Figures unearthed by Deidre Brock, MP for Edinburgh North and Leith, reveal that just over 6,000 people are directly employed at Faslane and Coulport.

The figures came to light after Member of Parliament Deidre Brock asked a series of questions relating to employment at HMNB Clyde.

Deidre Brock, MP for Edinburgh North and Leith, asked via a Parliamentary written question:

“To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many and what proportion of uniformed Royal Navy personnel based at (a) Faslane and (b) Coulport are Scottish taxpayers.”

James Heappey MP, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Ministry of Defence, responded:

“At 1 January 2021, 3,624 uniformed Royal Navy Service personnel were stationed at locations in Argyll and Bute, comprising the Faslane and Coulport sites. Of these, 1,393 personnel were Scottish taxpayers, which translates to 38.4% of the total.”

Brock also asked:

“To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many and what proportion of civilian employees who are not contractors based at (a) Faslane and (b) Coulport are Scottish taxpayers.”

Heappey responded:

“At 31 December 2020, 1,015 civilian employees who are not contractors were employed at Faslane. Of these, 925 were Scottish taxpayers, which translates to 91% of the total. At 31 December 2020, 475 civilian employees who are not contractors were employed at Coulport. Of these, 425 were Scottish taxpayers, which translates to 89% of the total.”

Brock also asked:

“To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many and what proportion of uniformed contractors based at (a) Faslane and (b) Coulport are Scottish taxpayers.”

Heappey then responded:

“At 31 December 2020, 535 uniformed contractors were employed at Faslane. Of these, 470 were Scottish taxpayers, which translates to 88% of the total. At 31 December 2020, 419 uniformed contractors were employed at Coulport. Of these, 370 were Scottish taxpayers, which translates to 89% of the total.”

The figures show that of the 6,068 civilian and military personnel working at Faslane and Coulport, 4,583 are Scottish taxpayers.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Richard (@guest_556071)
3 years ago

I understand we have RN personal and civilian employees. Easy to understand what they do.

I’ve never heard of ‘Uniformed Contractors’
What are they doing?
What Uniform do they wear?

Andy P
Andy P (@guest_556155)
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Just a guess Richard but maybe the MOD police ???

Richard (@guest_556157)
3 years ago
Reply to  Andy P

I had not thought of the MOD Police.
I would have called them uniformed civilian employees.
They will be on permanent contracts rather than short term contractors.

There will be many contractors working in engineering, building or projects etc..
Its the uniform bit that’s confusing.
This is just my curious mind.

dan (@guest_556072)
3 years ago

Let Scotland go on it’s own. They will be begging to come back after they lose all the MOD, ect UK business and unemployment skyrockets along with crime.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_556160)
3 years ago
Reply to  dan

No thanks. UK remains as is thank you!

Graham (@guest_556266)
3 years ago

Someone should remind Dan that Scotland already decided to stay in the UK and that all the independence polls still show a majority wish to remain in the UK

james (@guest_556247)
3 years ago
Reply to  dan

Other figures place the employment at 8,000, but then add in billions of pounds on ship building contracts over the next ten years on the Clyde, mass exodus of RAF forces and airborne and fixed assets worth billions, army moves south of the border, a massive shift over time and a change in status of Faslane and the new Scotland will be bankrupt and austerity will last a generation, and they still have to pay of their debt top the rest of the UK when they leave.

Jimmy (@guest_556099)
3 years ago

It’s been known for years the employment in that area we now have the Green Party saying to do away with all the oil and gas jobs how many people are employed in these industries and they are talking nonsense saying they will get jobs in the wind etc industry the Scottish Government couldn’t get jobs for Bifab workers but H&W could the politicians talk the talk but the Business/Employers actually get the jobs

David Flandry
David Flandry (@guest_556115)
3 years ago

If Scotland were to go “independent”, every last one of those 6000 should be let go, or transferred to other locations.

Billythefish (@guest_556117)
3 years ago

I am not sure it is helpful to further drive wedges between UK nationals by attempting to make a difference between ”Scottish” taxpayers and others. After all, as we all are quite aware, everyone in the UK is a Scottish/Welsh/English/Northern Irish tax payer thanks to the Barnett formula and our joint UK treasury. It is even more confusing for foreign countries having to deal with the UK when we have efforts by the UK and Scottish Governments to pretend Scotland is a ”nation state” rather than a region of the UK (sorry but it’s a fact). I remember arriving at… Read more »

The Big Man
The Big Man (@guest_556138)
3 years ago
Reply to  Billythefish

I think the tax payer logic is it enables quick and easy identification of how many of the workforce are Scottish. It simply enables an efficient data mine.

Mac (@guest_556124)
3 years ago

No pun intended but the rUK should use the ‘nuclear option’ if necessary and just annex the Faslane base in its entirety until there is a new base ready for the Trident boats, on the grounds of nuclear security and securing the warhead storage facility.

..Apart from throwing their toys out the pram, there isn’t anything the SNP & its goon squad support base would be able to do about it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mac
James Addison
James Addison (@guest_676566)
1 year ago
Reply to  Mac

Your suggestion is on par with the Anglo-French-Isreali debacle over the “annexing” of the Suez canal.The USA will force you (leftover UK) o back off. There is no way they(USA)would allow there missiles to be based in unwelcoming territory. How embarrassing for leftover UK