Opinion Section

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As a result of reader feedback we have significantly reduced the number of adverts shown on our site, but that means we now need to ask for your help to keep the website running, please donate if you can!

UK ‘not prepared’ to fight ground war in Europe

Britain faces the possibility of being at war in the next five years without the means to wage it argues Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford.


Addressing misinformation in the Scottish Parliament

Statements by Keith Brown MSP in the Scottish Parliament regarding Trident and HMS Prince of Wales contained significant inaccuracies.

UK considering further military options to deliver Gaza aid

The new UK Government has outlined its current role and future considerations for military support in delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Status of new British amphibious ships clarified

"The Royal Navy is currently conducting detailed work on requirements, design, and procurement strategy, informed by early industry engagement."


RAF to trial augmented reality training technology

In practical terms, the pilot will see virtual aircraft through their visor, which may include an adversary fighter aircraft displaying hostile intent.

Britain grows Protector drone fleet

Equipped with advanced equipment and precision strike weapons, Protector will offer critical armed surveillance capabilities and deploy against potential adversaries globally.

Typhoon flies historic display on sustainable fuel

The eight-minute display, piloted by Flight Lieutenant David ‘Turbo’ Turnbull, utilised a 35% blend of sustainable fuel.


Boxer armoured vehicle deliveries progressing as planned

However, challenges posed by broader global supply chain issues could result in potential impacts on the delivery schedule.

UK reaffirms ‘Ironclad commitment’ to Ukraine

"Just a few weeks ago, we met after a Russian missile reduced a children’s hospital in Kyiv to rubble..."

Ajax vehicle to reach initial capability end of next year

The British Army's Ajax armoured vehicle programme is progressing towards achieving Initial Operating Capability (IOC) by December 2025.

International News

Fact Checks

A Russian submarine, Scotland, and an odd conspiracy

A recent BBC Scotland news story about the sighting of a Russian submarine off the west coast of Scotland has sparked a flurry of odd reactions on social media.

The myth that nukes are in Scotland to keep England safe

Misconceptions can often take root and spread quickly, one incorrect claim is that the UK stores all of its nukes in Scotland because they're too dangerous to keep in England. 

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