A 10 year ‘Clyde Construction Framework’ framework has been awarded by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence.

The Clyde Commercial Framework supports the £1.3 billion Clyde programme to ensure that personnel responsible for delivering the UK’s continuous at sea strategic submarine force are ‘able to live work and train in safe, state of the art facilities’.

According to a Ministry of Defence release:

“The companies selected for the framework are VolkerStevin, Kier Graham Defence and Morgan Sindall. They will advise and deliver cost effective construction services and other infrastructure solutions to enable Her Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde to continue to endure in its new role as the Royal Navy’s Single Integrated Operating Base.

DIO, along with support from a team of procurement specialists including Mott Macdonald and Jacobs, adopted an innovative process to choose the successful suppliers. In the past teams working on Clyde projects had tried various methods of contracting suppliers with varying degrees of success. All companies which bid for work on the Clyde programme could meet the core construction requirements of the contract, but through the new process the team was looking for an approach that could help them select not only a good construction company but a good partner.

Selection focused primarily on the company’s relationship with the Clyde team and its ability to work collaboratively. This new approach was put to potential bidders at a range of industry days and all were supportive of this new way of working. This unique way of choosing suppliers, having established they all had the required technical capability, focused on evaluating their behaviours and on how well they work together with teams at the Clyde.”

Ian Arbuckle, DIO Assistant Head of Commercial Services, said:

“We are incredibly pleased to launch our new framework for the Clyde. We have successfully selected three reputable industry partners who have demonstrated a commitment to delivering better value for Defence.”

The successful Framework contractors also commented on the new procurement process that it

“Felt a refreshing way to do business, huge leap forward from a procurement perspective, and an enjoyable experience which they will learn a lot from.”

Commodore Mark Gayfer, Naval Base Commander Clyde, said:

“I am delighted that today we have put in place the framework to deliver the right infrastructure to ensure that we are able to continue to provide high quality support to our submarines and also our sailors and their families for the foreseeable future.”

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


    • One assumes, therefore that there will be no further referendum regarding Scottish independence? This is a lot to spend if the vicious Scottish pixie were to get her way and there were to be another vote! I know that this is to be spent over the next 10 years and that it would be unlikely that a vote in favour an Independent Scotland would find a southwards move of the CASND and our superb Astute force before 10 years from now – It would take a significant time to de-weave the Scottish military facilities from the UK’s before 10 year’s time (evidence from the time it is taking for the UK to leave Europe!! We have been in union with Scotland much longer than we were members of the EU!!)

      It is a further investment in the Clyde. Such an important historical naval base and so vital in the protection of our shipping lanes during WWII, particularly.

      A tasking which our astute force, as well as the reforming MPA fleet to fly from Lossie and our rebuilding carrier force are tasked with performing over the next few decades.

    • They seem to be doing a good job at RAF Marham and at the The Princess Royal Jetty? Just two good examples.


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