The second of the UK’s new supercarriers, HMS Prince of Wales, has passed a significant milestone after two halves of the ship were joined together in a record example of precision engineering.

A specialised hydraulic system was used for the 10-hour operation as 26,500 tonnes of the forward half of the ship joined the 12,000-tonne “superblock”.

The fitting together process is believed to be the biggest ever carried out, the operation involved as little as 3mm in tolerances.


George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Love it, all the advanced engineering and technology that has gone into the building of these carriers, and they still rely on a good old fashioned Plumb bob and a bit of string!! Can’t beat it


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