Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers ‘cannot take the place of specialised amphibious vessels’ say...

Following the initiation of the National Security Capability Review in 2017, reports began emerging that substantial cuts in the Royal Marines and the disposal of both of the Royal Navy’s specialist amphibious assault ships fifteen years early were being considered by the Government as part of the review.

Meet HMS Agincourt, the new Astute class nuclear submarine

HMS Agincourt and her Astute class sisters are the largest, most advanced and most powerful attack submarines ever operated by the Royal Navy, combining world leading sensors, design and weaponry in a versatile vessel.

NATO Ships Complete Romanian Naval Exercise

Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) completed annual Romanian multinational exercise Sea Shield 2018 today in the Black Sea.

Ministry of Defence awards BAE Systems £2.4bn for Royal Navy submarine programmes

BAE Systems has been awarded a £1.5bn contract for delivery of the seventh Astute class submarine and a further £900m for the next phase of the Dreadnought submarine programme.

New nuclear submarine, HMS Agincourt, to be funded

Confirmation of the build of the seventh Astute class nuclear submarine, HMS Agincourt, and a £2.5 billion pounds investment will secure at least 8 thousand jobs at BAE systems in Barrow according to the Defence Secretary.

Typhoons and a Royal Navy Destroyer team up with NATO allies for Romanian naval...

Royal Air Force and Royal Navy personnel have been taking part in a maritime exercise with NATO allies in the Black Sea, led by the Romanian Navy Fleet Command.

HMS Blyth, HMS Ledbury and RFA Cardigan Bay visit Qatar

RFA Cardigan Bay and minehunters HMS Blyth and Ledbury of the UK’s Gulf mine warfare force spent a few days in Qatar this week.

HMS Protector arrives in South Africa following busy summer season in the Antarctic

The Royal Navy’s ice patrol vessel HMS Protector has arrived in Cape Town for maintenance following a busy summer season that has seen it mix scientific research and hydrographic surveying with searching for a missing Argentine submarine and diplomatic visits to several regional allies. 

United States reestablishes Second Fleet to counter Russia

US Navy Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson, announced the establishment of US 2nd Fleet last week.

Information Warrior exercise concludes

The Royal Navy has concluded Information Warrior 2018, a three-week exercise exploring the 'adoption of emerging technologies to secure the information advantage at sea'.



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