George Allison
Islamic State ammunition factory destroyed by British Typhoon jets
Typhoon jets were once again in action over Syria, taking out teams of snipers and an Islamic State ammunition factory.
Spain to keep Gibraltar out of Brexit talks
Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis has said Spain will not seek to regain sovereignty over Gibraltar in Brexit talks.
Australia purchase 1,952 ALE-70 countermeasures for F-35 fleet in $109m deal
The US State Department has approved the sale of ALE-70 Radio Frequency Countermeasures to Australia for their F-35 fleet.
IN PICTURES: HMS Queen Elizabeth meets USS George H.W. Bush
HMS Queen Elizabeth has met up with the USS George H. W. Bush and her carrier strike group off the coast of Scotland.
UK directs NATO exercise from US carrier in preparation for the arrival of HMS...
More than 60 personnel have been fighting a series of high tempo warfighting challenges as part of a NATO maritime exercise off the coast of Scotland, preparing for the operation of HMS Queen Elizabeth.
Why does HMS Queen Elizabeth have two islands?
HMS Queen Elizabeth and her sister ship are attracting a lot of attention and one of the most common questions is, why does she have two islands?
US bombers conduct patrol in response to North Korea ICBM launch
In response to North Korea's ballistic missile launch, two US Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers joined their counterparts from South Korea and Japan for a patrol.
UK naval forces complete French naval deployment
Royal Navy and Royal Marines personnel have completed their five month deployment aboard the French warship FS Mistral.
US Deputy Defense Secretary and Harriett Baldwin discuss joint issues
US Deputy Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan discussed a variety of issues in a phone call with Harriett Baldwin, Under Secretary of State for Defence Procurement.
Coalition forces continue to ‘degrade Islamic State combat ability’ say officials
Coalition airstrikes continue to target and kill Islamic State leaders and fighters, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials said today.