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Stuart Crawford

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Stuart Crawford was a regular officer in the Royal Tank Regiment for twenty years, retiring in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 1999. Crawford attended both the British and US staff colleges and undertook a Defence Fellowship at Glasgow University. He now works as a political, defence and security consultant and is a regular commentator on military and defence topics in print, broadcast and online media.

Military Struggles with Social Media – An analysis

The military is struggling to adapt to the comparatively recent proliferation of social media.

Transition to Civvy Street in Scotland: A Better Way Forward

A recent, and friendly, email exchange with Scottish Veterans’ Commissioner Charlie Wallace in which I queried some aspects of his last blog of 2019...

An Armed Forces Federation – Representation for the UK Services?

The question of whether the British armed forces should have some sort of statutory and official representative body, somewhat akin to the Police Federation, comes up regularly in debate on military matters.

Arnhem: Ten Days in the Cauldron – The Review

There have been many accounts written on the Battle of Arnhem, let's take a closer look at this one.

Leasing Faslane could generate £1bn a year for an independent Scotland

A defence analyst has claimed that Scotland could generate £1.1 billion a year leasing Faslane.

Islay’s Secret Wartime Visitors

Islay is the furthest south of the islands off the west coast of Scotland.

Strike Brigades – Back to the Future?

Do strike brigades have a whiff of 'designed by committee'?

Why is British Army recruiting in such a bad state?

The new British Army recruiting campaign advertisements have caused a bit of a kerfuffle. 

New rules for Commonwealth recruits – why?

Secretary of State for Defence Gavin Williamson recently announced that rules regulating recruiting personnel from Commonwealth countries into the British armed services are to be relaxed.

Challenger 2, the wrong tank for the British Army?

The UK now fields only 227 main battle tanks, a far cry from the 900 or so strong inventory only a couple of decades ago.