Can the German Navy Be Saved?
In a country where good news stories about the military are few and far between, recent years had been kind to the German Navy.
The UK in Oman – A new support facility for the British Armed Forces
Britain is consolidating a new support facility in the Sultanate of Oman, a historic British ally and partner. Alongside HMS Juffair, the Duqm Port facility is set to enhance Britain’s military capabilities in the Middle East and wider Indian Ocean.
The End of the Battleship: Why Britain needs Aircraft Carriers
The Washington Naval Conference of 1922 can be regarded as the high point of the great steel battleships, the former pride of the world’s navies.
An Essential Alliance: NATO and the nuclear sharing bond
On the surface, NATO Nuclear Sharing arrangements play a negligible role in the security of the independently armed United Kingdom but there's more to it.
Myths and discussion points regarding the Trident nuclear weapons system
The Ministry of Defence have produced a response to what they call common 'myths and misconceptions' surrounding the Trident nuclear weapons system.
IISS Report: Britain missed 2% defence spending target
The International Institute for Strategic Studies claims that Britain spent 1.98 per cent on defence in 2017 — the same figure reported for the previous year.
NATO needs a new Maritime Strategy for its Northern Flank
NATO's naval power offers much potential to deter and – if necessary – help combat Russia.
Analysts recap global defence spending for 2017, eye future growth
The first annual Global Defence Snapshot by Forecast International indicates continued growth in the worldwide market following relatively flat investment over the course of the 2015-2016 period.
What kind of aircraft and how many of them will HMS Queen Elizabeth carry?
HMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest and most powerful warship ever constructed for the Royal Navy, but what will she carry?
What has been spent so far on the Dreadnought class nuclear submarines?
A House of Commons research paper has detailed the spending so far undertaken by the Dreadnought programme.