What threats could the Queen Elizabeth class carriers realistically face?
Experts and Politicians have debated the significance of the Queen Elizabeth class carriers since their inception and people have questioned whether their price is worth paying.
The last few weeks in national security
Troops on the streets, a 24/7 cyber unit and a US style Department of Homeland Security - this has been an interesting couple of weeks for national security in Australia.
Britain in Bahrain – A Permanent British Base in the Persian Gulf
HMS Juffair, Britain's first permanent naval base in the Gulf since 1971, will soon enhance the capabilities of the British forces in the region and receive the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers.
HMS Queen Elizabeth – Culpable or Capable?
Since her departure from Rosyth, HMS Queen Elizabeth has already had shots fired across her bow even before becoming operational.
What is Trident?
Since April 1969 the United Kingdom has operated a continuous at sea nuclear deterrent meaning somewhere in the ocean a British nuclear armed submarine has been on patrol.
Military MRO: Solving the Maintenance Skills Shortage with Augmented Reality
Maintaining sophisticated military equipment across land, sea and air is a difficult enough challenge when the required resources are readily available.
The Military of China 2020+
In 2017 China announced an increase of 7% to its defence budget positioning it again at second place in the world’s top defence spending.
Is Britain really indirectly supplying Islamic State?
A lot has been made of British arms deals with Saudi Arabia being used to arm Islamic State but is that really what's happening?
France: That other power in the Pacific
In March this year it was reported that France would be sending a Mistral Class amphibious assault vessel to the Pacific to carry out exercises with their Japanese counterparts.