845 Naval Air Squadron Merlin helicopter crews have been “practising their gunnery on a weeks visit to Tain Air Weapons Range in Scotland.”

The brief social media update, accompanied by the hashtags #MerlinMonday, #Junglies, and #FlyNavy, reflects a routine training exercise to maintain operational readiness.

Such drills are a common part of squadron activities, ensuring that aircrew remain proficient in weapon handling and tactical procedures, you can read more about 845 NAS here.

The Royal Navy’s Merlin MK4 helicopters recently achieved Full Operating Capability (FOC), marking a major milestone in their ability to support global maritime operations and amphibious missions.

Under the £399 million Merlin Life Sustainment Programme (MLSP), 25 AW101 Commando Merlins have been upgraded from the MK3/3a variants to the fully “ship optimised” MK4/4a standard, with new mission planning systems, synthetic training tools, and critical structural upgrades.

These modifications ensure the helicopters can deploy aboard a range of Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels, providing air manoeuvre support to 3 Commando Brigade and playing a crucial role in littoral strike operations.

Key upgrades include a new folding main rotor head and tail, allowing the aircraft to be efficiently stored and operated from ships, improved defensive aid suites, and an enhanced avionics suite aligned with the Merlin MK2 variant to extend operational life until 2030. The improvements also deliver higher commonality across the fleet, creating efficiencies in maintenance, training, and supply chains.

The synthetic training equipment, now co-located at RNAS Yeovilton, includes augmented reality-based pilot and crew trainers, offering cutting-edge mission training for new and experienced aircrew.

Developed by Leonardo in collaboration with Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) and the Royal Navy, the upgraded Commando Merlin fleet strengthens the UK’s amphibious capability.

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George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison