This list is intended to highlight accounts we believe are worth following in order to get a wider and more informed perspective on UK defence matters; it is in no way complete!

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been asked and have also been asking others who the must-follow accounts of the UK defence community are, so our team have been recommending their own favourites as have the writers of other defence blogs and we’ve come up with a list of the most active defence related twitter accounts.

This list is in no way exhaustive and is in no particular order, if you have any suggestions please feel free to let us know!

Defence Blogs/Resources

Below are our favourite blogs actively posting about a wide range of matters relating to defence but is not a comprehensive listing.

The Thin Pinstriped Line is written by a former civil servant at the Ministry of Defence who also has experience has a Reservist Officer in the Royal Navy. Despite a break in posting over the last few years, ‘Sir Humphrey’ has sailed back into the ocean of defence commentary where he is very active and frequently fires informed broadsides at popular defence myths and other issues. He writes about topics from his own unique perspective that are often very well received. He can be found on Twitter here: @pinstripedline

UK Armed Forces Commentary is run by Gabriele Molinelli. The website describes itself as hosting news, rumours, analysis and assorted ramblings on the strategies, the missions, the procurement of kit and the future of the British Armed Forces and it certainly does just that, often being reliably cited by others. The author can be found on Twitter here: @Gabriel64869839 

Think Defence is, in its own words, a blog that promotes the idea of people having sensible conversation about UK defence issues, no more, no less. They are successful in this aim, often prompting in-depth and informative discussions while offering an interesting perspective. Think Defence owns multiple pallet sales and shipping companies, probably, maybe. Think Defence can be found on Twitter here: @ThinkDefence

Save The Royal Navy describe themselves as an online campaign to promote the Royal Navy and to highlight the excellent work it does on a daily basis across the globe, something they do very well. Contributors and supporters include ex-forces personnel and academics. The website is very active and frequently posts informed analysis that receives widespread attention. They can be found on Twitter here: @NavyLookout

Engaging Strategy is written by an ex-student of War Studies at King’s College London with a continued interest in defence matters, UK foreign policy and military strategy. Frequently posts interesting and thought provoking articles. Very active on Twitter engaging in discussion on UK defence matters. Can be found here on Twitter: @EngageStrategy1

UK Land Power is a blog that seeks to start intelligent and informed discussions about defence issues. Articles posted are generally be written by people who have served in the British Army, worked in the UK Defence Industry or who are recognised subject matter experts. The author can be found here: @nicholadrummond

DefenceSynergia is a defence and strategies research group offering analysis and commentary on UK defence policy. DS is tri-service, apolitical and self funding. They can also be found on Twitter here: @DefenceSynergia

The Wavell Room is a blog established to provide a platform for contemporary British Military Thinking. It is intended to stimulate discussion, whilst hopefully providing a basis upon which it can inform and advise. They are relatively new but growing fast and have a twitter account here: @wavellroom

Shephard Media cover aerospace and defence news and analysis is well worth following and reading, they offer timely and topical commentary on the latest news and issues in defence. You can follow them on Twitter here: @ShephardNews

Defence Journalists

This is a list comprising of journalists we believe are fair and balanced when reporting on UK defence matters in addition to providing their own informed analysis. This list isn’t comprehensive or complete either and will be added to over time.

Jonathan Beale is the BBC Defence correspondent and uses Twitter to discuss defence matters from his perspective where he engages in debates in an open and balanced manner as well as providing commentary. He can be found here: @bealejonathan

Alistair Bunkall is the Sky News defence correspondent and uses Twitter frequently often posting interesting articles, images and info. He can be found here: @AliBunkallSKY

Gareth Corfield is a journalist specialising in defence and technology at The Register. He uses Twitter to engage in discussion and often links to well thought out and balanced articles. He can be found here: @GazTheJourno

Lucy Fisher is the defence editor at The Times and often engages in debate around both topical and long-standing issues relating to UK defence. She can be found here: @LOS_Fisher

Ali Kefford is a naval newspaper journalist specialising in submarine warfare and frequently tweeting interesting defence items. She can be found here: @akefford

Darren Lake is the MD of Shephard Media. Darren has more than a decade of experience in aerospace and defence journalism and often posts interesting items from himself and his staff. He completed a BA in War Studies at King’s College London. He can be found here: @DefenceViper

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor (Naval) at Shephard Media and presenter of The Weekly Defence Podcast. Former Deputy News Editor at Muscat Daily. He can be found here: @RWJThomas

Francis Tusa is a defence journalist and analyst, historian and self described amateur archaeologist. He can be found here: @FTusa284

Beth Maundrill is a defence and aerospace reporter at Shephard News specialising in unmanned and maritime security and is very active on Twitter. She can be found here: @GunshipGirl 

Grant Turnbull is a digital content Director at Defence Media Ltd. He can be found here: @turnbulljourno

Georgina Stubbs is a reporter for PA covering all things defence and news. Self described political geek and aspiring foreign correspondent. She can be found here: @georginafstubbs

Henry Jones is a rising journalist covering defence & international security and has written for the UK Defence Journal and Storyful. He can be found here: @hthjones

Steve Maguire is @Wavellroom Land Editor and can be found here: @SRDMaguire

Stuart Crawford was a regular officer in the Royal Tank Regiment for twenty years, retiring in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 1999. Crawford was also an SNP defence spokesman. He now works as a political, media, and defence and security consultant in Edinburgh and can be found here: @509298

Harry Lye aims to cultivate a keen interest in defence, advanced technologies and why we still need tanks. Sometimes found on ships but you can find him here: @harry_lye

Tyler Rogoway is currently editor of Time Inc’s The War Zone. He can be found here: @Aviation_Intel

David B. Larter is the Naval Warfare Reporter at Defense News and can be found here: @DavidLarter

Interesting & Informative Twitter Accounts

The following are accounts that we believe are worth following for their frequent posting of both informed commentary and interesting imagery and retweets. As with the other lists, it’s currently not very long and will be added to over time.

Combat Boot is a self described information security nerd, coder, soldier and chartered engineer. He takes stuff to bits, essentially. He can be found here: @combat_boot

Historical Firearms is the twitter feed for, a site that looks at the history, development & use of firearms, as well as wider military history. Find them here: @historicfirearm

Logistics Brains, in their own words, look at new thought, new development & new tactics, techniques and procedures for military logisticians. Often tweet informed commentary on this matter and can be found here: @TheRLCThinkers

Fighting Sailor tends to re-tweet interesting items as well as post commentary on a variety of defence matters. Can be found at: @fightingsailor

Seb Haggart is ex-Royal Navy and still interested/involved/works in the sector and often tweets to that effect, engaging in debates around naval matters using experience. He can be found here: @sebh1981

‘The Brit’ posts informed commentary and analysis on hisotrical and topical defence issues. You’ll learn something from every tweet. He can be found here: @TheBrit96

Andy Netherwood is a former RAF pilot tweeting about Defence with a focus on Air & Space Power. He can be found here: @AndyNetherwood

Chris Bolton is a retired naval aviator. He’s still flying and still enjoying it. Often posts interesting and informative tweets. He can be found here: @CcibChris

The Other Chris tweets on a variety of topics including defence, Science, Technology and History. He can be found here: @TotherChris

Intel Air & Sea covers conflict news with a focus on the MENA region. Tracking aircraft & ships and contributor for The account can be found here: @air_intel

The Strategy Bin is an independent journal covering defence & international affairs. The account can be found here: @StrategyBin

Carry On Strategy is a blog on Defence and Strategy relating to the UK, US, Europe and the Wider World. The account can be found here: @CarryStrategy

Dr Phil Weir is a 19th/20th Century naval history with a particular focus on naval aviation and can be found here: @navalhistorian

Alexander Clarke is a historian writing about the Royal Navy from 1900 on wards. He can be found here: @AC_NavalHistory

Duncan Cushenan is a graduate student of journalism who has a keen interest in the defence sector. Duncan’s specialism is the Royal Navy and he’s on Twitter here: @duncancushenan

P&M publishes defence related content with North Europe in mind here, he can be found on Twitter here: @Foliohat

Steffan Watkins is a OSINT research consultant mostly focused on debunking disinformation about planes, ships, & the Open Skies Treaty. He can be found here: @steffanwatkins

AncientSubHunter is a Former Viking SENSO and a student of Cold War ASW with a self described great love for the submarine and a great respect for the Submariner. He can be found here: @AncientSubHunt

ArmouredCarriers is dedicated to exploring the history and debunking the myths of Britain’s Illustrious & Implacable armoured carriers in World War II through archives and personal accounts. They can be found here: @ArmouredCarrier

BenH, in his own words is “Inadvertently a civvy straight man to some (ex)military (failed)comedians. Knows stuff about infosec & cloud” – he can be found here: @ben__h

Blackcatzz has been described by others as a “purveyor of common sense” and often tweets on naval matters. He can be found here: 

Yet more interesting and informative accounts

There simply isn’t the time or space to include every single account we enjoy reading tweets and posts from but some of the additional Twitter accounts worth following for their insight into defence and technology matters include, but are not limited to: ,,,, , ,.

Forces/Unit Accounts

This is a list of official and personal accounts tied to the Ministry of Defence and the armed forces in any capacity. Take note, the list is currently quite short but we’ll be adding to it over the coming days and weeks.


HMS Queen Elizabeth is the lead ship of the Queen Elizabeth class of aircraft carrier, the largest warship ever built for the Royal Navy and her Twitter account posts often, usually with news about the vessel and frequently with fantastic images taken onboard. The account can be found here: @HMSQnlz

HMS Prince of Wales is the second of the new Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carrier to be built for the UK. The ships account can be found here: @HMSPWLS

Amphibious Assault Ships

HMS Albion can be found here: @hms_albion

HMS Bulwark can be found here: @HMSBulwark


HMS Argyll can be found at: @hms_argyll

HMS Lancaster can be found at: @HMSLANCASTER

HMS Iron Duke can be found at: @HMSIronDuke

HMS Monmouth can be found at: @HMS_MONMOUTH

HMS Montrose can be found at: @HMS_MONTROSE

HMS Westminster can be found at: @HMS_Westminster

HMS Northumberland can be found at: @HMSNORT

HMS Richmond can be found at: @HMS_Richmond

HMS Somerset can be found at: @HMSSomerset

HMS Sutherland can be found at: @HMSSutherland

HMS Kent can be found at: @hms_kent

HMS Portland can be found at: @HMSPortland

HMS St Albans can be found at: @HMSStAlbans


HMS Daring can be found here: @HMSDaring

HMS Dauntless can be found here: @HMSDauntless

HMS Diamond can be found here: @hmsdiamond

HMS Dragon can be found here: @HMSDragon

HMS Defender can be found here: @HMSDefender

HMS Duncan can be found here: @HMSDuncan

Other Vessels

HMS Enterprise is a survey vessel designed to carry out a wide range of survey work, including support to submarine and amphibious operations. Her Twitter account posts often informative and, for the most part, very funny tweets. The account can be found here: @HMSEnterprise


RAF Lossiemouth can be found here: @RAFLossiemouth

RNAS Yeovilton can be found here: @RNASYeovilton

RAF Cosford can be found here: @RAF_Cosford

Personnel/Unit Accounts

The First Sea Lord, the official account of Admiral Tony Radakin, can be found here: @AdmTonyRadakin

Assistant Chief of the Royal Air Force, Air Vice Marshal Ian Gale, can be found at @Ian_Gale

Lt Gen Ivan Jones – Commander Field Army – can be found here: @field_army

Air Vice-Marshal Al Gillespie – Air Officer Commanding No 2 Group – can be found here: @AlGillespieRAF

Greg Bagwell, a former Royal Air Force Air Marshal, is an aerospace and defence consultant and often tweets about issues relating to airpower. He can be found here: @gregbagwell

Hugh Nichols was the first UK pilot to perform a vertical landing in the F-35B Lightning and is active on Twitter discussing the aircraft and other defence matters. He can be found here: @DT_britain

Scott Williams is an F-35 pilot and the Officer Commanding of 207 Squadron, the new Operational Conversion Unit for the F-35B Lightning which will be based at RAF Marham. The Squadron is expected to stand up on 1st July 2019. Scott often tweets informed commentary regarding air-power and the F-35. He can be found here: @scottmox

Ship’s Cat offers unique insight into Royal Navy ships and facilities. They can be found here: @R08Cat

Will Matthews is the Army Recruiting Group Assessment Centre Second in Command. Royal Engineers Late Entry Officer, Veteran of Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Iraq & Afghanistan. He can be found here: @2iC_ACP

Joint Helicopter Support Squadron are the UK Armed Forces Joint Helicopter Command. They can be found at @Joint_Heli

30 Armoured Engineer Squadron can be found tweeting about close support engineering. You can find them here: @30armdengrsqn

Mark is a Photographer for the British Armed Forces and often tweets fantastic imagery taken by himself and others. He can be found here: @rawlimark

Jowan Penn-Barwell is a Royal Navy Commando surgeon sharing research on military Ortho Trauma. He can be found here: @MilOrthoTrauma

Any suggestions?

This list will be updated and expanded upon over time and we really need to stress that this list is not complete and probably never will be as it’ll be added to and updated as time moves forward. If we’ve missed someone, let us know!

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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7 years ago

Great article, nice move 🙂

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
7 years ago

Very good. Some of these I follow already.

A handy resource.

7 years ago

Very useful indeed, thank you for providing this handy reference for us all

David Steeper
David Steeper
6 years ago

To all above. Seconded.

6 years ago

I’ve always found Think Defence very interesting. The site has good in depth articles – such as the one on the Type 26. Unfortunately he’s closing down, see

4 years ago
Reply to  Marcus

He is still active on Twitter.

Ian L
Ian L
6 years ago

Good international site is Defencetalk.
If you like your defence blogging “bare knuckled and at close quarters” about the British Army then Google “ARRSE”

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
6 years ago
Reply to  Ian L

Hysterical site that. Look up the bit about the Wattisham Moochers and shaven Maidens!


[…] matters military. What choices have I to replace this website? Timely, the UK Defence Journal has listed a wide arrange of alternatives, which I’ll be working through to make my […]

6 years ago

Good list – all of those commentators/bloggers come out with some really well informed material. Think that Second Sea Lord account stopped tweeting when VAdm Woodcock handed over a few months ago, not sure about the new Second Sea Lord! First Sea Lord @AdmPhilipJones is still tweeting though…

Dan Corrick
6 years ago

No mention of Robert Fox, Sam Had Jones, Kim Sengupta, Ben Farmer, Larissa Brown, James Macclarren or Matthew Symonds

Keith Goodall
Keith Goodall
5 years ago

Can you offer some advice. I am interested in setting up a uniformed community army something along the lines of the Home Guard.

Levi Goldsteinberg
Levi Goldsteinberg
4 years ago

Great idea, thanks for aggregating this.

Also, honourable mention to David Axe, the world’s worst defence journo

4 years ago

Excellent list. Thank you.

Steve Salt
Steve Salt
4 years ago

I notice that HMS Winchester is missing from the list of frigates !

4 years ago

This is very good sauce of information, great for research and keeping abreast of current issues

4 years ago

Agree there are some really good Defence Blogs on this list. However, if you’re looking for a website that offers independent observations and analysis on defence and security issues, how about: I’m completely biased of course, but that doesn’t stop it from being good!

4 years ago

If you’re not following RAF Luton then you haven’t lived

4 years ago
Reply to  David


Adam Brooks
Adam Brooks
4 years ago

Great list. I’d add @drmikehill, tweets on D&I within Defence and wider issues

4 years ago for anything underwater

FYB Soldier
FYB Soldier
4 years ago

How you missed off Fill Your Boots (FYB) (@MilitaryBanter) I’ll have no idea. Largest forum of current and ex SP