WATCH: Simulation shows first sailing of HMS Queen Elizabeth from Rosyth


Watch as a simulation shows how the small fleet of tugs will take HMS Queen Queen Elizabeth to sea.

The date that HMS Queen Elizabeth will depart Rosyth for the first time on trials has been discovered.

It’s estimated that HMS Queen Elizabeth will sail between the 21st and 24th of this month. This has not been confirmed by the Aircraft Carrier Alliance. According to a source at Rosyth, the rumour mill supports this:

“Obviously most of us don’t know the exact time as that’ll depend on a multitude of factors but as far as I’m aware from what I’ve been told, Queen Elizabeth will sail in around two weeks.”

Another source tells us that the plan is for the vessel to depart on the 21st at noon and anchor in river. All going well,  the supercarrier will sail under the bridges around 18:00, weather permitting.

The earlier news of the slippage in trials of HMS Queen Elizabeth is no secret, the ship was supposed to sail in Spring. In such complex engineering projects, this type of occurrence isn’t a cause for concern nor is it unusual. HMS Queen Elizabeth, after all, is essentially a prototype and the Ministry of Defence can’t afford to get it wrong.

Tom has spent the last 13 years working in the defence industry, specifically military and commercial shipbuilding. His work has taken him around Europe and the Far East, he is currently based in Scotland.
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chris (@guest_374362)
6 years ago

Is it just me or does the video not work?

Jonny (@guest_374367)
6 years ago
Reply to  chris

me too

Mr J B
Mr J B (@guest_374412)
6 years ago

no not just you- defo not working

laz Ibotson
laz Ibotson (@guest_374441)
6 years ago
