A change of command ceremony took place on 27 September in Edinburgh, where Danish Commodore Bo Overgaard handed over leadership of Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) to fellow Danish Commodore Thomas Stig Rasmussen, according to a press release.

This marks the continuation of Denmark’s command of SNMG1, which it assumed from Spain in July 2024.

During his time in command, Commodore Overgaard oversaw SNMG1’s participation in several key operations and exercises. The group was involved in Passing Exercises with Allied and Partner nations, conducted Vigilance Activities, and certified numerous units under its command.

One of the notable exercises under his leadership was Northern Viking, a multinational drill involving forces from Portugal, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Iceland, Norway, Poland, and the United States.

Reflecting on his tenure, Commodore Overgaard expressed gratitude for the opportunity: “The Standing NATO Maritime Groups are delivering important effects at sea every day in the Area of Operations, and based on what I have witnessed from within SNMG1, I have no doubt the ships in the group will continue to make a difference in the northern part of the operational theatre.”

Taking command of SNMG1, Commodore Rasmussen brings extensive experience, having previously served as Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations in Denmark’s Naval Command. He recently completed the UK’s Higher Command and Staff Course and had command of the Royal Danish Navy 2nd Squadron, which oversees Danish frigates, Mine Countermeasure units, and the Fleet Diving Unit.

Speaking at the ceremony, Commodore Rasmussen highlighted the significance of returning to active sea duty: “In your career as a naval officer, you will inevitably assume a variety of different positions, both on land and at sea, and as the years go by, the possibility for active sea duty diminishes. That has also been the case for me. That is why I have been very much looking forward to this moment…where your everyday actions and decisions make a difference.”

SNMG1 is one of NATO’s four Standing Naval Forces, providing rapid-response maritime capabilities across the alliance’s area of responsibility. These groups play a key role in maintaining NATO’s readiness, conducting a wide range of missions, and remaining prepared to respond to emerging threats at any time.

Denmark will continue to command SNMG1 until the Netherlands assumes leadership next year.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. As much as I like and understand the SNF groups I often wonder if they should be increased and strengthend.

    As an example of my thinking we could have a dedicated SNF Strike Group which would be carrier based, the lead destroyer/cruiser and SSN from the nation that has a carrier on duty. With three European carriers, which are the QEs and CdG and two US carriers on a six month rotation. It would work better if France would have two carriers but hay ho. A second carrier group could be on three month workup 7 days notice. Then a second group for ASW/Escort, this group could be built up from all of the Atlantic/North Sea Nations. A third Group could be an Amphibious Assault Group again from the Atlantic/North Sea nations with the lead being from the nation supplying the LHD/LPD. The Baltic and Med could also have their own groups That would give NATO 17-25 major combat groups five on operations five on stanby and 7-15 under national duties or refit.

    Yes that looks like a lot of ships and it is but well within the capability of NATO to achieve. If we look at a SNFSG the lead nation would be responsible for a carrier, command destroyer, SSN and possibly the support ship every 18 months. The SNGASW would be a AAW ship plus three to four ASW ships, this grouping would also be on a six month rotation on a two year cycle.

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