Global Britain – A New Vision?
Since Prime Minister Theresa May and then-Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson announced in 2016 a new Global Britain approach to the United Kingdom's position on the world stage, much speculation has been cast concerning precisely what this approach entails.
Gavin Williamson lays out defence plans for a ‘Global Britain’
The Defence Secretary today outlined his vision for the Armed Forces of a 'Global Britain' during a speech at the Royal United Services Institute. He said the UK must be ready "to use hard power" and not "walk on by when others are in need".
Mental health related discharges triple in British Army
The number of British Army personnel discharged due to depression has tripled in the past 6 years, figures show.
China and the next Space Race
In 2003, China sent its first astronauts into orbit around the earth. The space race is on again.
UK should establish military presence in South China Sea says report
The UK should pursue a "Pacific dimension" for the Royal Navy with a permanent facility in the Indo-Pacific region in order to "deter foreign powers from undertaking aggression" in the South China Sea, according to a new report.
Is increased UK-Japan defence cooperation leading to a new strategic alliance?
At a time of reduced certainty surrounding the security of both the UK and in particular Japan, it is towards new bilateral relations which these two island states look in order to maximise their respective geocapabilities.
Paradise in Debt – China and ‘debt trap diplomacy’
Fiji for most is a tropical paradise where the water is warm and the weather is always idyllic but Fiji, like some of its Pacific Island neighbours, is sitting on a debt crisis that could have significant geopolitical impact for generations to come.
Queen Elizabeth class carriers – A symbol of military power
Aircraft carriers are a symbol of national status, the technical capability required to build them and the resources required to operate them globally aren't reachable for most nations.
Gibraltar and Britain – Guarding the western entrance to the Mediterranean
Gibraltar came under British rule during the War of the Spanish Succession, after many attempts to retake the rock were made, it remained the only British stronghold on mainland Europe.
Why is British Army recruiting in such a bad state?
The new British Army recruiting campaign advertisements have caused a bit of a kerfuffle.