The flagships of the Royal Navy and the French Navy met up in the Mediterranean Sea.

According to the Royal Navy:

“HMS Queen Elizabeth has rendezvoused with the French carrier Charles De Gaulle for Exercise Gallic Strike: three days of joint training and engagements in the Western Mediterranean taking place from 1-3 June 2021.”

British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth sailed with French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle for a few days.

According to a Government news release:

“Working alongside another key NATO ally, the Carrier Strike Group will be joined by French Aircraft Carrier Charles De Gaulle for a period of dual carrier operations in the Mediterranean.”


Below is a video, enjoy!

What is the UK Carrier Strike Group doing?

HMS Queen Elizabeth is the deployed flag ship for Carrier Strike Group 21 (CSG21), a deployment that will see the ship and her escorts sail to the Asia-Pacific and back. CSG21 will see the ship along with the Strike Group work with over 40 countries from around the world. The Strike Group will operate and exercise with other countries Navies and Air Forces during the 7 month deployment.

The Carrier Strike Group includes ships from the United States Navy, the Dutch Navy, and Marines from the US Marine Corps. As well as British frigates, destroyers, a submarine, two RFA supply ships and air assets from 617 Sqn, 820 NAS, 815 NAS and 845 NAS. This is the largest deployment of Fifth Generation Fighter Jets at sea in history.

What is the French Carrier Strike Group doing?

The primary mission of the task force’s five-month deployment in the East Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean is to assist Operation Inherent Resolve, a U.S.-led mission of forces from several countries tasked with eradicating Islamic State remnants following its three-year occupation of large swaths of Syrian and Iraqi territory. You can read more about the French carrier group here.


George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. I read a French Twitter post (in French) say that QE class could not be called a proper aircraft carrier. I’d rather have an improper carrier 365 days a year than a proper one for just 5 months

    • Both vessels are ‘proper’ aircraft carriers, simply operating warplanes via differing methods. It should be remembered that CDG is the only nuclear powered carrier outside of the US Navy overcoming considerable problems to become an efficient fighting ship. Its great to see two impressive vessels steaming together.

      • Which considerable problems? A propellor broke during sea trials and it was fixed. Get over it. Not like QE class hasn’t experienced its share of problems, so as the Ford class.
        The whole point of sea trials is to debug/fix before entering service. Not a big deal.

        • I think you need to read up about the serious delays in terms of years in entering service that affected the CDG before ridiculing another posters honest opinion. I dread to think what the reaction would have been in this Country. The French are more sanguine about such embarrassing hurdles and simply adjusted or re adjusted depending upon your viewpoint the radioactive level safety limits/regulations to allow her to enter service.

        • The Prince of Wales is having a few problems at the moment but it is better now when it close to port rather than on overseas deployment

    • People tend to be rooted to the traditional view of things if it’s different it’s not the real thing… at least until it becomes the norm itself. Then it’s rinse and repeat when something else different comes along. You weren’t a real soldier if you didn’t wear a red (or blue) uniform back in the day. Anyone objective or forward thinking knows the plus and minus points and comes to a sensible conclusion rather than a prejudiced one.

  2. Get your own pictures then! You wanna brag about the size of your carrier, do it. It is just a photo op. Of course, HMS Queen Elizabeth is larger, it is a newer ship. FS Charles de Gaulle has been around for twenty years with her crew and her jets fighting all kinds of terrorists. I am French and I can acknowledge that QE is a beautiful ship. Just don’t pretend that our ship has no value just because yours is brand new. Just saying!

    • Spot on Dan..silly comments like this degrade the whole of this site. It becomes just a ‘we have better’ site rather than proper analysis

    • Actually I was about to comment that considering the difference in tonnage, visually they looked similar in size. The Charles de Gaulle is a beautiful and powerful ship. I would guess Levi was just taking the mick.
      Vive La France!

    • Its not that it does not have any value its that yet again there is only one of them. It also has 4th not 5th Generation fighters. When she goes into refit you have no carriers.

      Also why nuclear powered, there is no point to it. The Americans admit they only have it because the size of their carriers means there are many places they cannot go, or indeed go alongside. Nuclear powered makes it some much more expensive and harder to maintain, as well as the inherent risks.

      If France had used conventional propulsion then maybe you could have built two and always had one ready.

      CDG still needs to refuel, maybe not fuel but other stores so it relies on other ships anyway.

    • Dan, cool your jets Mon ami! Vessel’s don’t get smaller with age!! The CDG is a fine vessel with great airpower!

    • Ignore. This is very good to see. The world is looking much less safe – for all the western countries (that includes more and more east Asian countries also today). Merci!

    • That looks like an R type Battleship as the anchor is too high for the Courbet and turrest too big and very much like 15″ ones. The bomb hit is over any armour and could well be hitting plating which is three quarters of an inch thick which dished in and took the hit, energy and at the end leaves a splash. If it penetrated, it was just normal hull plating in this area.

  3. What is so creative about the angle? So what if they took multiple angles? Pretty sure the top image on the article should satisfy your desires. I say more pictures please and hopefully a video. 👍
    Your sad attempt to troll doesn’t change the fact that the CdG is a very capable platform and packs quite a punch.

  4. Lots of very silly Anglo-French rivalry comments on here. People should remember that we haven’t fought each other since 1815 (206 years ago), that we have fought 4 major wars together as allies since then (Crimea, WW1, WW2 & the Cold War) and, despite what the politicians would make you think, our armed forces are best buddies.

    Having said all that I do wish the Marine National would do the right thing and instead of building one highly expensive nuclear ‘prestige’ replacement carrier for CdG just got with the programme and sourced 2 QE Class carriers instead with F35B. It makes sense. 4 QEs with 100 F35s is a far more potent force than anything deliverable through a simple 1 on 1 replacement for the present French flat top.

    • Why is the “right thing” to buy production rights of the QE IP when they want to build their own, Either Nuclear or Conventional?

    • Didn’t help I guess with UDJ making that joke about it a few weeks back knowing I’m sure the reaction it’s mischievousness would create despite pleading innocence later. Who was the General in the Crimea who could not get his head round the idea of fighting with the French rather than against them and couldn’t stop calling them the enemy, some of that has never quite gone from the competitive psyche I’m afraid. Though in all consciousness it works both ways, there was the French General in the Iberian Campaign who put down his various losses to the simple fact that the English are such bad soldiers that they just don’t know when they are beaten. That one made me smile.

      • Have to add too, that there were so many variations of the QE design including from Thales in particular originally even if they wanted a more traditional carrier the French could have pretty much gone with one of those and no doubt saved enormous time and effort in not having to totally re invent the wheel and engineer everything from scratch, there were some great concepts there.

      • Crimea… Lord Raglan. He actually died of old age/sickness at the end of the Crimea.

        As Fitzroy Somerset he was Secretary to Wellington. He was directly involved in a number of Peninsular War battles, was wounded at Bussaco and was the first man to be through the breach at Badajoz. He lost his arm at Waterloo.
        He remained a long time assistant to Wellington.

        Despite comments, he was a good French speaker and knew France well.

      • I’m not sure the French have been great allies in any of the wars you mention. Crimea see their faliure to flank march at Alma – the rits having to frontal assualt thro a river and up a hill into entrenched Russian positions if i recall right. WWI numerous failures and charging UK to run hospital trains on it rail track. WW2 French input a joke. Cold War – France has a hussy and cold sholders NATO for decades….recently the Stena affair no support from France there……sooooo…..

        • Btw, you’d better read about ww1: you’ll learn U.K. did not show a proper force before 1916 and constantly failed artillery shelling. French won it as leaders and reinvented warfare back then.

        • The Etat Francais was still France.
          Saying “but that was Vichy” is like me saying the entirety of the Napoleonic Wars “doesn’t count” because that was the French Empire, not the 5th Republic.

          • No. Napoleon was legitimate, no question about that. Question remains open for Vichy (probably yes in 40, not at all in 42 and beyond).

    • I don’t think the boat is the problem! The problem is the plane … I say it and repeat it, you will have a hard time with your F35s. The American generals and certain members of Congress now dare to say it, it is to say …

    • Hi Rob
      Nice comment, but about the french replacement you don’t get the point. A QEC in the french navy would be a valuable asset but that not fill Marine National needs. This 2 types of carriers are not for the same purpose/way to be used. And F35b is not fitted for french nukes which are carried by Rafale. It is not about “prestige” it is about to find the good tool for what you need. The Royal Navy with the Falkands war need this ship, not the french.

    • just checking, uk and french did agree to design carriers together and the french pulled out. we were not agreeing to build a plane for the carriers together. what a different outlook now if the carriers and planes had been anglo french enterprise.

  5. Great photos! And timely reminders in these Brexit times of the strong defence partnership between UK and France.
    I still have hopes that France will buy into the IEP technology and build a couple of cats and traps versions of QE.

  6. Next on the list has to be Juan Carlos 1…… Will the Pics be taken off Gibraltar or Cueta …. and will we swap F35’s for Harriers ?  😱 

  7. Digging around it looks like Clemenceau21 includes 2 x Fremm, 1 x Horizon, 1 x Support Ship and an SSN (plus some allied vessels joining up periodically). These pictures look great, would be impressive to see both CSGs fully closed up and sailing together (obviously they have more important things to do than photo ops of course!)

  8. Its good to see two European Carrier Battlegroups operating together. It also shows me that at least from a naval aspect Europe is more than capable to deal with any threat in the North Atlantic-Med-Norwegian Sea-Baltic areas.This will become even more so if Britain as promised by the government will increase its fleet from 19 to 24 DDGs/FFGs. The only area that European navys is lacking is in SSNs. I took a quick look at European naval numbers minus Turkey as they are unpredictable, Europe can field 3 large carriers, three small carriers, 13 SSNs, 28 SSKs 88 modern Frigates/Destroyers 9 escort destroyers and 16 very large OPV/Corvette type vessels (mostly Italian). Plus some older frigates that I did not include. These figures apart from SSN numbers are more than enough to deal with say Russia. If the UK and France could increase their numbers to say 8-10 SSNs each then the US could be released from any Atlantic duties to concentrate on the Pacific.

    • Agreed sub numbers are low compared to Russia and China.
      With current level of AI tech for drones, I have my doubts concerning the efficacy of fighting ground vehicle drones, just too many variables in a dynamic battflefield to go wrong.
      However I believe drones are ideal for sub platforms. No crew quarters is a game changer in sub design. Not sure how reliable and mature are the communications links and remote controls in an underwater environment at long distances. Seems to work well for mine hunting drones which operate close to a mothership, but i presume much harder for an unmanned sub in the Pacific on its own.
      Anyway sub drones could be a cost effective way make up for that shorfall, hopefully we will see some in the future.

    • Hi Ron,

      I agree that it is good to see the two European Carrier Battlegroups, however, I do entirely agree with your comment about ‘any’ threat.

      If we got involved with a short limited conflict with Russia i.e. armed force on armed forces then yes the European NATO allies are close to being able to deal with the Russian threat, with the provisos you detail.

      However, I see that as a kind of least worst case scenario. The worst case scenario would be all out unlimited warfare in the North Altantic with Russian and Chinese submarines attacking the shipping lanes. At that point NATO would be hard pressed to escort its Carrier Strike Groups and the inevitable convoys. In addition, to the number you quote the USN has about 90 escorts and 55 SSN (plus 4 SSGN), spread across the global and the RCN another 10 escorts and 4 old subs (built in the 80’s and 90’s). Much of the Canadian fleet is also in the Pacific these days.

      China and Russia have a close relationship so a reasonable future scenario would be based around that relationship getting closer and hence China providng ‘limited’ out of site and deniable submarine support to Russia. I would set the scenario 15 years into the future as that would be the minimum timescales required for Russia and China to generate sufficient SSN capability.

      To me some like this is a real threat an should be what NATO is planning against, anything else is “planning for the best and hoping for the best” – a political trap and from the military prespective very very bad planning indeed.

      The fact is NATO could not fight and win another Battle of the Atlantic with its current naval forces if faced with significant intervention from Chinese SSN’s coming under the ice.

      Cheers CR

  9. What a load of mines bigger than yours w***y waving nonsense.
    Both great assets.
    French have greater recent experience, fixed wing AEW, and greater weapons ability, not surprisingly as they’ve had time to build the capability.
    The RN can boast 2 Carriers, a real feather in our cap to ensure constant availability.

    At least France knows how to run it’s armoured vehicle programmes!

    • I hear the latest blue sky from the GS is for a kind of all terrain module with a ‘leg’ at each corner and incorporating ‘machine learning’ whilst also capable of self-generation – once the design is finalised. There were assets like this that apparently gave reliable service for a ‘number of years’, but the GS think they can enhance that concept to create a truly revolutionary asset for the 21st century mobile brigade with an chassis weight coming in at no more that 50 tonnes.
      Just awaiting the neigh sayers.
      Still don’t think that Ajax looks balanced, somehow.

  10. Gotta envy CDGs defensive armament v aircraft, drones & missiles:

    USN carriers have similar defences(ESSM+RAM+Phalanx).
    That allows engaging targets well away from the ship, whereas we’ve only Phalanx last ditch close range CIWS. Penny pinching suicde to me. Our 30mm & miniguns are virually useless at AA or anti-missile defence, only fitted for anti small boat attack.

  11. Interesting stuff, but then we are NATO Allies and National Security should over-ride any public petty squabbles. And particularly so with what we have in the Middle East, Far East and Baltic at this time.

    So, is the EU and French aggression over vaccines, fishing and Brexit merely fog, smoke and mirrors, and for the visual benefit of other people in the World…?

    I hope so because Macron and some of the other EU Politicians seem immature.

  12. It’s a shame they can’t cross deck jets. I thought that was the point of joint carrier operations with allies.


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