Commandos from 42 Commando recently joined forces with the Commando Helicopter Force (CHF) for an intense training exercise focused on vehicle interdiction drills.

Vehicle interdiction drills are critical for operations where suspect vehicles must be stopped and searched safely and effectively.

This training combined the skills of ground forces with the aerial support of Wildcats equipped with airborne snipers and M3M machine guns, forming a powerful and precise response capability.

“847 NAS have provided vehicle interdiction training for #Commando Forces. This time, the view is from the target vehicle’s perspective! With one #Wildcat #helicopter carrying an airborne Sniper and the other an M3M MG, it makes our combination a force to be reckoned with!”

The exercises, held under the banner of the Commando Helicopter Force, demonstrated the close collaboration between the Royal Navy’s airborne and ground units. The seamless coordination between helicopter crews and Commandos was vital to ensure precision and safety throughout the simulated stops.

The UK Commando Force Operations team highlighted the importance of these rehearsals, tweeting “Recently, Commandos from 42 Cdo @RoyalMarines teamed up with Wildcats and Merlins from the Commando Helicopter Force (CHF) to rehearse vehicle interdiction drills. The close coordination between teams and crews is critical to safely execute the stop & search of suspect vehicles.”

The integration of advanced equipment and specialised skills ensures the Royal Marines and CHF are prepared to tackle complex scenarios, whether in counter-terrorism, combat, or security operations.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Good to see such a useful helicopter in commando airbrigade. Only 18 in service but still respectable

    • 25 transferred from the RAF to the RN. One lost in an accident. This should leave 24 in service. The 18 you mention might be the in-use fleet with the remaining 6 held in reserve?

    • Commando Airbrigade??
      It’s the CHF, Commando Helicopter Force, part of the FAA and JAC, that operates the helis that support the RM
      845, 846, 847 NAS.

    • Had to anyway. LPD’s are a death trap. Even the US are opting for over the horizon. Most gear is landed by Mexeflote and the Bays are not so dissimilar from Fearless and Intrepid except for command facilities.

      • Each can carry 1 LCVP or 1 LCU.
        I believe Fearless and Intrepid, like the Albions, carried 4 of each, and a BARV.
        There is no comparison in capability.
        Unsure how many Mexefloat the Bays or the Sirs carried, assume 2.

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