long running animosity in the region. No one came out of that one well.
Fact is I am so impressed with he Vietnamese people as a whole that they have managed to forgive and forget so much in the intervening years. These so called despicable commies are now working with other nations in the region, even with allied and British forces in a totally positive and cooperative and manor, hell they are even doing peacekeeping work with the World community. So again I am proud of not taking part in that particular War and I suspect few in Australia and NZ would now think that their decision was the correct one and lets be honest its a bit rich for the US to preach on that particular issue and you can spit all the contempt in the world to this little insignificant country while you boast about saving the world no doubt but if we hadn’t fought on our own for 2 years that World and very possibly the US would be speaking German or Russian today or at best it would have been an irrelevant inward looking backwater to the World as a whole having not had its economy supercharged by and post that War. After all thats the ‘Make America Great Again’ period that the Trump supporters are referring to. People, none of it would have existed.
And then finally we come to the comment about celebrating evil dictators. Isn’t that conveniently forgetting the professed love of Putin by Trump and of course this very day telling us what a great friend Kim Jong-un is of his and before I forget how Xi Jinping of China (yup that guy Elliot accuses us of appeasing) is such a ‘very close friend’. Strange Elliot apparently its only we pesky Europeans (and no doubt other selected mere mortals) who are hypocrites in doing business with him, even though I never hear him referred to as a ‘great friend’ as it turned out. As I said earlier re-writing history to suit the current scenario is a less admirable American quality (I guess one they stole from us historically) just think of the contrived Spanish American war to gain an empire that they so (on the face of it) despised, well for others anyway. Well this could go on for ever but I think we can see who the true hypocrite(s) are. Though those like Elliot will never see it, they have not escaped their own pre/post conceived historical national truths as yet, like the self assessment the rest of us older nations have had to do. It will come, indeed it is coming for the more enlightened, its a slow process. But one thing I will say in Elliot’s favour the end result from their point of view of those national re assessments might not lead to a better country overall so I do have a sneaking admiration for his line in a way even if his bubble has little to do with the truth. Reality can be a difficult thing to face so bombast and mis direction is the easier road to take as Trump and his sycophants know only too well.
Some context is needed, this is the American bit of BAE Systems that has won the contract.
Over the last couple of decades BAE Systems has purchased a large proportion of the US defence industry.
Fedaykin, surely like all multinational companies a percentage always filters back into the home nation’s coffers?
No, only to the BAES shareholders, most of which I believe are not British (but I may be wrong on the exact shareholding). In fact today, BAES is more of a US company than U.K. company. It operates under a SSA arrangement which means they have a separate US board and none of the technology developed by the company in the US is exportable or available to the U.K. without express DoD and State Department approvals.
56.02% foreign shareholding at 29-May 2018. BAE publish a web page that tracks it and also has a lot of historical data here:
It bounces about from month to month because it is listed and hence easily tradable on both London and New York stock exchanges so Joe & Jane public pretty much anywhere in the world can buy and sell it with it being particularly convenient for even individual investors like me in the UK & US.
Disclaimer – I have a fairly decent chunk of BAE in my investment portfolio because defence is a lucrative business. It doesn’t mean I’m always pro-BAE though. For instance, if they can get BAE radar and CMS on it, I think that at this stage (subject to more than a few renders available to fully judge the candidates) I back Arrowhead 140 over Leander for the T31 bid.
(Chris H) Maurice10 – I agree with you that Trump is a maverick and wild card in diplomacy. Well basically he doesn’t ‘do’ Diplomacy. I had an open mind when he was elected but as he has grown into the job he has made some very stupid decisions (in International peace and trade terms). Of course Americans being what they are they don’t care as they think the USA is ‘the World’. So he will get re-elected and we have to put up with his shit for another 6 years. Deep Joy!
I think when you read and watch this below you have to conclude he is more interested in making friends with enemies and is happy to make enemies of his friends. While abusing and badmouthing Canada and Europe he is shaking hands and having photo calls with a murderous megalomaniac dictator. And all the while its China that is causing the real steel problem not Canada or the EU.
And I think NATO is now in a very dangerous phase as he extends his ‘trade war’ into the military sphere. It is wrong that other European countries have freeloaded off the USA and the UK for their defence and it needs addressing. But no one asked the USA to be the world’s policeman or spent such massive amounts on its ‘defence’. (For which actually read power projection). Just read this shot across our bows from The Donald:
Follow @realDonaldTrump
….And add to that the fact that the U.S. pays close to the entire cost of NATO-protecting many of these same countries that rip us off on Trade (they pay only a fraction of the cost-and laugh!). The European Union had a $151 Billion Surplus-should pay much more for Military!
6:29 pm – 10 Jun 2018
The real danger here (and he rebuffed our PM at the G7 twice) is that the UK will get caught up in the EU / USA power game before we have chance to leave and make our own case.
The US people’s knowledge and awareness of the rest of the World are very poor in comparison with other nations consciousness of global events.
Trump’s modus operandi is to dived and rule; and he is not a rare exponent of the management practice, as I too have experienced such behavior whilst working in the US.
In regards to the UK and US relations, it needs to play a steady game as it could lose considerably more than the rest of Europe. Some may argue, that Trump’s current policy on trade could actually play into the UK hands with regard to Brexit negotiations? Unless there is a reaffirmation of US commitments to the West both in monetary and military terms, then Brexit may have to take up less of the EU’s diary. In that case, Mrs. May will need to play her hand very carefully.
Indeed which is why I guess she has been laying low of late and hoping that no one puts her on the spot in her relations between Europe and Canada on one side and the US on the other. It looks weak but sadly it is a pre requisite for the UK at present.
All of this progress will come to naught if we keep allowing THIS kind of thing to occur…
Yes Helions. It is in our press as well. Very demoralising…
(Chris H) Had to smile at Elliott’s characterisation of a British Prime Minister:
“Examples Theresa May coming across as a lecturing school mistress”
No sources, no links and no facts just an out of the blue comment probably copied from Fox News or Trump’s Tweeting. The same Tweeting that had the whole of the UK as a no go Muslim dominated country and half of us were knifing the other half. When your Head of State is as clueless and ill-informed as this its quite possible he mistakes beautifully spoken English (our language by the way) for ‘lecturing’.
Daft thing is its been the UK PM who has been urging the EU to hold back on retaliatory tariffs against the USA. And what does she get? Even more abuse.
Time to take a step back and review all our purchases of US equipment. We have had the US Government supported Boeing attack on Bombardier jobs in the UK and now we have steel jobs being attacked. These are not the actions of a good friend. So I think we should:
* Bring all the F-35s home now or ASAP. ALL of them. While Trump does not reflect the way the USMC acts and they have been excellent he is their Commander in Chief
* Make sure all of the aircraft in QE deck flight trials are British
* Carry out fixed wing trials off the UK coast not Florida
* Cancel the QE’s ‘goodwill’ visit to New York given there is no ‘goodwill’
* Put the Poseidon order on ‘hold’ and review alternatives. Like a combined Canadian / UK equipped A320neo rather than a US equipped Boeing 737
* No more Boeing Chinook orders
* Put the 2,700 British Army land vehicles order with Oshkosh on ‘hold’ and review our other options. Like building them all here as they should have been in the first place.
We are in an interesting situation with the F-35 given what we put in to the programme in cash and intellectual copyright. After all we do make the whole rear end of every aircraft. I am not saying we should withdraw as its a great aircraft for the UK but maybe some threats to withdraw would make LM and others sit up and take notice. There is now zero chance of Germany buying any F-35s after the G7 debacle with Trump. Who knows maybe the EU will slap huge Tariffs on US military equipment . ..
Whatever people’s views the UK cannot sit back and take all this crap from Trump and do nothing. And what about solidarity with a Commonwealth member country – Canada? The way Trump has abused and spoken disgracefully about the Canadian PM and Canada cannot be ignored. It must be challenged and we MUST stand by Canada before the USA.
Completely agree with your sentiments Chris, but unfortunately not possible. Since the fallout over Suez, Britain has chosen to be inextricably linked and dependent on the US for its Defence and Security postures. We cannot now extricate ourselves at short notice. It wouldn’t work and anyway would be prohibitively expensive. Not to mention we’d end up cutting off our noses despite our faces in the process. France post Suez decided to go a different route although now even they are working more and more closely with the US. It simply isn’t possible to be part of a Western Alliance and not be joined at the hip with America. They know that and milk it for what it’s worth. So do we in other ways. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Trouble is Trump doesn’t understand zilch! I’m sure every person in the CIA, NSA, State Department and DoD are in despair, pulling their hair out, but we’ve got a sleazy real estate developer in charge of the most powerful nation in the world and we’ve got to get used to it.
(Chris H) Richard – Well maybe Trump is the catalyst for a change in our military policy. We have no need to be the biggest and we will never have any need to attack anybody (democracies tend to not start wars – the USA being the exception) so basically we just need to defend ourselves and maybe create mutually beneficial liaisons with like minded nations. Like Canada, Australia and yes even the French if necessary. You correctly note we have become dependent on ONE nation for our defence procurement of big ticket items and its almost like the default assumption now is to buy American rather than develop our own equipment. This is a fundamentally wrong policy for a Sovereign nation surely? Many countries are now ‘not amused’ by Mr Trump (and as you say the USA will suffer for his actions in the long run) so there are other strategic options now opening up on equipment. I am damn sure Canada is now wide open for non – US military purchases.
My worry is that we have lost our nerve and ability to call it how it is. But one way would be to just call a halt to all the $ Mns we are spending in the USA. Why are we paying taxpayer’s money to a country led by someone who is smacking us about? Are we really incapable of building 2,700 JLTV vehicles for $1 Bn ($375,000 each)? I mean really? Especially given the fact some 40% comes back into the UK economy if they are built here.
Difficult one Chris. Part of me really sympathises with your posture. Indeed, having been involved with many collaborative programmes working for BAES, Augusta-Westland and Airbus, my experience is only of working with European partners and competing against American manufacturers in the world stage. I also witnessed both the KC-45 (ne Voyager) winning the tanker competition and the VH-71 Kestrel (ne Merlin) win the Marine One competition, only to be overturned by US vested interests and rigged for Boeing and Sikorsky to win the re-runs. So I’m no fan of America, particularly under this dangerous clown. But just as it will be very difficult and expensive to readjust from 45 years in the EU, it would be even more difficult and expensive to readjust and break the umbilical that binds us to the US Defence and Security apparatus. I’m hoping that one day Trump will eventually disappear and the world return to normal, albeit with lots of damage having been done.
I think I sit where both of you do, sick to death of Trump’s antics and wish we could build more of our own defence assets but it takes time to turn a supertanker and there are so many contracts already awarded and the complexity of developing or negotiating alternatives so significant that I suspect if we did do it we would have many, many more capability gaps to moan about over the next decade as we shifted course.
Israel is interesting though. Huge US support and tie in yet it has a flourishing home-grown defence industry. I’m not sure how that even works because US foreign military support is conditional on products being purchased with US support funds having a certain (almost 100%) percentage of their technology developed in USA so all the US dollars pouring in that distort (inflate beyond what its GDP might be expected to support) the Israeli defence budget aren’t what is purchasing the home-grown Israeli kit.
Exactly there has always been this love/hate relationship with Americans (and indeed America) with different sets of Americans having black and white views positive/negative often depending upon their history (or that contrived version in American history books) and often within the minds of of Americans themselves who flow with the wind depending upon the erratic nature of US media or events. I think this is why this nebulous concept of special relationship is so important to politicians American national opinion is so unreliable and unpredictable on the subject of relations that they really don’t have with other countries. But one thing will never change and that is the historical American ultra narrow view of ‘little old Britain’ that that comment about a lecturing School Mistress epitomises, after all we all come from public schools apparently. I did have to laugh though because even if she might look like one to an American (they probably think of Maggie Smith) anyone who has had to suffer her style, the last thing she seems to do well is lecturing others in fear of actually upsetting them. Only a fool would think she has in any way lectured Trump but thats what some over there want to think due to their pre conceived and often historical views, prejudices sadly of Britain. Or maybe he just thinks Maggie Thatcher is alive and well and living in Number Ten I guess her hectoring of Reagan is difficult to get out of ones mind for those across the pond. Now she was a School Ma’am but I am not sure stereotyping others is the answer 30+ years later. Merkel on the other hand…
A fascinating conversation guys, the increasingly isolationist attitude of the US is deeply worrying and strongly remanistant of the US international position of the 1930’s.
We can only hope the world economy survives MrTrumps tenure!
The language used against the Canadian PM absolutly beggers belief quite frankly, the man’s an embarrassment.
(Chris H) John Clark – Your last sentence perfectly describes why we as the lead country of the Commonwealth should be distancing ourselves from this US Administration. We should certainly not be continuing with his visit to the UK in July. Is a man who welcomes a murderous dictator, shakes his hand, signs a treaty with him and abandons his long term allies South Korea and Japan while abusing his long term allies in NATO be made welcome here? he has every right to follow his own policies in whatever style he chooses. But we don’t have to like it let alone put up with it.
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