In the wake of the recent riots that have erupted across towns and cities in England, concerns have been raised about the role of fake social media accounts in spreading misinformation and inciting violence.

One such account, “barry Ashcroft” (@barryAshcroft4), has come to our attention its high activity, controversial posts, and history of sharing propaganda.

It is our belief that this account is not genuine, and I intend to explain why.

This article is the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the UK Defence Journal. If you would like to submit your own article on this topic or any other, please see our submission guidelines

Created in December 2020, the “barry Ashcroft” account has posted an astonishing 118,000 tweets, averaging over 150 tweets per day. This prolific activity raises questions about the account’s authenticity.

Following 4,529 users and amassing 2,956 followers, the account’s metrics are unusual for a typical user, suggesting potential automation or a highly dedicated individual. The profile picture is AI-generated, a common tactic used by fake accounts to avoid identification.

The account’s recent activity reveals a consistent pattern of sharing and amplifying controversial and polarising content. For instance, a recent tweet from the account provocatively stated, “Do they ever protect the people of the United Kingdom 🇬🇧.” This tweet, along with others, appears designed to provoke an emotional response and align with a specific political narrative.

A significant portion of the content shared by “barry Ashcroft” falls into several key categories:

Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation

The account frequently retweets posts that promote conspiracy theories and misinformation. For instance, it has shared tweets from Alex Jones, a known conspiracy theorist, who claimed that the UK is in a state of civil war and alleged Mossad involvement with Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson. Such tweets are designed to stoke fear and confusion by presenting unfounded and sensational claims.

Anti-Islamic Sentiment

The account also amplifies anti-Islamic sentiment. Recent retweets include stories about crimes allegedly committed by Muslims, such as an Islamic school head found with weapons and cash.

These posts are aimed at fostering distrust and animosity towards Muslim communities. One such retweet stated, “Islamic school head forced out after weapons and £400,000 cash found at flat.” This type of content is sensational and targeted.

Political Criticism and Polarisation

Political criticism, especially targeting left-leaning figures and policies, is another prominent theme. The account has retweeted multiple posts from US politician JD Vance criticising Kamala Harris for not engaging with the media. These posts are crafted to undermine confidence in political figures and institutions, promoting a divisive and polarising narrative. For example, one tweet read, “It’s been 14 days since Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee of the Democrat Party and she still hasn’t sat for a single interview with the media.”

Nationalistic and anti-immigration rhetoric is also prevalent. The account frequently retweets posts that promote exclusionary and xenophobic attitudes. For instance, one retweet mocked the contributions of immigrants to British society, stating, “How did Great Britain conquer the world without them oh my! You can self deport at anytime.” This kind of content promotes a narrow, nationalistic view that excludes and vilifies outsiders.

Media Distrust

The account actively undermines trust in established media outlets. It has retweeted calls to boycott mainstream media, such as Sky News. One retweet stated simply, “Boycott Sky.” This content aims to delegitimise traditional media sources and promote alternative, often less reliable, information channels.

Timing and Posting Patterns

The timing and pattern of the account’s posts further suggest potential automation. The account posts consistently throughout the day, with minimal breaks between tweets. Analysis shows that “barry Ashcroft” tweets at regular intervals, with activity recorded every single hour of the day. This relentless posting schedule is highly unusual for a genuine personal account, where posting patterns typically reflect a person’s daily routine and breaks for sleep.

The account’s activity is spread uniformly over 24 hours, indicating either a highly dedicated individual who does not adhere to a typical daily schedule or, more likely, an automated system designed to ensure a constant stream of content. The regularity and volume of posts—averaging over 150 tweets per day—suggest a deliberate strategy to maintain a high level of visibility and engagement.

This continuous and high-frequency posting pattern, combined with the type of content being shared, points towards a deliberate strategy to influence public opinion and amplify specific narratives. Such consistent activity is characteristic of bot-operated accounts, which are programmed to post at set intervals to maximise reach and impact.

The online landscape is changing

The UK government has urged social media companies to take responsibility for amplifying misinformation and encouraging violence after the riots broke out. Home Secretary Yvette Cooper emphasised the role of social media in escalating the situation, stating that platforms have “put rocket boosters” under harmful content.

“Social media has put rocket boosters under some of the, not just misinformation, but the encouragement of violence,” Cooper said. “That is a total disgrace and we cannot carry on like this. So we will also be pursuing this with social media companies.”

The riots, initially sparked by the tragic murder of three young girls in Southport, have led to widespread violence and over 420 arrests. Misinformation about the attacker’s identity spread rapidly online, falsely claiming that he was a Muslim migrant. Axel Rudakubana, the accused, was born in Cardiff to Rwandan parents and is neither Muslim nor a recent migrant.

Researchers have pointed out that fake accounts like “barry Ashcroft” contribute significantly to the spread of misinformation.

Before the recent focus on the UK riots, “barry Ashcroft” frequently shared content that echoed Russian propaganda, including narratives that undermined Western democracies and promoted pro-Russian stances. This behaviour is consistent with tactics used by state-sponsored disinformation campaigns aiming to destabilise political environments in other countries.

The Online Safety Act, designed to protect users from harmful content, is still being enforced. However, its provisions against misinformation and violence incitement are being tested as social media platforms grapple with the fallout from the riots. The Act grants UK media regulator Ofcom sweeping powers to police tech giants, including imposing hefty fines and criminal liability for senior executives in serious breaches.

Yvette Cooper, reflecting on the broader implications, noted in the Financial Times: “A longer-term debate about the wider legal framework for tackling online misinformation is now required.” Social media algorithms have been found to play a significant role in amplifying such content.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue discovered that users searching for “Southport” on TikTok were still shown false names hours after police corrected the information. On X, the false name trended as a topic despite being debunked.

The “barry Ashcroft” account shows several signs of being a fake or automated account: an unusually high volume of tweets, non-stop posting around the clock, an AI-generated profile picture, and a consistent pattern of sharing controversial and polarising content.

The account’s focus on conspiracy theories, anti-Islamic sentiment, political criticism, nationalistic rhetoric, and media distrust, combined with its automated posting behaviour, strongly suggests it is not a genuine personal account but rather part of a deliberate strategy to spread misinformation and influence public opinion.

The account exemplifies the challenges faced by social media platforms and regulators in combating misinformation. Its consistent, high-frequency posting pattern, combined with the type of content being shared, points towards potential automation and a deliberate strategy to spread misinformation and polarising content.

This behaviour is particularly concerning in the context of the recent UK riots, where social media has played a significant role in amplifying unrest and misinformation. Social media companies must act swiftly to curb the spread of harmful content and protect public discourse from being hijacked by inauthentic actors.

For clarity, the account ignored our attempt to communicate and kept posting.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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ChrisLondon (@guest_841873)
1 month ago

While the site stills has some interesting pieces I have largely moved to others because the comments here are dominated by Barry Ashcrofts alt profiles.

Tomartyr (@guest_842827)
1 month ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

There are definitely quite a few people here who need to brush up on how to spot Deceptive Image Persuasion but I have faith they’ll come around eventually with enough patient prodding and articles like this.

Zac (@guest_844667)
28 days ago
Reply to  Tomartyr

Yes. Once they’ve been sent to re-education camp they will believe in the truth™.

Tomartyr (@guest_845019)
27 days ago
Reply to  Zac

‘re-education’ implies an education rather than uneducated assumptions..

Zac (@guest_844668)
28 days ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

Ooooo. Those pesky Barry Ashcrofts alt people. Don’t you just want to shake your fists at them. Born sinners is what they are!.

ChrisLondon (@guest_844788)
28 days ago
Reply to  Zac

No, just lying Facists scum. They have that in common with most of the riot apologists on this thread, although how many real people they really are is another question.

Tomartyr (@guest_845016)
27 days ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon


NomDeGuerre (@guest_841875)
1 month ago

George, thank you for another impartial and comprehensive analysis. I find it very unsettling how the ‘grey area’ or ‘contested environment’ of modern society has reached into our everyday lives. It is so readily apparent and we do very little to discuss it. A simple observation is how we engage on this forum; the tangible aspects are discussed at length (what weapons systems we should have, how our forces should be structured etc) but the moment we breach the intangible: cyber, misinformation, subversion, big money and contracting, the posts dry up. We are conscious of our own ignorance in these… Read more »

Mark..F (@guest_841887)
1 month ago

Many thanks for sharing George, apppreciated, i can honestly say Pestilence is a bug bare, i realy dont like it ‘ Haters,Gossips and Idiots are everywhere in the world’ , just hope our Gov can de-fuse whats going on in the UK and bring some semblence of stability and peace.
Case of wait and see !

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_841892)
1 month ago

There are few if any no go zones. The reason these people are being called fascist, extremist and wrong is because they are. We need to stand up against hate and for British values, and not succumb to the lies being perpetuated by our enemies. Every legal means needs to be used to crush the far right

Micki (@guest_841912)
1 month ago

What British values ? You have áreas in Britain without Britons.

Micki (@guest_841913)
1 month ago

No go zones ?, go to Mollenbek, Marseille, Barcelone, París, or you,re blind or you,re a liar.What about Luton ? , islamic law rules there.

Last edited 1 month ago by Micki
Carrickter (@guest_841919)
1 month ago

Just one example of genuine fears Brits have regarding immigration; a 2022 poll suggested that 13% of British muslims think it is right “to exercise violence against those who are deemed by religious leaders to have insulted them”, and in relation to the Danish cartoons, 12% thought it was right for “demonstrators to carry placards calling for the killing of those who insult Islam”. Not to mention the views on homosexuality and gender equality. Those are the kind of views that are the biggest threat to British society. And they are being appeased, not opposed. Given the large number of… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Carrickter
klonkie (@guest_841986)
1 month ago

Clearly there is a sizable element of thugs causing the trouble.What I would like to understand is the general ground swell of ordinary folk participating in peaceful protest. The mainstream media seem to be missing that. Again, I understand the violence is the sensational stuff, so naturally the coverage gravitates that way.

I am interested in understanding your views on “crushing the far left” as well, or is that not an issue for you?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842007)
1 month ago
Reply to  klonkie

Of course the media ignore that! By design. It’s a narrative the discredit any concerns over immigration.

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_841893)
1 month ago

Well put George, this has not been a legitimate debate about migration and the need to control our borders and protect Britain. It’s been high jacked by the far right who just hates all minority people regardless of their contribution to society or how law abiding they are. It also ignores the tens of thousands of people from the empire who died for it and Britain. Let’s call this wave of disruption and riots for what it is, racism and ignorance.

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_841905)
1 month ago

Well said. 👍

Nevis (@guest_841908)
1 month ago

There never has been a legitimate debate about migration and the need to control our borders and protect Britain. That’s the problem. Whenever anyone wants a legitimate debate about migration and the need to control our borders they get called a racist. That’s the problem!

klonkie (@guest_841985)
1 month ago
Reply to  Nevis

Frankly Nevis, there needs to be a referendum on this matter. Highly likely that an overwhelming majority of the UK population has had enough – time to stop the rot.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842009)
1 month ago
Reply to  klonkie

I suggested as such on another thread, I think it got taken down along with my other detailed views that clearly touched a nerve with a very sensitive person somewhere who cannot cope with the truth in front of their eyes if it insults their cosy world view.

klonkie (@guest_842016)
1 month ago

cheers for that Daniele, the last time I looked we lived in a democracy. 😉

John (@guest_842043)
1 month ago
Reply to  klonkie

Trouble is with referendums? As France and Italy found out, you vote until you vote for what “they” want. Brexit? We voted, and politicians, media and the Civil Service fought it tooth and nail, Johnson shafted the Loyalists in NI. Sadly democracy is not fit for purpose. I think only Switzerland can claim to be democratic, the Cantons must vote in favour of major national decisions before they are enacted.

Klonkie (@guest_842050)
1 month ago
Reply to  John

You raise valid points John. Interestingly, Switzerland is very big on holding referendums.

John (@guest_842063)
1 month ago
Reply to  Klonkie

I believe it is part of their Constitution Klonkie, no big government decisions without the ok of the electorate. There in lies the rub, we have no Constitution, and a broken democracy. After all, Liebour got a third of the national vote yet will hold a massive majority for five years. And pack the unelected Lords with cronies. Broken isn’t in it.

klonkie (@guest_842317)
1 month ago
Reply to  John

HI John – it’s an interesting point you raise, the labour “win: with one of the lowest electoral turn out in UK history.

Regardless of politic ideologies, Labour must be aware that unlawful immigration needs to be urgently addresses. Preferably starting with robust, respectful dialogue and debate.

Wasp snorter
Wasp snorter (@guest_843524)
1 month ago
Reply to  John

There was only one vote on Brexit

JohnG (@guest_844890)
27 days ago

+1 to the sentiment behind this. Have experienced similar.

Joe16 (@guest_842040)
1 month ago
Reply to  klonkie

My only concern with a referendum is regarding what the choices are that are being presented? With Brexit, it was a binary, but there were a lot of different opinions on what Brexiteers actually wanted- so what we got was the Brexit of Boris and Jacob (which was a re-warmed Brexit of Teresa, which they then botched anyway. I’m just using it as an example, not presenting a point of view on the concept of Brexit. Is it going to be a simple binary referendum again: No immigration vs Keep As-is? Or will there be a few more options? What… Read more »

Klonkie (@guest_842052)
1 month ago
Reply to  Joe16

A very comprehensive post Joe. Of course, the devil is in the detail or in this case the question. In principle, your approach seems both balanced and pragmatic.

Joe16 (@guest_842083)
1 month ago
Reply to  Klonkie

Kind of you to say, and to avoid any doubt my feeling is in agreement with yours- that the current situation is unsustainable.
The challenge is turning a principle into something workable..!

klonkie (@guest_842309)
1 month ago
Reply to  Joe16

well said Joe – robust, peaceful respectful dialogue is the best way froward!

Jacko (@guest_842064)
1 month ago
Reply to  Joe16

The point of the Ukrainians is not all but I reckon most of them will go back home,as for Hong Kong Chinese we have no choice they can claim British citizenship.

Joe16 (@guest_842085)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jacko

Very true, as long as the West continues and increases its support of Ukraine so that they have a country to go back to…
Regardless of choice, having met a number of Hong Kong nationals, they’re broadly speaking a very hard working bunch, often well-educated and skilled, who value democracy, free speech etc. because they’ve seen what happens as those things are eroded. In other words, exactly the people that we would want to be welcoming into the country anyway. I’d rather have them than many British-born nationals I’ve come across.

Zac (@guest_844682)
28 days ago
Reply to  Joe16

Completely agree. We should make the undesirables wear yellow arm bands or something so we know who they are. Replace them with worthy people who will contribute to … the economy. Unless they’re in a minority, of course. We wouldn’t want to be discriminating based on ethnicity, now, would we. Of course not, no. Never.

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_842081)
1 month ago
Reply to  klonkie

Following the Brexit result there will never be another referendum held in the U.K. None will be offered.

Klonkie (@guest_842082)
1 month ago
Reply to  Barry Larking

I suspect you are right Barry.

Zac (@guest_844685)
28 days ago
Reply to  Barry Larking

There’s no point. We got Brexit in name only after 5 years of procrastination as they found ways around it.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842008)
1 month ago
Reply to  Nevis


Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_842078)
1 month ago
Reply to  Nevis

Exactly. People all around the world are essentially tribal and local in their nature – adeptly described as ‘somewheres’ rather than ‘anywheres’. When and how did this become a crime?

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842222)
1 month ago
Reply to  Barry Larking

It’s a crime to commit violence against people because they are different. Also it’s a matter or boundaries. Modern European nation states have their origins in the areas where a noble warlord happened to control. Richard I is a fairly famous king of England, almost legendary. However, he was not English. He owned a lot of territory in France and spoke French

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_842379)
1 month ago

Thank you. At he time of Richard I my people were serfs.

‘It’s a crime to commit violence against people because they are different.’

If you are fortunate enough live in an Anglosphere country or one liberated by Anglos.

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842220)
1 month ago
Reply to  Nevis

Legitimate debate is one thing. Perpetuating violence and the destruction of property against people just because of their ethnic origins is racism and far right extremism. Will you take the opportunity to condemn the violence?

Nevis (@guest_842316)
1 month ago

My grandad spent 5 years battling the nazis. In my eyes anyone doing nazi salutes, destroying war memorials or attacking Churchills statue should be put on traitors gate. Destroying peoples business and property is plain wrong and solves nothing. Now will you take the opportunity to admit that the biggest issue in Britains society today is migration or more directly illegal migration and that people like myself are not racists but have a genuine right to be concerned for my and my children’s future? The current levels/format, whatever you want to call it, are unsustainable and that the opinions of… Read more »

Nevis (@guest_842331)
1 month ago

And to reiterate my original point, there has never been a legitimate debate about migration and the need to control our borders and protect Britain. Anyone who tries is called a racist! THATS THE PROBLEM!

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842358)
1 month ago
Reply to  Nevis

What is the net economic impact of migration? What would you do if you’re in charge? What should the net migration level be?

Nevis (@guest_842410)
1 month ago

So no you can’t admit that people like myself have genuine concerns about migration and it doesn’t make us racist?!

You’re part of the problem so nothing more to say here!

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842435)
1 month ago
Reply to  Nevis

Of course people have legislate concerns about migration and I respect them. We need control of our borders and the ability to control who comes in and out.

We need to though be data and facts driven when we’re allocating finite public resources. I’ll repeat my questions above, what is the net economic impact of migration? What would you do if you’re in charge? What should the net migration level be?

Nevis (@guest_842932)
1 month ago

Thank you for finally answering my question. I was beginning to think you was swerving it and that maybe you was a politician! The net economic impact and migration levels that you ask about are not something that I cannot put an answer to. What I would say is that the terrorists, grooming gangs, soldier killers, not to mention the high number of people who want sharia law introduced into this country, must be causing a massive financial burden to monitor and deal with. Thousands and thousands entering illegally must be causing massive financial burdens to deal with. It’s illegal.… Read more »

Zac (@guest_844699)
28 days ago
Reply to  Nevis

The economy question is a typical tactic for changing the subject. It never made any sense and its a wonder they still practice it.

Zac (@guest_844697)
28 days ago

What ‘should’ net migration be?. What an odd question. It shouldn’t be anything. We don’t exist to serve migrants. They’re not some kind of master race that we’re expected to worship. Any economic modelling that requires a native population to be displaced and replaced from its native settlements isn’t one worth following as the end result is the disintegration of that nation. Its like curing a supposed disease by killing the patient.

Zac (@guest_844693)
28 days ago

The economy is irrelevant. We don’t exist to serve ‘the economy’. The economy is just our nation’s ‘metabolism’, that’s all. And whatever economy sophistry you’re about to peddle, its no justification for ethnically cleansing a native population.

Micki (@guest_842408)
1 month ago

Look sir, I’ll tell you one thing, if we white Europeans are so bad, why do these immigrants come to Europe? Can you explain it to me? Here in Spain, the vast majority of attacks, robberies and rapes are carried out by Moroccans and Algerians, and people are tired, you know? If the people lñ go out on the streets to protest about this they will call them far right, come on, man!

Last edited 1 month ago by Micki
Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842438)
1 month ago
Reply to  Micki

I didn’t realise the cast majority of attacks and robberies were carried out by those groups. That’s something we should be more aware of. To help enlighten people would you mind providing some statistics and sources breaking down the number of attacks by group please, I think that’d be very helpful

Matt C
Matt C (@guest_842457)
1 month ago

Turn on the TV, jot down how many of who are carrying weapons, and note how many of who are arrested by the police for this well-known crime. Ample clips abound on Twitter and Youtube of the police blatantly ignoring weapon violations. This gives rise to accusations of two-tier policing. If you say that “maybe arrests are happening and we don’t know it as the results and statistics are not published”, then in turn I ask, why are the results and statistics not published? E.g. an announcement of X numbers of Y people arrested and fined in Birmingham? If truth… Read more »

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842601)
1 month ago
Reply to  Matt C

I was addressing the issue in Spain. In all cases decisions should be data driven and we need to act proportionately. What I am seeing is the number of innocent people who being attacked because of their ethnicity or religion. These people have not made the decision to institute so called two tier policing (if that’s actually the case). Do you condemn the attacks on innocent people just because of their race or religion, yes or no?

Matt C
Matt C (@guest_842622)
1 month ago

Of course I do. But injustice can be by omission as well as commission, such as lack of prosecution and selective policing. And attacks on innocent people just because of their race or religion are coming from both ways. What many are seeing is the failure to safeguard and prosecute all communities equitably, and furthermore, the failure to address concerns of two-tier policing when they are raised. The only defence that has been offered is dismissive at best, vilification at worst. Do you call that “data-driven”? Mind you, the data is available, a quick Google would have told you that.… Read more »

Zac (@guest_844700)
28 days ago

They don’t need to act at all. How migrants do or do not behave is, guess what, irrelevant. The Spanish don’t need to justify their opposition against being colonised by Africans. It doesn’t matter if they defecate gold bars and urinate champagne, immigration isn’t about the migrants.

Mark (@guest_843137)
1 month ago

Before the Olympics started I read that migrants account for less than 7.4% of the population of France but account for 48% of all crime in Paris, 55% in Marseille and 40% in Lyon. 77% of all rapes in Paris were committed by migrants. When they refer to migrants, who do you think they are referring to; Glaswegians and Corkmen, or mad mullahs from North Africa and the Middle East?
All this data is freely available online.
Wake up and open your eyes Something Different!

Last edited 1 month ago by Mark
Mark (@guest_843151)
1 month ago
Reply to  Mark

Don’t be a victim of ideological propaganda. The hard data is freely available from official sources. Lots of misinformation in mainstream media. For example, the narrative that you Brits have done relatively badly since Brexit can be put to bed by the IMFs GDP per Capita data

All the data from 1980 to present and IMF projections to 2029. Take a look at 2028.

Mark (@guest_844146)
30 days ago
Reply to  Mark

It took 3 days to approve this comment.

Zac (@guest_844701)
28 days ago
Reply to  Mark

If only we existed to serve the holy GDP. And you talk about not falling for ideological propaganda, lol.

Zac (@guest_844690)
28 days ago

The only extremism is importing millions upon millions of migrants resulting in the displacement of the native population and the organised rape and murder of it’s children by a particular ideology, which has also been bombing us and running us over with trucks. We’ve had over 20 years of that abuse against the English people and people like you seem perfectly fine with it. So forgive me if I’m not persuaded by your posture of opposing racism or extremism.

Keith Smith
Keith Smith (@guest_842455)
1 month ago
Reply to  Nevis

100% Correct

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842603)
1 month ago
Reply to  Keith Smith

Please provide statistics to back up Nevis’ argument if you believe 100% they’re correct. That should be an easy task as I’m sure you’re very informed before making a judgment

Mark (@guest_843152)
1 month ago

Maybe if you provided links proving he is incorrect…..

Zac (@guest_844703)
28 days ago
Reply to  Mark

Why? … it’s just a rabbit hole he created to distract from the topic.

Mark (@guest_844714)
28 days ago
Reply to  Zac

This is data, economic data; not propaganda. Absolutely hilarious! This is the first time I’ve heard IMF data called propaganda. Do you understand the difference? Do you know what data is; what propaganda is?
Alas, probably not!

Jonny (@guest_841921)
1 month ago

Same tactics are being used here, as were used by the bot accounts supporting brexit, and then supporting Reform at the latest election. There is a clear pattern and it has Putins fingerprints all over it. It’s just a shame we have so many gullible people who fall for it.

Jacko (@guest_842065)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonny

Why do you assume people can’t think for themselves?

Jonny (@guest_842068)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jacko

Well the yobs out in force at the moment clearly can’t think for themselves, not a braincell between them.

Paul.P (@guest_842074)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonny

The police in Belfast used ‘attenuating energy projectiles’ against some rioters last night. Proper job ?

Jonny (@guest_842075)
1 month ago
Reply to  Paul.P

That’s more like it

Paul.P (@guest_842095)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonny

It does look as if we are moving in the direction of a national riot police force. Starmer is using terms like ‘army’; apparently a force of some 4000 ‘specialist public order officers’ has been assembled with another 2000 to be added today. English Brigadier has posted that RAF Chinooks are on standby to transport the force to trouble spots. Starmer’s ‘full force of the law’ is about to take on a new meaning 🙂

Jonny (@guest_842097)
1 month ago
Reply to  Paul.P

That’s good. Our police have to put up with so much, often with their hands tied behind their backs. Often being told to wear no riot gear lest it “escalate” the situation. I want to see water cannons, rubber bullets, and tear gas used on rioters no matter what side they’re on. (Not to be confused with peaceful protesters)

Paul.P (@guest_842105)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonny

Quite. The continentals are more used to dealing with these situations. The French have the CRS for example. I’m not sure on which planet it is acceptable to assault or throw bricks at a policeman or set alight to cars and buildings. The gloves need to come off.

Last edited 1 month ago by Paul.P
Paul T
Paul T (@guest_842109)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonny

Peaceful Protesters have been met with Police in Riot Gear 🤔.

Jonny (@guest_842110)
1 month ago
Reply to  Paul T

They weren’t getting tear gassed or shot with bullets though were they. Nothing wrong with the police taking precautionary measures.

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_842333)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonny

Depends if you think Baton Charging, Corralling and Kettling, and using Snatch Squads constitutes ‘ precautionary’ measures.

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842359)
1 month ago
Reply to  Paul T

Peaceful? A black man beaten by a mob, an Asian man stabbed at a train station, mosques under siege, checkpoints in Middlesbrough checking for non whites and Muslim graves vandalised. Does that seem peaceful? Maybe GB news isn’t reporting the violence?

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_842511)
1 month ago

Those are the actions of uncontrolled Mob Scum, how can they be blamed on Peaceful Protesters?.

Zac (@guest_844713)
28 days ago

To a hammer, everything is a nail. To a racist, everything is about race.
Opposition to immigration isn’t about race. I don’t think you’ll ever understand that considering how racially preoccupied you seem to be.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842288)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jonny

I’d agree to those measures on rioters.
ALL rioters. As long as it’s administered to all and not just the far right home made yobs.
But he careful, there are legitimate protesters too.
I recall the police did get hold of water cannon several years ago but they were never deployed?

klonkie (@guest_842303)
1 month ago

Hi Daniele

Interestingly, the media appear to have made no visible attempt to present the view of the peaceful demonstrators. Naturally, the instinctive response is to gravitate to cover the violence – its news and needs to be reported, I get that .

I’ve been following the BBC World news and have yet to witness any engagement with the peaceful elements of the demonstration. I am concerned theses folk will be tarred with the same brush as the thugs .

Come on BBC, do your job properly!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842308)
1 month ago
Reply to  klonkie

Course they will mate! It’s by design.
BBC? Impartial?
Not for years and years.

Zac (@guest_844709)
28 days ago
Reply to  Jonny

Yep, shove ’em in the gulag!. All praise the great leader.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842285)
1 month ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Interestingly, the MoD police also have such a unit, split between North/South. it moves to where it’s needed.

Paul.P (@guest_842407)
1 month ago

Maybe that’s where they got the idea. Or maybe from King Alfred and the Viking raids – first thing you do when you are under attack in multiple locations is create a signalling system and pool local forces into a mobile national force. Fact is everybody and his uncle are trying to bring us down: Putin, Elon Musk, Tommy Robinson, JD Vance, Xi Jinping, Islamists; a pack of hyenas who fancy moving in for the kill and a meal at our expense. India’s Modi is sitting on the sidelines salivating, like a cowardly vulture waiting for the pickings. We are… Read more »

Zac (@guest_844708)
28 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Stazi-Starmer living down to his name.

Paul.P (@guest_844729)
28 days ago
Reply to  Zac

Better watch your step then 🙂

Jacko (@guest_842135)
1 month ago
Reply to  Paul.P

TBF that’s not really a rare occurrence here,there is always something or other either side kicks off on! It’s usually squashed pretty quickly so the police have had plenty of practice hence a fleet of armoured land rovers spread around the province for a quick reaction.

Last edited 1 month ago by Jacko
Paul.P (@guest_842137)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jacko

Quite. NI police spokesman mentioned involvement of para military groups. No change there then.

Zac (@guest_844707)
28 days ago
Reply to  Jonny

By that logic you must believe cattle to be genius.

Zac (@guest_844706)
28 days ago
Reply to  Jacko

I’m not sure parrots are aware of the concept of thought. They just regurgitate stimulus. There’s no comprehension.

Zac (@guest_844704)
28 days ago
Reply to  Jonny

LOL … you’re hardly in a position to be the arbiter of gullibility with reasoning like that.

The bots, the bots. They’re under your bed.

Jonny (@guest_844712)
28 days ago
Reply to  Zac

Would you like to see reliable sourcing explaining where these bot farms come from, who they support, and who is supporting them? It is widely acknowledged by various intelligence agencies…

John (@guest_842010)
1 month ago

I can only speak for myself. My trust in “media” is none existent. Gaslighting is the norm. My faith in politicians? I would be banned for expressing my views. Speaking to my peer group? We all have similar feelings. From uncontrolled immigration to lack of objective and trustworthy reporting of anything. Blair started it for many by giving the PIRA a get out of gaol card, then pursuing men in their 70’s as a sop to Sinn Fein. Blair then involved us in unneeded wars. We had a Tory government made up a serial liars. Now we have another failed… Read more »

Jacko (@guest_842015)
1 month ago
Reply to  John

I’m not on social media (Facebook,X TikTok etc)it’s a cesspit!but even without it I have very much the same views as you made with my own observations👍
The trouble is there is no debating the issues,I might not agree with things that are said but then I don’t jump on saying it’s my way or the highway with tons of abuse and insults!

John (@guest_842041)
1 month ago
Reply to  Jacko

Its FB only for me, family all over the world see. And a few good groups. Being disciplined about its use is the key for me. Avoids the bearpit.

klonkie (@guest_842306)
1 month ago
Reply to  John

that’s a great summary John – well presented!

Paul.P (@guest_842017)
1 month ago

Social media and fake news;
G. K. Chesterton once remarked that, contrary to the popular supposition, when men cease to believe in God they do not then believe in nothing, but in anything. 😉

English Brigadier
English Brigadier (@guest_842036)
1 month ago

The RAF has placed a number of Chinooks on standby to transport police units around the country

Paul.P (@guest_842067)
1 month ago


Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_842076)
1 month ago

‘When liberals call people who worry about borders fascists, then people will elect fascists to do the jobs liberals won’t do’. David Frum

Highly simplified ideas about the motives and psychology of rioters abound. I suggest it takes more than tweets to get people on the streets.

Neither I nor any other sensible person supports riots. That does not give us licence to ignore the underlying causes and impacts on marginalised regions and districts of policies no one ever voted for.

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842226)
1 month ago
Reply to  Barry Larking

Do you condemn the attacks on police, people and property?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842291)
1 month ago

I agree with Barry. And I will happily condemn all attacks on police, and the wanton vandalism. I’d also like to see groups of Muslims wandering the streets attacking people handled similarly. Plenty of footage on Twitter. Are they? Not sure. Does the media cover that? They didn’t seem to till yesterday when sky news reporters fled from a suburb of Birmingham when an immigrant mob started harrasing them. Do you condemn them too, SD? These far right wing agitators are harming a cause many care deeply about, including me. Reducing unlimited mass immigration to a sensible level the country… Read more »

Simon (@guest_842328)
1 month ago

Strangely enough the bit about a gang of Muslims boys throwing eggs and attacking the police was on the BBC news at 10 yesterday.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842343)
1 month ago
Reply to  Simon


Paul T
Paul T (@guest_842339)
1 month ago

Did you know that in some instances, when protests get a bit physical the agitators have turned out to be Undercover Police?.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842344)
1 month ago
Reply to  Paul T

No. Had not read that.

D.Roberts (@guest_843644)
1 month ago
Reply to  Paul T

Agent provocateur. I’ve seen them in action

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842361)
1 month ago

Of course I condemn all unlawful acts and wanton violence and distraction. That’s horrible and any non citizens that break our laws should be kicked out. In this instance the vast majority is being perpetuated by far right thugs. Do you condemn the fact that a black man was beaten by a mob, an Asian man stabbed at a train station, the mosques that are under siege and Muslim graves vandalised? Oh and of course the checkpoints in Middlesbrough looking for non whites. The vast majority of legal migrants want a peaceful life and contribute to society. When was the… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842451)
1 month ago

I do condemn, sure. Its desperate. Kicked out isn’t a term being used in this conversation. The thugs on SM will call for it but mass deportations don’t happen in civilised society. What is being called for here by many, including Farage, is a REDUCTION in those incoming. It was a big partof the Brexit vote, and it’s not been honoured. A big difference between the two. Of course most migrants want a peaceful life and contribute. The issue is whether they INTEGRATE and the NUMBER! Are those coming illegally contributing? There has never been a full count of how… Read more »

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_842381)
1 month ago

Thank you.

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_842380)
1 month ago

When did you stop beating your wife?

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842444)
1 month ago
Reply to  Barry Larking

When did you stop avoiding questions? I think it’s a fair assumption you don’t condemn the attacks on innocent people and children?

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_842863)
1 month ago

Neither I nor any other sensible person supports riots.’ – me 48 hours ago on UKDJ.

Specsavers or the N.H.S. can provide you with support. This exchange is now closed.

Mark (@guest_843168)
1 month ago
Reply to  Barry Larking


Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_842094)
1 month ago

If we remember the riots of 2011 that were triggered by the police shooting of Mark Duggan. It was rapidly distorted into a race issue rather than promoting the fact that the Police were trying to arrest a man who had a history of violence and was highly likely to be carrying a firearm at the time of the incident. Again the underlying tension with this week’s disturbance appears to be racially motivated. Social media amplifies and distorts information, takes away common sense facts, and replaces them with disinformation and controversies. There are many factors at work, but the import… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Bringer of Facts
Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842227)
1 month ago

A good way to not be accused of racism is to not be racist. And I’m not meaning being politically incorrect or expressing opinions on immigration. I’m talking about attacking people and property based purely on their race.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842292)
1 month ago

Yes, spot on.

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_842450)
1 month ago

Apparently, I can be a racist these days by minding my own business because “White silence is Violence” according to the left.

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842604)
1 month ago

That’s weird, those people being charged seem to have been accused of violence and destruction of property. I must have missed the news about white people being charged with silence. I’m sure you’re able to provide proof to support what you’re claiming?

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_842865)
1 month ago

I did not claim anyone was arrested for anything in my last post, so why did you say that ?

But if you Google the phrase “White silence is Violence” you will see it is a Narrative that has been pushed around on social media a lot. You can even get T-shirts with this meme.

To put this discussion in context: In my posts to this thread, I am talking about how social media stirs up anger and polarises people to hard extremes.

Last edited 1 month ago by Bringer of Facts
Robert (@guest_842108)
1 month ago

I get all my fake info from @Keir_Starmer

Jacko (@guest_842128)
1 month ago

Look no further than X for fake news!WTF has Musk got to do and say with what’s happening here!? This is a man who supports pootin to the hilt and yet here he is preaching morals to us🤬

Enoch (@guest_842200)
1 month ago

These riots were caused by sucessive governments not listening to the public on mass uncontrolled immigration. For 30 years we have said we wanted it reduced drastically and we even voted to leave the EU because of it. If we don’t know who is coming in then we will get the wrong sort of people arriving, and thats when a whole generation of school girls get raped in Rotherham and three dead little girls in Southport. Kier keeps blaming the far right but this falls straight back into his lap.

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842241)
1 month ago
Reply to  Enoch

They’re far right anti British thugs who have been targeting Muslims even though they had absolutely nothing to do with Southport

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842301)
1 month ago

Yep. They are. And despite that, what Enoch days is essentially correct on what has led to this.

Micki (@guest_842201)
1 month ago

We are still waiting for a statement of conviction for the crime against 3 defenseless girls Mr. Stormer, the murderer is British of Rwandan parents, we are still waiting for statements of condemnation of the hundreds of stabbings perpetrated by Browns, oh no, those are stabbings of his friends, right Mr. Stormer? They are going to protect the mosques and the Christian churches ?, no, not those, right, sir. Stormer? Because for you, as for most traitorous European leaders, we white Europeans are your enemies, right, Mr. Stormer?

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842232)
1 month ago
Reply to  Micki

So one wrong justifies another? What about all the children who are terrified that they’re going to be attacked because of the colour of their skin? Is that right?

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_842337)
1 month ago

Who on Earth is threatening to attack Children of colour?.

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842409)
1 month ago
Reply to  Paul T

A young boy has been left with minor facial injuries after an attack in west Belfast which police are treating as a hate crime

Jacko (@guest_842416)
1 month ago

Well this is something different east and west Belfast kicking off together with the same agenda!(immigration it would seem)
Para military involvement or not I would suggest that if both sides of the divide are rioting over the same issue there is a bigger problem than it just being ‘far right’ thugs!

Zac (@guest_844718)
28 days ago
Reply to  Jacko


Zac (@guest_844717)
28 days ago

So he gets special consideration because of his race. The entire concept of hate crime needs binning. Its innately racist.

Micki (@guest_842404)
1 month ago

Who says that these children has to be atacked sir ? Not me.

Zac (@guest_844719)
28 days ago
Reply to  Micki

He’s just playing the ‘what about the children’ card. He’s full of stale tricks this one.

Micki (@guest_842405)
1 month ago

Do you have anything to say about the brutal murder of 3 little girls by a British man of Rwandan parents? Why are some people keeping quiet about this brutal act?

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_842413)
1 month ago
Reply to  Micki

Of course that’s an utterly disgusting crime should rightly be condemned. But that was perpetuated by one individual. Are you saying that justifies the systematic attacking of people and property of ethnic minorities? And no one is keeping quiet about that attack. If the riots and hate crimes weren’t happening, the senseless crimes in Southport would be front and centre of people’s thoughts. But what has the boy in Belfast or the mosques elsewhere got to do with what happened in Southport? Would you like to be targeted just because someone from your ethnic group committed a crime? That’s not… Read more »

Zac (@guest_844720)
28 days ago


Zac (@guest_844722)
28 days ago
Reply to  Micki

I do. My thoughts were ‘not again’. And I’m expecting it to happen again in the future. I think we all are as this was not an isolated incident like the pro-migrant crowd are minimising it to be. There is an established pattern of large scale child abuse directly resulting from the UK Government’s policy of unlimited large scale immigration.

Last edited 28 days ago by Zac
Zac (@guest_844716)
28 days ago

Its no more or less wrong or right than attacking children regardless of what race they happen to be. He wasn’t attacked because of his race, he was attacked because he was a migrant. Which is to be expected when a government imposes mass immigration on a native population. That is the actual racism here. Alienating a native population in its own society through mass immigration. So if you’re going to oppose racism, oppose ALL of it, otherwise you’re just a hypocrite.

Lonpfrb (@guest_842204)
1 month ago

Thanks George for an interesting opinion piece.

Please can you help to empower us in misinformation detection by describing the tools used to quantify the “high-frequency posting pattern”?

I favour the tool to assess the factuality and bias of mainstream media sites.

John Taylor
John Taylor (@guest_842411)
1 month ago

Just remember everyone sees themselves as the hero not the villain so they will see their actions as justified. It’s easy to manipulate desperate people I saw it all the when I worked in Pensions as we dealt with victims of pension liberation scams, tell people what they want to hear, they ignore all the warnings we gave them that they are being scammed and still they fall for it and lose their money.There is too much distortion of the facts on immigration and on a great deal of subjects thanks to social medias ability to spread misinformation and people… Read more »

Lonpfrb (@guest_843756)
1 month ago
Reply to  John Taylor

Presumably BBC would evidence balance with equal complaints from left and right. You’d expect a diligent and quantitive approach from a publicly funded organisation.

Micki (@guest_842491)
1 month ago

Starmer must resign now.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842576)
1 month ago
Reply to  Micki

And we replaced by who? Someone from the far left???!

Micki (@guest_842713)
1 month ago

replaced by a person who does not betray his own people and who is neutral, not anti-white indigenous.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_842721)
1 month ago
Reply to  Micki

Yes, but that is exactly how many of us Brits see parts of the Labour party!
Starmer is seen as a centrist.

Micki (@guest_842771)
1 month ago

Centrist ? he seems to be an endophobic anti White.

I,ve seen videos of Black or hindi people blaning himfor not protecting the country of arab /pakistani gangs

Last edited 1 month ago by Micki
Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne (@guest_843722)
1 month ago

I have vowed to never post again on this journal because of the state police does not allow differing views from the official narrative lest you get your shoulder tapped by the authorities. However, I’m still reading some of the defence journal articles. It seems to me this article stands out like a sore thumb (nothing to do with defence and more to do with politics and homeland security). Perhaps this is article from the official government narrative about having the right thoughts… George Orwell in 1984 could have predicted the UK he just got the wrong date and should… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_843726)
1 month ago
Reply to  Andrew Thorne

Fascinating detailed post mate. Narrative of the MSM? I have asked here before how come, when I go on to Google and type “news” or even on Yahoo news, most articles by default are from the Independent, Guardian, BBC. A left leaning narrative. Now why is that? Predictably, yawning silence in reply here. The current BBC narrative is emphasis on the counter protests with “Refugees welcome” signs in neon lights highlighted at every opportunity. One. Of course genuine refugees are welcome. But most aren’t are they, they’re economic migrants, including those who enter illegally. And nobody has a say and… Read more »

Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne (@guest_843746)
1 month ago

The Saudi’s own $584 Billion of foreign currency reserves and this doesn’t include overseas government debt. The Qatari’s, Kuwaiti’s and UAE also have large foreign currency reserves. Ask yourself how many places of worship are in London in prime real estate. Look at the the rate of unemployment in certain demographics and ask how do they afford to purchase prime real estate? Ask yourself the question why our government has implemented two tier policing with self-policing of certain communities as stated by a police spokesman recently. Ask yourself why the Conservatives never dealt with illegal and legal migration. Ask yourself… Read more »

Zac (@guest_844726)
28 days ago
Reply to  Andrew Thorne


Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne (@guest_843755)
1 month ago

Read this article Daniele from the Huffington Post:

Makes you really think and ponder that the Saudi propaganda spending is bigger than the Soviet Union as its height…

Zac (@guest_844724)
28 days ago
Reply to  Andrew Thorne

Wow!. Its exceedingly rare that the Islamic Lobby is reported on.

Paul.P (@guest_843912)
30 days ago

The BBC does balanced reporting. Flat Earthers get the same time to promote their cause as everyone else 🙂

Zac (@guest_844725)
28 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

LOL … that was funny. Balanced reporting, lol. Good one.

ChrisLondon (@guest_843979)
30 days ago
Reply to  Andrew Thorne

Before anyone takes your post too seriously may I point out that the last eleven months have seen seven calls for a military coup if Labour won the election. Two were from you?
Now you pretend to care about our constitutional rights? Did you stand for Reform by any chance?

Zac (@guest_844727)
28 days ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

When law makers are so corrupt they’re destroying the nation they govern they mean nothing anyway. In fact, they need to be fought against for the good of society.

Zac (@guest_844723)
28 days ago

Is the Liz Truss lettuce still around?.

MattW (@guest_842846)
1 month ago

This is a very good piece, George.


Micki (@guest_843191)
1 month ago

I can see the freedom.of speech is non existent in the UK unless you are muslim of course.

Of course I know this coments will not be published.

Allah Hakbar !!!

Expat (@guest_843216)
1 month ago

I think trust of the main stream media is self inflicted. For instance I know before I read an article from the express or guardian it’s going to be biases with an agenda. Those who are looking to confirm there own biases flock to some of these mainstream outlets ignoring others, pushing people into their own bubbles and what’s worse is they unawares it’s happening to them. SM then doubles down on this.

DH (@guest_843421)
1 month ago
Reply to  Expat

Is it possible to have an internal preemptive nuclear strike,?? 😳 Ahh wait, no, that’s AF….. Sorry. 🙃🕳️Btth.

George (@guest_843446)
1 month ago

Spotting and negotiating the Two Tier policing and justice system, would be more beneficial.

Paul.P (@guest_843910)
30 days ago

I see that the secretary of state for education is planning to include skills in how to spot fake news in the review of the school curriculum; together with more arts, music and sport. Will the children be taught how to interpret VAR?

Zac (@guest_844663)
28 days ago

I completely agree with this article as it is completely without any kind of bias whatsoever. When people riot they should do so with accurate and reliable information from trustworthy sources addressing approved topics and sanctioned opinions. Then we can move onto not talking about them at all and pretend they’re not happening. All praise British journalism. The finest money can buy.

Micki (@guest_844675)
28 days ago

Islam is the future, especially in the UK, mr Starmer is the best example