Andy Start, CEO of Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S), visited Thales’ Belfast facility to oversee the production of lightweight multirole missiles (LMMs) for the UK’s armed forces.

The visit comes in the wake of a significant £176 million contract awarded to Thales UK, aimed at bolstering the British Army’s short-range air defence capabilities.

These missiles are designed to counter a range of threats, including drones, helicopters, and small maritime targets.

Start highlighted the importance of collaboration during his visit, stating, “I welcomed the important discussions had with all those who are committed to ensuring UK armed forces, and our allies, are fully equipped to defeat the evolving global threats we encounter.”

The recent contract supports 135 jobs at the Thales Belfast site and is expected to boost economic growth through small and medium enterprises in the local supply chain. This follows an earlier £69 million contract with Thales UK to secure key components for missile production, reflecting the increasing global demand for air defence capabilities in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine.

Maria Eagle, Minister for Defence Procurement and Industry, said, “In a more dangerous world, we must continue to provide weapons to Ukraine but also replenish our own stocks. Our new order of lightweight multirole missiles from Thales UK will support this, providing our armed forces with versatile missiles that can be used against threats such as drones, helicopters and small maritime targets.”

Production at the Belfast facility has doubled since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as the need for advanced air defence systems has grown globally. Hundreds of LMMs have already been supplied to Ukraine, further demonstrating the missile’s versatility in various operational theatres.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Paul.P (@guest_848606)
17 days ago

More fact finding for his boss Maria Eagle.

HF (@guest_848639)
17 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P


Paul.P (@guest_848649)
17 days ago
Reply to  HF

Mr Start also reported here to have visited HMS Glasgow. Looks like the govt are getting their ducks in a row for spending cuts / defence review. I read earlier that Ms Reeves has asked all debts to ask their suppliers for ideas for current year savings. Maybe that’s what he’s doing.

HF (@guest_848715)
16 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Thanks for the explanation

Paul.P (@guest_848744)
16 days ago
Reply to  HF

Hypothesis rather than explanation. I think Maria Eagle is a demon for detail. Ukraine has been a proving ground for LMM. I think they use it against drones and light armoured vehicles. And it’s relatively cheap.

Sam (@guest_848849)
16 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

And presumably can he stuck the back of existing vehicles, meaning you have a versatile SHORAD resource.

Paul.P (@guest_848920)
16 days ago
Reply to  Sam

Don’t know where we are with replacing Stormer, which deploys LMM’s parent, Starstreak.

Sam (@guest_849213)
15 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Supposedly, there buying 12 VAMTACs with rapid ranger to replace the Stormers given to Ukraine.

This is not meant as an interim.

You’d think the long term plan is a SHORAD Boxer variant, but this hasn’t been disclosed yet.

Paul.P (@guest_849246)
15 days ago
Reply to  Sam

FV432? 😂

Sam (@guest_849270)
15 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Haha. Stranger things have happened…

George (@guest_848859)
16 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Still seems like overkill for relatively cheap as chips drones. (silicone chips of course.) Is it true that BAE are working on smaller calibre versions of their 3p programmable multiuse ammunition. Specifically for AFV mounted cannons in the 20 – 40mm range. That should bring the price down a bit when skeet shooting drones. Even if it means replacing all IFV cannons with the necessary smart guns and targeting systems. Once installed, mass produced multipurpose reloads will be considerably more affordable.

Paul.P (@guest_848913)
16 days ago
Reply to  George

Tend to agree that guns are probably the cost effective way to go. The old jokes are the best. I think the Geppards are doing well in Ukraine.

Joe16 (@guest_848927)
16 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

In all honesty, as long as that’s applied across the board in all departments, that’s not a bad first step to take for an incoming government. As long as they properly review the output from that, and also alongside the nation’s needs, state of finances and financial rules.
If they’re just going to follow on with broad austerity policies in departments that they don’t think the electorate care about, because they don’t want to be seen as unwise with money, then they should step down immediately. Not that they will…

Paul.P (@guest_848948)
16 days ago
Reply to  Joe16

It’s sharing the pain with your suppliers. It’s a reasonable ask. All the media is speculating on which taxes will rise. Starmer is setting gloomy expectations and the Tories are saying we told you so. All BAU really. My two penneth; I think Ms Reeves will balance the books in the short term and structurally rebalance the economy by taxing capital gains at the same rate as income and removing exemptions to both capital gains and inheritance tax. Then the problem is departmental budgets for future years. Again, my guess is that she will want to improve recruitment and retention… Read more »

Sam (@guest_849214)
15 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Haha. You’re really pushing the FV432 sustainment programme!

Paul.P (@guest_849287)
15 days ago
Reply to  Sam

All joking aside I think its reasonable for HMG to ask can’t you make do with what you have? E.g. we are spending money on VAMTAC to replace Stormer. Ok, its faster, lighter, newer but have to ask is this a genuine doctrinal change or it because Boxers aren’t ready? Then there’s MRSS; what’s wrong with the fairly new LPDs plus a replacement Bay or two? If we really do want 6 spanking new MRSS why order just 3? If we genuinely do, then wouldn’t 2 spot armed Enforcers be more useful than GP frigates? Just asking. Then there’s the… Read more »

Sam (@guest_849291)
15 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

It’s only an opinion, but I feel it’s because the Boxers aren’t ready.

The build rate is too slow.