Fact Check

Fact Check: How many ships are the Clyde shipyards going to build?

There's a lot of misunderstanding and myth circulating about how many ships the shipyards on the Clyde are expecting to build, but what's the truth?

Despite CND claims, Trident doesn’t run on Windows XP

Some have claimed that the Vanguard class submarines which carry Trident are vulnerable to cyber-attacks in the same way the recently hit NHS is, that is not the case.

Scottish politician continues to foster outrage over ships that can’t be built on the...

Despite multiple corrections, explanations and pointers, some politicians in Scotland are astonishingly stoking outrage over ships that the Clyde can't build, not being built by the Clyde.

‘Carriers with no aircraft’, the myth that refuses to die is still being repeated...

Recently we were alerted to a rather surprising event, an MP on the Defence Select Committee itself repeating the assertion that HMS Queen Elizabeth and her sister ship HMS Prince of Wales, will not have any aircraft.

Scottish First Minister claims support ship work not going to the Clyde is ‘betrayal’,...

The First Minister of Scotland has inexplicably stated that the international tendering for auxiliary vessel contracts is a betrayal for the Clyde, despite the yards having no interest in them, having never been promised them and the fact the vessels couldn't physically fit on the slipway.

The Clyde hasn’t been ‘betrayed’ over new support ships – They’re not even bidding

The Ministry of Defence is to put the order for Royal Fleet Auxiliary support ships out to international tender at the end of this month, this has been met by accusations that the government have somehow "betrayed" the Clyde yards.

MP tweets shocking image of Syria strikes, turns out to be poorly photoshopped fake

Shadow Home Secretary and MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington Diane Abbott has tweeted what at first appears to be a shocking image, a western aircraft carrying out low-level bombing runs in a heavily populated city. The problem? It's a poorly photoshopped image published in a blog years ago.

The curious case of carrier naming outrage

HMS Queen Elizabeth, the only aircraft carrier in the world to have her name subject to claims of conspiracy and collusion against the people of Scotland.

No, Britain is not purchasing the Iron Dome air defence system from Israel

Recent articles from a variety of sources have claimed that Britain is buying the Iron Dome missile defence system from Israel to protect the Falklands, it's not.

Has the Clyde really been betrayed over the Type 31 Frigate or is there...

With the news that BAE don't intend to assemble the Type 31 Frigate on the Clyde, we ask if the yards have really been betrayed or is this a result of a shifting shipbuilding strategy?



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