The Ministry of Defence has recently released detailed budget figures for capital infrastructure projects at two significant naval facilities: the Royal Naval Armaments Depot Coulport (RNAD Coulport) and HM Naval Base Clyde (Faslane).
The allocations span from financial year 2023-24 to 2032-33.
The budget for RNAD Coulport is slated to increase from £32.207 million in 2023-24, peaking at £120.017 million in 2028-29. After this peak, the allocation drops year on year, culminating at £26.117 million in 2032-33.
Faslane’s budget allocation, on the other hand, begins at £71.256 million in 2023-24 and escalates significantly to its highest at £167.347 million in 2026-27. Following this, the allocation experiences a steep reduction to £41.516 million in 2028-29. A gradual but consistent increase follows this decline, with the budget reaching £59.589 million by 2032-33.
The budgets for the two locations highlight that Faslane consistently receives a higher budget allocation than RNAD Coulport, at least until 2028-29. From that year onwards, the trend reverses with RNAD Coulport securing a higher budget for the remaining years.
The Ministry of Defence has not provided further commentary regarding the reasons for these budget fluctuations.
Below is the detailed breakdown of the budget allocation:
Financial Year | RNAD Coulport (£million) | Faslane (£million) |
2023-24 | 32.207 | 71.256 |
2024-25 | 39.197 | 130.274 |
2025-26 | 36.587 | 158.494 |
2026-27 | 90.927 | 167.347 |
2027-28 | 98.609 | 140.312 |
2028-29 | 120.017 | 41.516 |
2029-30 | 85.436 | 55.486 |
2030-31 | 60.898 | 37.895 |
2031-32 | 48.270 | 48.286 |
2032-33 | 26.117 | 59.589 |
I suspect that the budget increase in Faslane will be in regards to updating/ replacing the boat lift.
Putting the politics aside, the areas where the vital parts of the service infrastructure bring what little work and prospects there are. The locations are mainly semi rural with no real competition exists for employment prospects of the area.
I would suggest this is not the case for Faslane, Helensbourgh is just a suburb of Glasgow linked to Glasgow city centre with a fully electrified rail line that takes 40 mins to get to central Glasgow and 1hour 20 mins to central Edinburgh.
Or just shirk, i mean work from home 🙂
Well why is this a surprise ? This was all announced way back in 2015 but delayed due to COVID as “The Clyde Infrastructure Programme” as a £1.3 Billion investment in improving the infrastructure at Coulport & Faslane.
We are increasing our number of warheads from 225 to 260, renewing (upgrading) all of them to MK 4a and introducing a new class of SSBN. Which is why we need to carry out a lot of refurbishing / updating work at HMNB Clyde, etc etc.
Spookily it is all about the same time as the Dreadnaught class kicked off and hence increased investment at Barrow, AEWE and here on Raynesway.
Posters were asking where the money goes. Here’s another example. It’s not all about Subs Ships, Planes, Helicopters, Guns, and Tanks, but the ability to sustain them and deploy them in an effective and professional manner, with up to the minute intelligence.
The nuclear enterprise of course takes a massive chunk.
I think it includes the accommodation as well, which is just as well.
True DM, but would it not be wise to protect all that vital CASD infrastructure with a modern SAM system?
It would, but it is never so easy is it!
I was against it once as there really was no need. Now, with Russia resurgent I’m not so sure, even though the Russians have shown themselves to be pretty awful at accurate targeting with their missiles.
The issue is money. What gives to pay for it, and what is protected. Faslane and Coulport have some unique infrastructure, and I can think of several other UK defence/intelligence locations with other unique infrastructure of national importance.
My own choice, which to me seems both realistic and affordable compared to other options, is a mix of using available T45 and the existing Portsdown facilities in some way, and the RAF Regiment forming some CAMM equipped GBAD Squadrons alongside 16RA that can deploy to wherever they are needed.
That will cost and something else might have to go to pay for it. At least we would have something, a bare minimum capability.
As always, it is a balance to counter where the threat is greatest and it is up to the threat assessment staffs at DI to decide if it is even necessary. Obviously so far, they think not.
The Global Debt Bomb, is of course an issue for public spending & not just in the UK. Yet National Security has trumped it in Poland & Japan. The usual Whitehall complacency is ignoring all those attack missiles & drones, that China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea have been building. Three & a bit centuries ago, the Dutch sailed up the Medway & burned RN ships, as the forts meant to protect them, had been neglected. Plus ca change (in my schoolboy French).
Meanwhile just down the road:
Farouk between 35 and 40 miles and going through Glasgow isn’t just down the road.
And comparing anything to do with U.K. CASD and it’s infrastructure with the SNP “Bonfire of the Vanities” at Fergusons is like comparing Mohammed Ali (at his prime) to a Jimmy Krankie look alike who has been on Bucky to long and spoiling for a fight.
Now there’s a thought. 🤣
Happy Friday