In this episode, the panel discuss Russia’s mobilisation and Belarus’ tricky situation around Ukraine, the developing use of unmanned aerial vehicles, the Nord Stream pipeline incidents, threats and risks surrounding nuclear war and more!
This episode features @Osinttechnical with guests @The_IntelHub and @CasusBelli.
You can listen here or find the podcast on most audio streaming platforms, including Spotify and TuneIn. We’ve also included a link to all the episodes on this page if that’s easier for you.
What is the OSINT Bunker?
The OSINT Bunker is a defence and security-based podcast aimed at expanding people’s knowledge of the geopolitical landscape using open-source intelligence. It fills a niche that most people (most people reading this anyway) have for up-to-date, accurate and balanced information on ongoing conflicts.
What is OSINT? For those who don’t know, OSINT stands for open-source intelligence, which refers to any information gathered from public sources about an organisation, event, individual etc. In practice, that tends to mean information found on the internet, but technically any public information falls into the category of OSINT, whether it’s books or reports in a public library, articles in a newspaper or statements in a press release.
Episodes typically cover the UK and international defence matters.
Speaking of ground UAV in Ukraine, Milrem Robotics
Obviously not getting as much press as the airborne UAVs
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