In this episode, the panel discuss the breakdown of HMS Prince of Wales, incidents involving the Red Arrows, developments in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and more!
This episode features @DefenceGeek and @Osinttechnical with guest @geoallison.
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What is the OSINT Bunker?
The OSINT Bunker is a defence and security-based podcast aimed at expanding people’s knowledge of the geopolitical landscape using open-source intelligence. It fills a niche that most people (most people reading this anyway) have for up-to-date, accurate and balanced information on ongoing conflicts.
What is OSINT? For those who don’t know, OSINT stands for open-source intelligence, which refers to any information gathered from public sources about an organisation, event, individual etc. In practice, that tends to mean information found on the internet, but technically any public information falls into the category of OSINT, whether it’s books or reports in a public library, articles in a newspaper or statements in a press release.
Episodes typically cover the UK and international defence matters.
Come across a couple of maps of the current situation in the Ukraine:
1) East of the country:
2) Kherson
The above came with the following caveat:
NOTE: Indications & Warnings is observing OPSEC in its reports. The positions of UKR tactical units are never revealed. Reportage on RU units and battle status is based on RU Telegram channels and communications intercepts. RU is self reporting order of battle information.
and a few infographics:
3) Balance of power:
3a) Balance of Power explained:
4) Russian Tanks:
5) Ukrainian Tanks:
6) Cost to Russia:
7) Russian losses:
The breakdown of Military assets from here
Maps from here
Helps if you actually add the link for Military assets in the first place it is
Thanks for sharing all of that Farouk. Very interesting to see, even if the numbers aren’t totally accurate, it gives a good impression at the very least.
With all the routes into the city being destroyed, it helps ebb the flow of supplies coming in, but hopefully there’s still a route for the occupiers to flee through. Otherwise if the Russians become trapped, their only options are to fight or surrender… and if they choose to fight, Ukr is going to take some heavy losses getting them out. Best thing would be to force a surrender. But given the time that will take, it might give Russia the chance to counter the counterattack from another angle. Hopefully Ukr can force a route… and hopefully that trickle will become a flood, allowing momentum to assist the Ukrainians. Saying that though, if Ukr push too far too quickly, they may be too far from supplies lines themselves.
Edge of the seat watching the reports coming in.
Top job cheers!