Feathered wings have touched down on the deck of aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

The aircraft carrier has been joined by a pigeon, they’re not trying to trace the owner.

The vessel is currently conducting carrier sea training with F-35B jets from 617 Squadron.

According to the Royal Navy, the aim is to demonstrate that the jets can successfully defend the aircraft carrier by delivering combat air patrols – launching from the ship to conduct strike missions against a target – and being ready to take off at short notice.

According to a statement:

“After the initial qualification period, 617 Squadron will test their ability to work with Portsmouth-based HMS Queen Elizabeth and Merlin helicopters of Culdrose-based 820 Naval Air Squadron by conducting a number of complex training missions. This is all in preparation for their second embarkation later in the year when the squadron will join the carrier and her task group for a large multinational training exercise with US, European and NATO partners. The Royal Navy is transforming into a force centred around carrier strike – supporting the ships as they conduct carrier strike missions, enforce no-fly zones, deploy Royal Marine Commandos, deliver humanitarian aid, and build international partnerships with our allies.”

HMS Queen Elizabeth will now enter an intense period of flying having just successfully completed four weeks of basic sea training before returning to Portsmouth later this month.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Nice little pigeon, Atleast it’s not dam Seagulls! I’ve been on near daily nest clearing on my roof for weeks now!, And it’s a 4am daily wakeup when the chicks come if not!, Any suggestions?!. Anyway I hope this pigeon finds it’s way back home safely unlike certain nations warships these days.

  2. Good chance to rest for the Pig. I guess QE is in the North Sea? She has rings, so she’s used to this long distance flying lark.

  3. I wonder if the pigeon has the capability to carry sea ceptor……if so, it’ll make up the numbers for the QE’s first CSG deployment.

  4. I can’t believe no-one has made this pun yet: what else could HMS QE’s feathered visitor be but a Carrier Pigeon?


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